Sorry I haven't posted since 2009 (!) but we've been awfully busy seeing friends and having a New Year's Day brunch. The food disappeared before we could get any photos (sausage and cheese strata, French toast casserole, sparkling Sea Breezes) but I got some nibbles during clean-up and taught all the guests how to play ball.
Today, the weather is a bit brisk for down here - in the mid-40's - but the sun is shining and the sky is bright blue and that means...BEACH WALK!!!!

There were lots of people and doggies down here earlier in the week. I even met a nice Basset boy named Barney (I told him to Google Aunties Martha and Bailey!) and a great pair of Border Collies that let me borrow their Dad's right arm for about an hour. Their two-leggeds were from Scotland so Mom talked about Hogmaney and First Footing with them (we're still waiting for a tall dark haired man to walk through our door bearing gifts...)
Today the beach was wide open and the water was as flat as if it were a lake.

"C'mon already, throw the ball!"

This crab looked a bit frozen. I wonder if he'd met Mrs. Paul or the Gordon Fisherman?

Look! It was so flat today you could see the curve of the earth! Mom has decided that when we go to the beach, I only go by my Southern name of Disregard. She can call "Petey!" all she wants but I don't know who that Yankee dog might be, I do declare!

This tall skinny tree is our landmark for where we turn around on our beach walks. Today we went a bit further...

...because Mom spotted this driftwood and decided to go all artsy-fartsy on me.
Mom, it's just a stick!

I make it a much more interesting photo, don't you think?

Then we saw something that got us both all excited! A PAIR of dolphins frolicking right off shore. Mom keeps telling Clive's NSLM that she spots dolphin down here and finally she had her camera ready to go!!!
Just look how close they were! (Biggify these photos to see them a little better!)

This dolphin is just about to dive. Mom says trying to photograph dolphin is liking taking photos of shooting stars - by the time you've seen them, they're gone.

One last shot before they disappeared in the sunlit water...

See you later dolphins! Swim over to Ireland and wave to my pal Murray, will you please?

Hmmm, looks like my pal Mr. Horseshoe Crab isn't doing so well.

Ahhh, back to the beach club for a nice refreshing drink of clear water (and to wash off my ball).
Can't believe I'm going to be here for two whole months!

Happy New Year everyone— I think 2010 is going to be awesome...
What a pawesome start to khwite a great time ahead fur woo!
Tank woo fur sharing all your pals with us!
Happy New Year to ALL of WOO!
How nice your beach looks and no snow, we are freezing.
AWESOME is right. Have a great time.
pee ess...muzzer insists she sees a doggie face in that driftwood. I dunno. first clouds, now wood. I think the old girl is losing it.
Wow, the beach looks so nice! We would love to live near the beach!
Have fun and Happy New Year! We hope it's a good one!
You got dolphin photos! The NSLM was really excited! We biggified them for him and he's printed them out! You're so lucky - getting to play on a beach with dolphins swimming in the water with you!
He's just gone to bed hoping they might swim all the way over here!
Have a lovely time at the beach and thanks again for taking the photos!
Clive and the NSLM
Sure looks like you are enjoying your time at the beach already. We love our snow but Mom says she wouldn't mind some beach time right about now.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
Hi, Petey!
Happy New Year!
Going to the beach sure is a great way to start the year!
Kisses and hugs
Well Petey it sure looks like a fun time ahead for you! We're on our way back to Arizona (now) so no more snow fo us either. Our mommy got a kick out of your southern name.haha. That should also be Hootie's name! Happy New Year to you!!
BabyRocketDog and Hootie
Happy New Year!! Looks like you are starting yours off having a good time at the beach. SO cool you saw a dolphin!!
Oh wow that beach looks wonderful.
Hope you have a wonderful time away.
Hey there, Petey
HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU and your special Mom! It's great to see you in a warmer climate! (We have something in common!!)
That beach looks magnificent! It's great to be back and catch up with you. Cheers to a wonderful 2010
It looks like you are having a pawsome time!! And the water looks gorgeous. (It's 8 degrees Fahrenheit across the Blue Ridge this morning - BRR!!)
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Hi Petey
Happy New Year - what a great time you are having.
We are enjoying lots of snow in Scotland but our mum is drooling over your beach pics!
Thank you for giving Barney the Basset our number, we hope he will be in touch soon and we can arrange a meet up.
We are still awaiting a tall dark basset stranger to come and four foot us!
Of course we don't know many tall bassets!
Now we have studies that pic of you and dolphin - are you quite sure Petey that the dolphin is not a shark?
Just a thought!
Anyways you look like you are having the best of times so we best go off and make a snowdog in the garden.
Of course we will call him Petey and put a Sherlock Homes hat on him!
love you lots
Aunties Martha & Bailey xxx
Now THAT, Petey, is the only way to spend a winter!
Your new year is off to a fabulous start, Petey! Your beach is just so gorgeous!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Happy new year my friends!
ViVi & AB
Oh for Petey's sake...rub it in...I had to help Mumsie shovel the driveway today...honestly Petey...everytime she tried to move the heavy shovel of snow I HELPED her lift it with my very small teeth but powerful terrier jaws....she started screechin' like a maniac...Lacie, you little &^%$#...PUT THAT SHOVEL are making this so much harder...well,I really thought she was gonna have a heartie attack so I continued yankin' on the shovel UNTIL she took a FULL LOAD of snow and DUMPED IT ON MY LAKIE HEAD. Sheesch...I went in after that.
Thank you Petey for inquiring of my chapstick use...I had a severe allergic reaction...couldn't talk for days...or kiss for that matter...speakin' of which that little love child of whom Scruffy wrote on our blog looks a bit like you around the eyes???!!!
BTW, that was no Flipper in those pix...that was a shark...I watch Nat Geo and I'm very careful, Petey...
Start as you mean to go on bestie. Disregard is a wagging good name for you. But isn't that a bit of a mouthful for Mom to call out? Oh well. Ignore her if she does call that out. Hmm. Ignore. That's a good name too.
I'm thinking about coming over. Frigging freezing here. Hitching a ride on the dolphin after he's been to see Murray.
Wiry love Eric xx
Channy says the horseshoe crab looks like a Jamaican patty, and is making her hungry. bol!
Snuggly Bum Sniggles!
We're hoping that NEXT Christmas we get to go with Moma and our Girl to the beach in Florida. And it won't be in a bag under the seat, or, worse, in a crate in the belly of a plane. It'll be in a car. All 1500 miles of it. Oh well. It'll be worth it.
Moma took beach pictures, but, of course, we weren't in them. So why do you think she even took her camera?
Hope you're still having fun.
Jake and Fergs xxoo
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