Friday, August 13, 2010

Visit my pal Nannette's new blog!

Remember last winter when I went to visit my friend Nannette and her dog Lulubelle at their wonderful store Lulu Burgess in Beaufort, SC? Well, guess what? You can now visit Lulu Burgess too on their brand new BLOG!

You can see the cool stuff at the store, practically as soon as it arrives! And if you simply have to have it, you can call Nan at 843-524-LULU or email her at and she'll give you the prices and send it off to you.

Maybe your Mom might like these really pretty cuff bracelets...(Or if you have a very long skinny neck, they might make interesting collars. Maybe Lorenza could wear one as a belt?)
And who doesn't know someone who needs one of these cool baseball cap? Can you imagine dropping that orange cap in Dad's lap when it's time for a stroll around the neighborhood?

We know our humans admire our canine teeth - so why not let them make dog bite ice cubes? Or if they're fans of Twilight, then this might be the closest thing to a bite from Edward. Perfect for your Halloween party, huh? (If you really want to be gruesome, you could freeze a little cranberry juice in the fangs first, then add water for the rest of the mold!)

Ahhh, this is what happens to me if I gulp my Frosty Paws! Great present to send your favorite brainiac college student though...

If your 2-leggeds are very old, they probably remember Fuzzy Willy! He was a bald guy and you gave him hair and a beard with iron shavings and a magnet on a red stick. Well, check out these plates for finicky eaters! Talk about playing with your food. Apparently, grandparents LOVE these plates because they're guaranteed to get the kids to eat! I wish they made dog plates like these...
I'm fine with just wearing one collar at a time, but Mom apparently likes wearing a whole pet store's worth at once, because she really loves this necklace!

I bet if you tell Nannette that I sent you, she'll even send a delicious dog treat along with your purchase! She's very generous and loves us pups!

If you actually make it to Beaufort, SC, be sure to stop by Lulu Burgess on Bay Street and say hello. Maybe you'll even get a giant snuggly hug like my pal Clive did! Now that's Southern Hospitality!

So what are you waiting for? Pop on over and take a tour of Lulu Burgess!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Thanks fur sharing!

We've added it to our GR so we khan visit!

I'll tell Lulu Petey sent me!


Agatha and Archie said...

Petey this is a way cool store Archie wants to know if she needs a salesman. I could help design jewelry made from stuffies( like hanging stuffy earrings) just a thought Love A and A

Posy Linda said...

Petey Ooooh la la! My mom loves shops like Lulu's. I know she would want me to thank you for the link. Gotta run (literally) its time for a my spa treatment. Kisses from Posy :D)

Dexter said...

What a great store! So much cool stuff.


Duke said...

Thanks for letting us know, Petey! We're on our way to visit Nannette!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Bocci said...

Great store, Petey-thanks for letting us know. Parental Unit will be visiting soon!

Your buddy,

sprinkles said...

That looks like a fun store. I bet I could spend hours in there taking it all in.

Two French Bulldogs said...

LuLu has some fun stuff over there at her store. We will go check her blog out
Benny & Lily

Angus said...

Wow. Nothing like that here in deepest France profonde which is just as well as the gannets would start their new semesters with those baseball caps.

WFT Nobby said...

Hi Uncle Petey
That looks like such a great store. My campaign to get Gail to take me on holiday to South Carolina starts today....
Toodle pip!

Clive said...

Hi Petey

We loved visiting Nannette's shop so much! Murray got the coolest frog which turned into a prince!! A really great water toy which he still looks at every day and comments about!

We're on our way over to Lulu's blog now!

take care

Lorenza said...

I'd love to wear on of those!
Thanks for telling us about Nannette's blog!
We are going to visit her now!
Happy sunday!
Kisses and hugs

sprinkles said...

I have an award for you, please be sure to stop by my blog to pick it up!

Asta said...

I wemembew youw fwiend Lulu and hew bootiful stowe
That is so cool that you can now see hew things online and shop..I hpe youw Mom gets that dogcollaw fow hewself..we think it's cool as awe so many of the othew things..we hope Lulu does well wif this gweat new bloggie
smoochie kisses