Thursday, April 22, 2010

A year later, we miss you Granny...

It's hard to believe, but it's been a year since my Granny (Mom's Mom) left us. We prefer to focus on her life and the fun we had together than her passing.

Here I am the first time I met her! It was Christmas time and we fly down to Hilton Head. I was about 10 months old and it was probably the first time I'd ever been on an airplane. (Mom figures I flew from Kansas to NYC when I was a little puppy.) Granny thought Mom was crazy to get a dog, much less a puppy, because she worked alot and already had two cats. But I won her over and before long, not only was I sleeping on HER bed, but I had almost as many toys at Granny's house as I did in New York!

Granny was very beautiful with the prettiest dark blue eyes and a friendly warm smile. She liked to laugh alot and play games with me. My favorite was when she'd be standing in the kitchen talking on the phone and I'd roll my ball over to her with my nose, then she'd gently kick it back to me. We could roll that ball back and forth forever!

She always wore that gold pinecone on a chain around her neck. It reminded her of Hilton Head and all the pine trees there.

Here's a picture I took of Mom and Granny at the beach. They claim the ocean makes their butts look big, but I think it's a nice photo.

Here we are playing together on the porch. Granny would have been a swell soccer player!

And this is my favorite photo of us, just walking down on the beach on a sunny warm January day.
I'll keep looking for your footprints in the sand, Granny. We miss you and we love you always.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Oh my...

Has it been a year already?

We still rekhall the shokhk that day -

Please give your mom some special Petey love today!

PeeEsWoo: As fur THAT pikh, Lacie khlaims things like that too!

Martha said...

We can hardly believe a year has passed!
Your Granny had the loveliest smile Petey and we know you loved her lots.
You have lots of great happy memories.
We are sending you lots and lots of hugs and kisses today.
Martha, Bailey and Mum xxx

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Your Granny had a lovely, sweet look about her - we know she was a true lady and a sweetheart.

Give your Mom Scottie snoofs for us.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi

Jake of Florida said...

We remember that day when you lost your grammy -- and it doesn't seem as though a whole year has gone by.

The photos are so lovely; the thoughts they evoke so bitter sweet.

Wirey love,

Jake and Just Harry

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What a sweet way to remember your Granny! That is a great pic of your Mom with her. Our Mom wishes she had more photos of herself and her brother with their mom and dad.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

It's lovely to remember your granny so fondly. We're sure you brought many smiles to her heart, Petey!

Asta said...

I can't believe it's been a yeaw aweady since youw Gwannie had to leave, but i know she will nevew leave youw ow youw mom's heawts and all those whose lives she touched.
We wewe honowed and happy to have known hew
I looooove that pictoowe of hew and youw mom on the Beach! I think they look wondewful
smoochie kisses

Koobuss said...

What great memories you have! You were lucky that you got to know her, Petey! She was a lot of fun.

We know how hard this must be on your mom, having been there, too.

Love and lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Koobie and Family

Duke said...

We can't believe that a year has passed already!
We love that picture of your mom and granny together at the beach, Petey! It's a winner!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Ina in Alaska said...

Your Granny was so pretty! I love the closeup picture of her on the beach with her hair blowing in the breeze. We just love the beach and our beach is in Manasquan NJ (Jersey Shore).. a day of remembrance for you of happy days.... xoxo

Clive said...


We're thinking of your Mom today especially and sending lots of hugs across the ocean to her! Murray in particular sends a special kiss.

It doesn't seem a year ...

Look after your Mom today Petey

love from us all
Clive and Murray

houndstooth said...

What sweet memories you have of your granny! I'll bet she's thinking of you today, too!


Gus said...

That was a lovely post about your Grammy. We bet she watches you and your mom every day, but most specially on your beach days.

kisses from here for both of you

gussie n teka

Two French Bulldogs said...

great memories of Granny!
Benny & Lily

Lorenza said...

Thanks for sharing your beautiful post about your Granny.
I can't believe it has been a year...
Take care
Kisses and hugs

WFT Nobby said...

Hi Uncle Petey
What a beautiful Granny you had - thanks for showing us those photos. Gail says we must treasure our Grannies if they are still with us, as you did. Grannies are a soft touch for special treats I hear, so I am looking forward to meeting mine, but Gail says I have to learn my manners before I can visit.
Toodle pip,

Sophie Brador said...

Look at the lovely smile your Grandma had. Just like your mom's. You are so lucky to have had such a great Granny in your life. Give a big hug to your mom.


Maxmom said...

Hey there Jane
I just wanted to say that my thoughts are with you today. This is a lovely tribute to your beautiful mom! I will never forget the story you told me of you and Petey on the beach...after your mom's death. It was a beautiful story. Your mom's memory lives on!

Bocci said...

What a lovely grandmother you had, Petey. What beautiful photos-thanks so much for sharing them!

Your buddy,

Eric said...

Aw Petey, what a lovely post for your Granny. I can tell she was the best, such a wonderful smile - full of fun and laughter and maybe a hint of mischief.Just like your Mom's. Wagging - two special ladies in your life. You are one blessed boy Petey.

Sending you special bestie love n hugs n kisses. Eric xxxxxxi

TwoSpecialWires said...

Petey. You and your moma are so right about cherishing the memories. Thank you for sharing them. We can tell your gramma was one very special lady. We love her smile. She glows with happiness and we can imagine how nice it was to have her treat you real special.

Tell your moma this post meant a lot to us.... and thanks.

Jake and Fergi xxoo