If you haven't yet visited the new puppies at the Rocky Creek Scotties, please be sure to do so today! The results of their "Name That Puppy" contest have been announced and I'm just pleased as punch to announce that Male Puppy #1 will now be known as:
after my dear friend and wise Highland mentor, Hamish the Westie. Wee Hamish will have big pawprints to fill indeed!
Needless to say, fellow Dogfather Hamish and I are just proud as punch to be "Uncles" to the wee mite.
Needless to say, fellow Dogfather Hamish and I are just proud as punch to be "Uncles" to the wee mite.

This looks perfect - we can argue tartans when wee Hamish is a bit older...

How lovely to have a baby Hamish! And what fine Dogfathers you and Hamish will make.
As for the outfits - well we oohed and aahed over here in Scotland.
Those were just adorable.
We hope the wee dram is put away until baby Hamish is a little older ............
Martha & bailey xxx
You have to love a man in a kilt! Wee Hamish will drive the ladies wild when he grows up!
Hilarious, Petey! What a thoughtful gift giver you are!
And you sure do look handsome in a suit, Uncle Petey...
I think baby Hamish will be adorable in the kilt, and when he is a bit older, he will need his spoons. Y'all are good uncles.
Sally Ann
Congratulations! And very nice kilt! And the wee dram... well, that certainly caught my Mom's interest! On a totally unrelated note, my verification word is 'sucks'. I'll that to you for interpretation! ;-)
*kissey face*
We love the name Hamish - and the wee tartans and the wee dram -- and just about everything you described. You and Hamish will be extraordinary dogfathers!!!
Our wheelie look-alikes are dogfathers -- but so far we have not been granted that singular honor.
Here's to you and to baby Hamish!!
Jake and Just Harry
Hi Petey,
Hamish is really a great name! Congratulations for being a dogfather. The outfits are so cute!
-Frappie, Mocha, Sugar & the Piappies
Hilarious! Those itty-bitty puppy things. Thanks for sharing those.
Yeah, man, I survived! I thank you for all your heads up comments. All were points well taken. I will pee-mail ya soon. Hey, and I'll always keep that plunger around...looks like it might be multi-functional when it comes to me Laciegirl!
OMD this post was hilarious. What appropriate outfits BOL I wish you were my dogfathers!
Hi Petey
Hmm, this new wee Hamish laddie, isn't he grand? (Anyone who might be thinking that I've changed my mind, and and might remember that my first response to seeing a picture of the new Rocky Creek pups was 'aren't they ugly?' is obviously suffering from false memory syndrome!)
But Petey, I must confess to being a bit unfamiliar with puppies, never having had any of my own, so I shall take my lead from you on this Dogfather business.
I do feel you have made an excellent start with the presents. Most suitable. There are few finer whiskies than Macallan (and after all, we don't want him to acquire a taste for Highland Park just yet do we?)
Oh I feel so proud!
Cheers, H.
PS You are quite sure that it really is a Scottie pup, not a baby seal aren't you?
Just checking....
Ahhhh Petey..wonderful christening gifts. Muzzer looked at the wee dram and said "Wow, they've included something for the Mama dog when nursing the pups gets too stressful." You are her hero for being so thoughtful.
Hey Dogfather. Why don't I know these doggies and their puppers? I'll need to run off and sniff them out. Wee Hamish looks nearly as handsome as the old bean himself. And the presents are perfect. I can tell you have inhereted your Mommy's shopping skills and maybe Aunty Karen's taste in tipples! That'll come in useful when they start teething.
Wiry love Eric x
Wee Hamish is so delighted with his baby presents - and right now I think his Mom and Grandmom could use a wee dram! And we know they could about 4 am - who else would start drinking that early in the morning!!
We'll be keeping you pupdated as we go along. The picture of Hamish with his Dogfathers is classic and will go in his babybook (with your permission, of course)
The Rocky Creek Baker's Dozen
Congrats on being Godfather Petey, I casnot think of anyone better for the job than you and Hamish. What a great name for the puppy too!
~lickies, Ludo
You and Hamish awe the pawfect dogfathews and look soo pwoud! Congwatulations. Little Hamish baby suwe does have big shoes to fill but what a gweat dogfathew to emoolate.
Just lovely
smoochie kisses
Wasn't that such a fun contest? We love all the names. Hamish is very fortunate to have you two as uncles. Looks like you have already started to spoil him quite nicely.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
How freakin' khute!
OMD...that is the CUTEST PUPPERS EVER...
And look at him in that week kilt!!
You two dogfathers are as handsome as ever!
Now you can rub that wee dram on his gums...helps with the teething...
And Petey, since you're giving Lakies up for Lent...well, today is FAT TUESDAY...I'll be down before midnight....and your abstinence...
The wee Beast!
Oh my goodness...that is too too funny. My mom said she lived in Scotland for a while and it is quite beautiful there...now which one of the doggies is actually living in Scotland? I have to check out their blog.
AARF Kasha the Dainty Great Dane
Yo...did ya see the Cairn at Westminster whose handler kept showin' him the tennis ball?????
And ya saw that ADORABLE Scottie??
I hope your wifey isn't upset with my visit tonight....
Petey, Thanks for the bracelet and the good wishes...kinda nervous..not sure what to think. My mom says it will be good for me. I've created some confusion though (Lacie's smoothies,you know?)...she is spayed and coming just to be me companion. Check out me new post. Oh, and I'm wearing the bracelet with pride!!!!!
Irish Love,
Hey there, Petey
I can't think of any other name than HAMISH! Man, (I mean Dog) that is cute! You know, whenever we see one of those white Highland terriers we call it a "Hamish".
Congratulations! The outfits are fitting and I just love the contents for that water bowl. (I sampled some of that - remember - on my WORLD TOUR) when I visited the grand lad in Scotland!
Great post!
ps Muzzle nuzzles to you, Petey!
What an adorable post, and congratulations to the dogfathers! Those outfits were so CUTE!!!
Petey, it's been a long time since we saw you! Glad to see you're naming pups and standing up for them!! What an honor. Hamish is one of our favorite names too.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD and Hootie
You guys looook sooo dashing! I hope the wee tyke doesn't dribble. I think you are on the right track with the baby gifties, any little wee scotty man needs strong scottie dogfathers to look up to. After all, Piper will have his hands full with the rest of the pack. Maybe he needs a LARGE portion of the best single malt!
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