Well, very early tomorrow morning, me and Mom will be flying down to South Carolina. Gotta make sure the rocking chairs in Harbourtown are all freshly painted and ready to rock...

...need to check my boat for leaks, maybe give it a new coat of paint as well....

...have to make sure the porch is nice and cool, perfect for hanging out on a rainy summer afternoon.....

....have to make some new friends and teach them how to play ball on the beach (ie: throw it fast or I'll jump for it, don't throw it too far out into the ocean)....

...these were some of my BEST (and most adorable) students!

...gotta get my chariot washed and polished, with my special sling in the back seat so I don't bring back the entire beach on my feet...

...you see, there are some STARS coming for vacation in July and I want everything to be just perfect for them!

In fact, they're such bright stars, I gotta wear SHADES!

My posts may be less frequent (and once more, identical photos of me playing on the beach!) but I'll still be checking in regularly!
Oh the beach!!!! We love the beach! Have fun both of you.(I know who the stars are, I know who the stars are!!! I bet anyway. I think they will LOVE it!!
Have fun,fun,fun!
Sunny,Scooter&Jamie(landlocked at the moment ;}
Safe journey Petey. I can tell you have a lot to do getting everything lickety spit. Ship shape too for those VIP's. But hey I bet the *star* VIP's will love you and yours just as you are! Make sure you get yourself a big stock of yellow* balls (wink* need any more Wimbledon ones pal?) ) and I bet you'll have yourself a couple of adorable star student VIP's. Happy times!
Wiry loves and kisses Eric xxx
Beaches are great fun! Have a great time, and you'll have to tell me about that flying thing sometime, as I haven't tried it yet and am kind of wondering about the rumours I've heard... do you get your own seat, or is it a crate, and what is your cabbin bag allowance (I'd need a big bag for all my toys!).
Enjoy your holiday Petey.
Oh Petey it looks like you have lots of plans. We are sure everything will be running smoothly since you will be in charge. You look mighty important with those shades on
Benny & Lily
Oh Petey, you have no idea how the excitment is building up here ...
Every conversation seems to be 'Hilton Head' based ... the NSLM is on a huge countdown - I think if he tells his teacher one more time about his 'summer holidays' she'll put him outside the classroom!
That volcanic ash was back today here and flights were disrupted again ... never have weather forecasts been so keenly followed!
Don't let your Mom do any fussing Petey - we'll just be so happy to be in Hilton Head. I don't think we'll actually believe it until we arrive ....
take care
Clive and the NSLM
Woooos! Have fun at the beach Petey!
and have a safe and happy trip.I will be jealous!
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
It looks like you have a lot to get ready! I'm sure it will all be worth it when Clive gets there, though!
Petey and staff,
Thank you so much for your kind words of comfort on our bloggie. Even though one doesn't expect our old friends to live forever, it somehow comes as a painfull surprise. The Puffy sized ache in our hearts is being filled with the kindness of others who understand.
Thanks so much,
Pam, Bonnie and the Mr.
peesess..have fun at the beach and catch some t-balls for me! B.
We know who your special stars will be too - you are all going to have so much fun. They will just love your place.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Sigh, you make me want to move there!
Beach, Beach, Beach...I have never been to the beach, but muzzer goes on and on about it, so I think I would love it. Keep those pictures coming so we can have a vicarious vacation.
Safe travels!
Please wave as woo fly ovFUR Pawsylvania!
Lucky you!
I know you much you like to be there in the beach!
Have fun!
Kisses and hugs
That looks like SO MUCH FUN!!!! I've never been to the beach, but you are making it look VERY EXCITING!!!
*kissey face*
-Fiona (and Abby, the Pest)
Hey Uncle Petey, you've got you OWN BOAT! So that means you can sail across the ocean and come and visit, right? I mean, I'm sure you'll get bored of that lovely beach, and all those places to explore, and dogs to play with and little students to teach. And balls to chase, and rocking chairs to relax in. And....
Oh well, may be you won't get bored.
But if you do, just head across the pond, over the top of Scotland, turn right (sorry I mean starboard) and I'll be down at Aberdeen harbour to greet you, and we could drink a wee dram in memory of absent friends?
Toodle pip!
PS You wouldn't need those sunglasses in Scotland..
Have a great trip down and fun with all the preparations. We can understand how you would want everything to be perfect for such terribly important guests!
You are going to have the best time, Petey! We hope you make lots of new friends!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
ooh. Stars!!!!
Exciting! Have fun at the beach buddy!
Have a safe flight and fun at the beach!! Our Mom is a bit envious - she loves the beach and used to live very close to your beach when she and Dad lived at Beaufort. Our human sissy was born there.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh, Ruairi and Becky
Hey there Petey!
Wishing you a really wonderful time at the beach. I just love those starfishes...like the one you arranged for me...did you see, I am using it as my own personal icon.
Sending lotsaluv to you and your wonderful mom.
Oh no, please keep posting regularly, Petey-you are so adorable.
Besides, I have never been to a beach and need to see lots of pictures!!! Have a great time!
Your buddy,
Petey, Petey...
Are ya there yet??
Oh, I would just love to bury my lovely Lakie face in something Stinky...I'm sure it would work well as a masque...
Keep us posted as to your antics...
And the water temp...so we can experience it vicariously...
Kisses, dear Boy...
Miss Laciegirlie
woo hoo buddy, enjoy the beach!!
Glad you'we having such a fabbews time. 'you awe the owiginal beach bunny boy, and I know you awe excellent at twaining little hooman pups to play wif you, so it should be a gowgeous summew fow you.
I'd come down and join you, but someone seems to have made off wif my Vespa and it's too long a walk to hilton head
smoochie kisses
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