It's ASTA'S fourth birthday so to celebrate, I've chosen four of my favorite photos of the two of us!

...Taking a break from organizing my toys in alphabetical order

...sitting like good dogs, watching the numbers on the elevator...

...I have a feeling treats are involved for such synchronized sitting....

...And doing what we do best, playing like crazy pups at the dog run!
Happy Birthday Asta! Here's to the next 4!
Hello there Petey!
Happy Happy Barkday to Asta! You sure are a dynamic duo! We love everything that involve treats, of course!
We look forward to more adventures from you and Asta! Weeeeeee
Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai & Wai-Max
Looks like you and Asta have had some good times together. Happy Birthday to Asta from all of us.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
What a glowious post..thank you fow those memowies..I hope we make lots and lots mowe!!!
smoochie kisses my sweet fwiend
Happy Fourth Birthday to dear Ms. Asta! You two look so great together...are you sure there isn't a bit of smoochie stuff goin' on...? :-)
Your buddy,
What a great tribute to the beautiful Asta!
Nubbin' wiggles,
BIRTHDAY to Asta!!!!
And many more years of friendship to both of you.
gussie n teka
Hi, Petey!
Happy Birthday to Asta!
I love all those pictures of you two!
Kisses and hugs
What a sweet post for your friend Asta! My boys will be turning 4 in just a few days too. Makes me sad. They're still young but I want to keep them that way and I can't.
What great pictures of you and Asta, Petey! We're wishing her the happiest birthday ever!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
You are so lucky to have met Miss Asta in person. Wow! She is a wonderful gal.
Hi Uncle Petey
What lovely pictures of you and your pal Asta. And so good to hear from you. I have been wondering what you've been up to. Not spending too much time arranging the toys in alphabetical order I hope...
Toodle pip!
Your loving nephew Bertie.
We bet picking out only four photos was a bit of a challenge. You two have shared some good times together. With promise for more. It must be nice living so close to each other ... at least for part of the year.
Speaking of which. You must be packing your bags about now. Yes?
Four paws up. Times two.
Jake and Fergi xxoo
Wagging four of two's Petey. You both look smashing. Though what's with organizing the toys in alphabetical order? Gulp. Do you have something problem you want to share with me? But crickey what am I only have to do one letter anyways!!! Oh. Forgot there's Petey Penguin too. How's that dude doing? My Boris Bee is on the waiting list for emergency sewing surgery. But he's still doing that rude noise.
Um we sent a note to you and Mommmy in NY hope you get it before you go away....
Wiry love from your bestest. ERic xxx
these are great dogs
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