I've got about a million squigillion photos to download, but the laptop isn't cooperating. So I thought I'd share an idea with you I had while Mom was pedaling me over to see my pals Jeannie and John...

...there are some pretty hilarious words that come up for "Word Verification" when you're trying to post a comment. Like when I was on MaxMom's blog, I got "Ostricia" - thought it might be a word describing all things regarding Ostriches...or maybe some Baltic country where ostriches are the national bird.

So here's today's game. Write a descriptive definition for your word verification and you could win a swell prize! But you only have until Sunday at midnight!!!
I'm off for another ride (this is the ONLY kind of wheelies that this terrier can deal with!).
I love your mom's game!
I got this one: fineswi: a furry fine Wii game!
Please send the swell prize to me before Sunday midnight.
PeeS: I took a snapshot of this screen to prove my word verification is real, so real Petey!
you read our mind. we were about to do a post on the same thing. these words are a crazy language..BOL
Benny & Lily
Your very verbose. I think I would like riding in a basket like that.
Sally Ann
w00fs,n 0md, heehee mine is wrembl..my mind is a total blank..
b safe,
Petey bestest. Um how do your feet reach the pedals from your basket? You being doing traction to lengthen your leggeds? I could do with that, get me a pice of that action will you? Oh and I'm digging Mom's shades. Not literally like.
Great idea for the word veri game. Haaaaa!!! Guess what mine is SHEMAT...that's two silla bubs.
Easy peast Petey. That's a word for lady dogs whe get their furs in a tangle. Or knot. Probably needing a good old tugging brush and comb to get that shemat out.
Snigger(I've remembered this is a kiddie zone and kept it clean. Good Eric eh? Ooooo what temptation though Petey pal) Yes. Shemat. Of course they wouldn't get them if they used our new furs line for the ladies Petey. No Shemat Shampoo.
Wiry love Eric xxx (with no hemats)
Pee s - I've got another one now PUING....haaaa!!! That's what I do after eating tooo many of them dogalicious kitties logs (commonly known as kittie puings)
Petey..this is a very clever game. My word is "imitz" which is somedog who imitates in a sincere effort to flatter but is a total ditz at it.
Well...My canine uberbrain sees the word verification, "pertes" below.
The following definitions may be found in the Merriam-Buster English Dictionary:
1. Several very hot female Kerry Blue terriers.
2. Disparate elements comprising a whole.
3. One or more occasions where people and dogs gather to drink wine and trade gossip.
Buster, Persephone & Bailey
We got a really rude word that other day - well, rude if you speak Irish I guess! Anyway, we better not share it ... don't want to offend anyone!
The NSLM's sister is sitting beside us here about to enter though ...
well, we hope so!
take care
Clive and the NSLM
Hey Petey!
My word is: Hotdog - for every hot looking dog out there!
Love the NSLM big sister Sorcha
It's me Mango again. No I didn't come to claim the prize, you need to send it to me Petey.
May I ask you a favor, please go visit Autumn to give her and her mom your kind words of love, encouragement and support, they really need it now, thanks.
OK, Petey - here goes. Our word is "entedist" - so we guess it means we are really entedist contest.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Khool khontest Petey!
I always try to inkhlude the word on my khomment if it makes me smile or snikhker!
My word fur this khomment is
Hmmmmmm - how about a man who likes his walls with only one 'l'
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
Hi, Petey!
This is a great game!
Most of the time I get WV with a meaning in spanish!
And this time I got... pulair!
It could be... something my mom does when the internet does not work. Maybe that is the reason she has very short hair!
Happy Weekend!
Kisses and hugs
Well what word do we have here? Oh yes, its 'nonsu'. Clearly that describes a movement dedicated to the impoverishment of lawyers.
And Petey, I must ask, how come you sit still in that basket for more than a nanosecond? Do you not feel tempted to jump out?
Toodle pip!
This is a great game - and it's funny to see that some of the words are so apropos.
Our word for today is "sessupsa" While vacationing in Hilton Head (or any other seaside town), it is the final meal of the day at the beach. We will all meet at 7:00 pm for sessupsa. (the last "s" is silent)
Have a great day.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
We had some pasta the other night and seemed to give Kiska some "gasta." Just saying.
Ciao bello Petey!
Fantastico game, mio amico!! My word veri is "cophym." It's an imperative-form verb phrase that means to clasp restraints on the wrists of a male criminal. Heeeeeeee!!!!!
Tanti baci!
Hi Petey, we have ahd lots of word verifications that make us smile.
Right now we can't think of any although the one right now is antibar!
Possibly a sign that 'Aunties' should be banned from your blog!
Oh dear, we so hope not!
Martha and Bailey xxx
Sorry for the spelling error!!! Although now we have stionous - well we are perhaps getting a little paranoid but isn't there an 'us' in that too!!!!
Does this mean "says" "you" "blob"?
Petey - you don't look like a blob to me, so perhaps it means "see" "sub" "lob" for a low comment, or a game like tennis where you throw a toy to me and it is a low throw under the net
Hi Petey!
My word is "parfsta", which I think is a cross between a party and a festival. Anyway, you have lots of fun there!
You look great in that basket, Toto!
Your buddy,
Shoot! We're too late!
Our word verification is plesses!
Plesses turn back the hands of time to midnight of the day before so we can be in Petey's contest!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I'm too late but I hope "sumun" won! :)
Abilog...our word verrie...
And yes, I know we missed the deadline, but we're playin' anyway.
An abilog is um well
a big log?
abby's blog?
the ability to get logged?
Oh, I'm good at this...
Hmm...maybe I'll just keep typing comments till I find a better word or you just get bored and give me that basket on your bike.
Lac E. Girl
OK...back again...
Oh, hark...our word verrie is
yeppers...you can just get that pressie in the mail.
And um we um well didn't get a pic of it cuz the camera broke...yeppers...no foolin' there...
Really it's heardera
I heard ura a good dog, Petey!
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