Sunday, February 7, 2010

Celebrate Good Times, Oh Yeah!

Celebration #1....Clive wins Best in Show at Mangominster 2010!!! Here is Clive and his NSLM giving the loving cup a big smoocheroo! I'll have you know that the moment I saw Clive's entry photo, I predicted the Clive/NSLM team would take home the title. (Don't ask me about any other predictions - I have no idea what's going on with the Super Bowl or the Oscars!)

Celebration #2- Lacie's turning 3 tomorrow! I must admit, since the Lacie Birthday Parade in da 'Burgh was canceled due to the snowstorm and due to the excitement of MangoMinster, the occasion had slipped my mind.

So I headed to the beach to do some thinking (and possibly some shopping!)...

Ahhh, aren't these seagull footprints sweet?

On second thought, I think they may qualify for a Stains® Award! Oh Joey!!!

Hmmm, now I hear Lacie shrieking to Asta about how much she likes those shoes with the horse-bits on them...

...if she'd like a Horse-Shoe crab?

And she's always yammering on and on about how much she likes Eric Square Dog's Zoomer. Maybe she'd like a vintage Stingray Corvette?

...Unfortunately, all I could afford was a slightly used Stingray....

You know how I've been wishing on a star for my dear friend Max?

...Now I'm going to send him his very own wishing star...wonder when it will wash up on the beaches of South Africa?

Well, having no luck at all on the beach, I headed to the shops and came across these lovely little mirrors. And while they may spell her name a bit differently, let's face it, a mirror is the perfect present for Lacie, right?

But then I imagined her owning it up and seeing this! And let's face it, if she threw this mirror and shattered it, that's 49 dog years of bad luck!

I couldn't risk it. Then I thought some more...poor Lacie is still suffering from her disappointing shut-out at MangoMinster...not to mention all the scandals about her deceiving the judges —even imitating Asta's lilting lisp in her exhaustive battle for the title...

Then there's the whole "honorable mention" Scruffy matter...

Maybe the dear needs to get away....Hawaii? Too sandy for her furs....Tokyo? No adaptor for her omnipresent blender...Brazil? Heck no! She doesn't even tolerate a little hand-stripping....

Then it hit me! The perfect birthday vacation! Romance by the fire? Check! Sleighrides through the quiet countryside? Check! Late night pawagaritas by the hot tub? CHECK!

I immediately booked her a vacation here:

I think she's having a marvelous time! I mean, just look how much fun she was having in the snowdrifts of da' Burgh!

So imagine my delight when I opened the New York Times this morning and found this article about Lacie on her vacation!

You're now 21 in dog years!!!


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...


Scurffy and Stan gasp and snort...

Oh Petey...we wouldn't wanna be in your paws...she's gonna kill you...

She's already tryin' to DATE Norweed or Norwood...

But this?

You better get your terrier engine runnin'...she's gonna SIT on you for surest...

Loved that mirror...good one Petey......

Have you met McGillicutty yet? Ya might wanna stop by his bloggie and warn him...

She's on a tear...

She was even spotted in Joe Stain's back yardie today...

It never pays to mess with the Lacie...


Stan and Scruffman...

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...



Though I'd never considered I will be turning 21...

All those references to the size of my butt...I'm going to be in therapy for years...(Lacie tosses her curls and sniffs...)

Why don't you pop up here to play in the snow...

We have some cliffs in our yardie...

Kisses dear Petey...

Your friend and former girlfriend,


ScrapsofMe said...

It's a good thing you are at the beach and she's snowed in. Maybe by the time the snow melts, she'll be over it.
Be verrwy verrwy careful...

Deborah said...

Happy Birthday Lacie!!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


As I pawed to Eric, I believe some bum might span The Big Pee -

It was khwite the memorable Mango Minster 2010 -

And what to say about your Max words...khan't add to them -

The image speaks fur itself -


Lorenza said...

You have great events to celebrate!
Butt... I can see trouble with your comments about Lacie! Be very careful!
Kisses and hugs

Dexter said...

Petey! I think you are going to need the witness protection program after that post.


Gus said...

OHHHHHH Petey. You are in for it now...

But we loved the blog post.

the magic sleigh said...

Wooooos! hahahahahahah... Oh Petey, she is so gonna kick your little you know what all the way back to NY...
too funny though... have fun in the south, while it lasts....
-Kira The BeaWootiful

Asta said...


Umm, You know that Lacie knows how to get to Souf Cawolina???
be afwaid , be vewy afwaid. I'm not saying she's vindictive ow scawy, but you might have gone a wee bit faw wif youw post this time, hehehe
I simply adowe youw photogwaph of the NSLM and CLIVE and theiw winning cup. You awe witty and bwilliant, but, I do feaw fow youw safety(coming back to NY might be dangewous too..she visits me fwequently , you know)

I'm fweezing my bum off hewe.

Pleez thank Mica fow his incwedibull hospitality..I ate myself into exstasy and had a gweat nap on the owange bed aftew playing wif all youw balls. What a tewwific host
smoochie kisses

Duke said...

Oh boy, Petey! We think you're in deep doodoo, buddy!
pssssssssssst - that was really funny! haha

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Eric said...

HAAAAaaaaaa !! Snort. Guffawf. Hold on. Just got to wipe my peepers. Ahhh. That's better. You outdid yourself pal with that postie.Lacie's going to string you up for that one though. Talking of strings that new MacGillicutty dude. Should we cut him some slack and tell him about the Flakie Lakie? Or leave him dangling on Lacie's string? Naa. I vote for the latter, way more fun.

Wiry love Eric xxx

Fab result for Clive huh? And DOH desrves a medal!

Sophie Brador said...

Why Petey, That was almost romantic. Love your beach art!


Unknown said...

Wow - what a lot of strange things you found on the beach, Petey!

At least there were no jellyfish, though - we find them washed up here and you have to be careful not to step on them coz they can still sting you and there are some very poisonous jellyfish in Australia!

Honey the Great Dane