You may (or may not) know that I am lucky enough to split my time between two islands...Manhattan and Hilton Head, SC. Right now I'm being a Southern gentleman/beach bum down on Hilton Head. And while I do enjoy my almost daily excursions to the beach, I thought I'd share with you the place where I spend a good portion of my day.

I have a nice screened porch where I can lounge on the rug, sniff any bugs that wander in, and generally keep my cool under the ceiling fan. I especially like to be out here when it's raining (but NOT when it's thundering!)

The screened porch opens onto a nice long deck. You can see the special gate at one end that Lulubelle's Daddy made just for me. It's so I won't wander off to the nearby lagoon and become "Gator Bait." ("Uh, Mom? Would it kill you to put down the camera and pick up a broom? My deck is getting quite leafy...")

At one end of the deck, I've planted an herb garden, to add some savory flavor to my Wellness Light kibble.

I've hired the Yard Bird to keep watch over my garden and scare away any lizards or squirrels.

Ahhh, now I can relax in the glider under the hibiscus blossoms and contemplate an ice-cold glass of sweet tea...

The waitress around here moves at about the same pace as this turtle! (It's from Lulubelle's Mom's store in Beaufort, when she first opened years ago.)

I also have to attend to my begonia plants. Like me, they like a lot of shade and a nice cool drink.

Now that my deck is all in order, I can get back to the business of playing with my vast collection of tennis balls.

Check out this movie to see me in action. Oh, by the way, did I tell you that when I come down here, I change my name to that old Southern classic...Disregard?
Hi Uncle Petey
Thank you so much for showing me all those nice pictures of your deck. That yard bird is really cool.
Oh and I think you should know I am living proof that the name 'Disregard' is not only suitable for Southern gentlemen...
Toodle pip!
Your affectionate nephew Bertie.
I confess, between the two islands, I think I'd pick the more southern one, myself. The lifestyle looks a little more laid back...
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Pest
Petey, you must have a bit of siberian in you - we would never bring that ball back. But you do have a lovely deck. Mom so wishes we had a screened porch here. It must be so nice to sit out at night and listen to all the cool sounds.
Enjoy your Southern time.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
dear Petey: You are one lucky pup, ya know. And wirey fellas can have Disregard as a middle name too!
(what, who, ME?)
howdy there petey
ish'nt the souff furry much full of the fun times?? butt be careful the squirrels in the souff then to be full of the evil sneakyness so watch ofur your herb garden most carefully
pibble sugars for you
the pittie pack
Okay, you succeeded in making us jealous
Benny & Lily
You are one lucky boy, Petey!
Wow Petey you have a nice porch and it's big enough for you to play ball on! Lucky guy!
Petey you lucky Pup.That's one sooper dooper deck with it's pretty flowers,herbs for enhancing your dinners and enough space for Mom to play ball boy. But the most impressive thingy? The Gator Gate. Thank dog for that. Paws up to Lulubelle's Daddy.
Wiry love Eric xx
Wooos Petey! or Disregard as we should say while woo are down south, or wait a minute..., woo are up south to me!
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Welcome back to the Carolinas - even though we are in North Carolina and on the mountain end of the state.
I also noticed the same thing The OP KS Pakhk did!
Woo are a great Siberian!
I would so love to rest on that porch - sigh!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
Ha! You are hilarious, Petey! And what great pictures-when can my Parental Unit and I come over to visit :-)!
It looks soooooo inviting>
Your buddy,
Hi Petey, we can see y'all having a great time!
The deck looks a lovely place to spend some time chilling.
What happens when the ball falls off?
We really cannot believe your mom doesn't want you playing with the gators!
You are so lucky to be able to spend your time in different places.
love and kisses
Martha and Bailey xxx
We loved looking at you enjoying your deck - you can guess, it made us feel very excited!
That 'gater gate' is a great idea - are there really gaters about? The NSLM would love to see one!
Your herbs look a lot healtier than the ones in our garden - a hard frost the other night didn't help them much here!
take care
Clive and Murray
Good Morning Disregard,
It looks like you're having a great time down south - our Mom loves to see those pictures because she and Dad used to live in Beaufort.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
Petey! You are as cutie pie as ever and I just love the pics of you with your tennis ball. I am happy to see you in that screened in porch, because I don't want you to get eaten by an alligator. That would not do!
Mom is very excited to see you in July.
That is a pawesome deck buddy! Look at all that length to run! And look at all those great herbs, yum. You are one lucky pup.
Yo Disregard...
I like it, Petey...I like that name a lot...better than that Bear-regard bit....
Your deck is bootiful...and we bet the water is warming up every day!!!
Get some pix of you riding in your basket on your bike so we can ride vicariously...
Um, you better come by our bloggie...Lacie's in major trouble with Mumsie...I'm just sayin'...
Hi Petey - I love it when you go to visit your 2nd Southern home - it's always so gorgeous - and I'm so envious! :-) You make the perfect southern gentleman...
Honey the Great Dane
Yes Petey, you're so lucky, you have two islands, I have none, not even the island in the kitchen.
Haha, Petey the Southern gentleman/beach bum, I bet you play that role perfectly.
By the way, would you please swing by my blog to look at my family portrait, finally my mom came out from her shyness to say hello to all of you.
Your deck looks so cool and relaxing, Petey! You are one lucky boy!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Your beach estate is lovely. I am particularly jelly of the nice big deck and safe zone for rainy weather. You live the good life for sure.
Haha Petey, fun to discover your blog! Thanks for stopping by Alfie's world. Our Petey would say hi but he's too busy napping...ah...sweet dreams!
Hi Petey!
You have a very lovely porch! I'd love to spend some time there too!
Dees-REE-Gaurd, huh? Pawfect!!! I have a bit of that family line in my genetic make up too. Do you have a KFC outfit to go with that and a big ole stoggie? You be pawfectly southern with a big ole plantation hat. Hurry cane season opens safe, have fun, and terrier up the beach!
Uhhmmm Petey does it thunder a lot there? We wouldn't be able to come and visit..Love A+A
Thanks for the tour, Petey. Now we know how to picture you in your southern paradise. It looks totally fitting for you. And specially designed. (Stay away from those gators. Please.)
Thinking, "Lucky Dog",
Jake and Fergs
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