I just found out that my pal in Beaufort, SC,
Lulubelle, has contracted Rocky Mountain Spotted Tick Fever. We're praying that the vet discovered this early enough and that she will have a full recovery! Yikes, ticks are sure wrecking havoc with my pals these days. Our local expert recommends
Advantix, as it kills more types of ticks. However, it is LETHAL to cats, so if you have feline roommates, try Frontline or Advantage. I'm going to wait until I get to Hilton Head for my dose of Advantix so I don't harm Mica.
Once again, let's put the Power of the Paw to work for sweet Lulubelle and Digby.
We are purring for Lulubelle. Thanks for the heads up about Advantix being lethal to cats, we will be sure NOT to use it. ~AFSS
Lulubelle looks like a Keeshond. our Mom used to have Keeshonden. We will howl to heaven for her too. Danged ticks.
We have been following Digby....I just want to cry, the poor guy....such a fighter! We will put Lulubelle in our thoughts and prayers too. Does she have a blog? If so, maybe you could share that with us so we could sent kind words her way....have a great weekend....thanks for letting us know....
Thes little bloodsuckers are so dangerous....Mum has a human friend who is really suffering with Lyme disease, she's in a bad way...and all from a tick bite that was long forgotten :o(
We always use Frontline because of Gus and have recently been reminding people to treat their animals, this is Lyme disease awareness month and we'll be doing a post about it soon.
It's sooooo good to have regular internet back, we just click on something.....and there it is, no waiting, no error messages, it's great!
We've all missed everyone very much, but especially our sweethearts.....time for a romantic reunion?
Lots of love,
Your wee wifey Rosie and her posse xxxxxxxxxx
We are sending some healing prayers (and hugs for her parents) her way!
Oh these horrid ticks seem to be all over the place, making poor doggies and humans sick. The world is full of hazards, I'm learning. I overheard Gail say to someone the other day that "Bertie's self preservation instincts don't seem very well developed yet". Unfair or what, just 'cos I like sticking my nose into absolutely everything!
Anyway, best wishes to our poorly pals.
Toodle pip!
Found you through Maxdog. Now, I am really glads I found ya'll cuz we ain't far from Beaufort. Thank goodness we is on flea stuffs. Our vet changed it to Vectra. He said our last stuff was loosing potency and they won't really prescribe what we was on befores.
Oh...nice to meet ya'll
I get Advantix and #1 makes sure I stay outside until it's all dry. I really hope your friend's infection was caught in time.
Tommy (pretending to be anonymous)
How horrid. Poor Lulubelle,so unfair.Paws crossed and sending her (Digby too ) tons af wirey zen. Those nasty ticks. I had one on the inner rim of my upper eyelid..ewwwwww... a couple of weeks ago despite being on Frontline.Yuck.
Wiry love
Eric x
Our paws are crossed for Lulubelle! Ticks are bad news! That's how I got my kidney disease!
Love ya lots,
Maggie & Mitch
Paws crossed for Lulubelle and continued good thoughts for Digby. Those ticks are evil.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
All our paws are crossed for your friend
Benny & Lily
Lulubelle is too pretty to be sikhk -
Paws khrossed fur her -
with LOTS of Sibe Vibes!
This awful epidemic of ticks feels like a canine terrorism. We had a minor episode several years ago when a hurricane whipped them around -- and it's a dreadful experience.
Our hearts are with Digby, and now Lulubelle and every other creature affected.
Be careful when you're out and about in South Carolina!!!
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
Ha...half of my family graduated from Furman. We live in Easley, it's about 15 min from the campus.
Puddles and mum
Thanks for keeping us updated, Petey!
so happy to hear that Digby has rallied this week-paws are crossed!
Your buddy,
Paws crossed here for Lullubelle and Digby!
Kisses and hugs
Our prayers and thoughts will be with Lulubelle and Digby and all there families and friends...
We'll hold tight...
I use Frontline and I STILL got the tick disease. But it got caught in time. Phew. I am sad to read this. Hope your friend recovers.
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