Well, just as I suspected, 671-WASH is the phone number for the
Red Rover DOG WASH! I can't say I was too excited when I learned my Spaw treatment was not going to be a relaxing massage but a B-A-T-H.

Red Rover looked so promising when we first got there - I mean, check out this whole wall of delicious goodies...

But no, I was headed for the specially designed dog bath sinks.
First Cathy gently brushed out all my salt-water styled tangles...then she gave me a coat brightening shampoo to bring out my beachy highlights (Mom's going for the same treatment in NYC on Tuesday!)

Then I got a special oatmeal facial mask to make my beard and eyebrows extra-handsome. I asked this chihuahua if she knew where the back door was so I could plan my escape, but she high-tailed it before she'd get scooped up and put into the bath with me.

I got a nice rubdown, then Cathy put cotton in my ears before she turned the dryer on me. Wasn't too crazy about that. Then she switched to a gentle dryer for my face — "We call this 'Riding in the car with our head out the window!'" she said. It was great, I loved that soft breeze ruffling through my now silky locks. I felt like Fabio, posing for the cover of a romance novel!

Needless to say, no more runs on the beach for me until we come back in May. No rolling in squishy dead things on the beach, no dips into the icy water. Oh well. Hopefully there will still be some dirty slush for me to dive into when I get back to NYC on Monday.
I got some super-duper deluxe birthday cards from pals all over the world!
This is my absolute favorite, a hand-made card from
NSLM and Clive! Look! There are SEVEN of me on the card - one for every year.

This card put the biggest smile on my newly bathed face! Especially once I realized Clive had been to the groomer's too.

And who could resist this totally AWESOME card from the
Holy Terriers??? It even made their masthead, which makes me an honorary Holy Terrier. Seeing Lacie leaping out of the waves made me feel better about the end of my beach walks! And would you look at the size of that tennis ball cake? (I wonder why all the frosting has been licked off the side that's away from the camera?)
Eric Square Dog sent a marvelous card detailing the specifications for a Petey Rectangle Dog, but unfortunately, this old computer can't download the file. You'll just have to take my word for it.
And finally, look at this!!! It's my
ROSIE POSEY!!! She's back! She didn't run off with some Highland hound after all. Is there anything lovelier than Rosie reclining in tennis ball flavored icing? I don't think so!

So it looks like this year is going to be LUCKY NUMBER SEVEN after all! Thank you for all your kind birthday wishes!
We're going to be gone for awhile. Mom's got about a 1,000 things to do before we leave Hilton Head for NYC on Monday, then about 5,000 things to do once we get to NYC for her trip to Israel on Thursday. She'll be gone for 9 days and me and Mica will have Ellen and Ben staying with us - Mica gave them RAVE reviews! - while Mom's away. And you know what that means...
"When the Mom's away,
Petey and Mica get treats all day!"
We'll see you soon - "Shalom, y'all!!!"
Don't woo look just handsomely FAB(io)!
I think ScruffMan and BabyStan did a pawesome job - of khourse, their sweet littlebutt sisfur was whining to me BUT we both agreed the icing on the khake looked GRRRRRREAT!
We're furry glad woo had such a special #7!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday Petey. ~AFSS
You look great! Your cards are pawesome too! Happy Birthday!
Tell your Mom to have a safe trip to Israel. That sounds like it will so much fun!
Looking good for age 7! Happy Birthday, and have a safe trip to snowy NYC!! Hope Mom has a nice trip to Israel too!!
Happy Barkday, Petey!!!!!!! You look so great.. are you sure you are celebrating no.7???? NO WAY!!!
Momo & Pinot
Happy, Happy Birthday!
Petey...we are glad that you had a super special birthday. Just think how much fun with year will be, with both of us at the lucky 7
Happy birthday! And you look simply mah-velous, dahlink! And very cool birthday cards!
*kissey face*
We enjoyed your trip to the Spaw. You look so handsome after all that pawpering treatment.
Your bday cards are simply great! Have a safe trip for both you and your mom. We look forward to know more about your adventures in your travels.
-Fudgie, Princess & the Piappies
Happy Birthday, Handsome One!
Don't wowwy
I'm saving plenty of yucky gwey slush just fow you...youw mom will be sooo happy hehehe
smoochie kisses
Sure you look very handsome, Petey!
I know you and Mica will be in good hands while your mom goes to Israel!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Ah Petey, from Beach Bum to New York City Slicker!
Hope your mom turns out as good as you and has a fab time in Israel.
We love you
Martha and Bailey xxx
Your are one handsome birthday boy, Petey!
We hope your mom has a wonderful time in Israel!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Your spa day looks fantastic. And such thoughtful cards from your pals too. Hope you and Mica have fun whilst mom is away.
Happy Birthday Dude! So sorry we are late, Mom plays catch up on the weekend.
Petey! Happy happy birthday my furiend! What fabulous cards you got for your birthday! That cake, yum! (slurp). I hope to see you soon!
We're late getting around today but we hope you're still clean (someone didn't want to take me to the park this morning in case I got muddy)!
You were very good at having your bath and having your photo taken at the same time! I struggle with the groomer although she's actually a very nice lady!
The NSLM has just gone to bed - he loved seeing his photos on your blog again! We showed him Israel in our big atlas so he knows where your Mom is off to on Thursday.
We hope she has a safe trip.
Be good while she is away and don't eat too many treats!!
take care
Clive and the NSLM
Fab cakes Petey. Gonna share 'em?
Happy sevens pal!
Well you are quite the handsome guy, Petey. I wonder if a Spa Day might beautify us as well. We heard Moma making some rumblings about something like that.
We're glad you can bask in the memories of the beach and all the birthday celebrations while your moma travels to Israel. We hope her trip is good. We know your stay in the city will be great. What she doesn't know, won't hurt her! Go find that tennis ball bush and have a blast!
Love ya
Jake and Fergi xxoo
WOW ! Looking handsome before bathe, and super duper handsome after bathe ;) Happy Barkday !
OH Petey...Rosie looks adorable on that cake...was there ever a question bout a highland hound? Do you want me to go over with my camera? I'm now a reporter for SNOOP magazine...but, I'm sure she's as totally in love with you as she was the day you two were married...
Tell you mom to have an amazing trip to Israel...wow...that's gonna be totally incredible!!
Kisses, dear boy...
Oh...I left you a little present on your beach this morning...
A huge long dead horseshoe crab mixed with the stinkiest seaweed ever...I suggest you escape when Mom isn't payin' attention...
Belated Happy Barkday from me Petey!
I will raise a wee dram to youse.
love from Marvin xxxxxxxx
Hi new friends...you guys are adorable! Come visit us
Benny & Lily
A trip to the spa on your birthday!
Who is that on the right on the header ?
Gosh - you're a real "metrosexual dog" aren't you, Petey, with your masks and scrubs and spas and massasges!! :-)
Happy Birthday again!
Honey the Great Dane
You're the tennis king Petey!
What else would you like?
I know I'm bad but I'm back!
I miss you so much, I want to promise that I visit your blog at least once a week and blog more frequently.
I'll come back to see you soon.
(You don't notice that I have been out a long while, do you? (choking back tears! sob sob!)
Love ya lots!
mollie and i want to thank you for attending our event on our bloggy we hope you had a great time celebrating joeys birthday - loves and licks!
Oh Petey! You had a big birthday bath and I missed it all! We are so behind on bloggies these days.
Happy belated barkday!
That cake looks super yummy - and what a show stopper for a cake topper!
Petey, my pal,
How in the heck did I miss your 7th birthday? So sorry! but happy bleated birthday to ya now! Looks like you had a great time.
Your mom's probably back from Israel by now-what a wonderful trip-my Parental Unit would love to go one day.
Talk with you (sooner rather than later)!
Your buddy,
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