First off, I wanted to show you my prize-winning costume from the Dog Run Halloween Party! This little white dog named Spike was also dressed as Sherlock Holmes (though once his Mom got a load of my hat and pipe, she thought Spike should be Dr. Watson!) and I shared the "Best Small Dog" prize for our costumes. Mine was hand-made by the incredibly talented Mrs. 2-Legged who lives with my besty beasty
Eric Square Dog. Mom says it's nicer than anything she owns and I have to agree. I always give her a look -- "Couldn't you have dressed up a bit?" -- whenever she takes me out when I'm wearing my authentic Harris Tweed coat with real leather buttons. I think I cut quite a dashing figure....

Anyhow, you've probably noticed that I haven't been around much later. We were in South Carolina for most of October and Mom went to Mexico for a glorious week (don't feel sorry for me, I got spoilt rotten by my good friend Gayle and her sister). Knock wood, Mom's had lots of work lately (always a good thing for a freelance writer!) and she's also made a brand-new commitment to her own blog. She's trying to write every day, just for the sake of writing about non-work related topics. Not too many photos, mostly words. But do drop by.
So my blog is going on hiatus for awhile. That doesn't mean I won't be dropping in on my friends from time to time, just probably not quite as often. What can I say? Mom's put in alot of hours on my blog, it's only fair I let her do the same thing for her own blog.
We've sure had a lot of fun and Mom and I are so grateful for all the wonderful friends we've met in blogland. Hope to see you all SOON!
Your pal,
Great pikhs!
We understand priorities and such!
Enjoy your time off fur good behaviour!
I'm sure woo will give your mom some inspiration fur posts!
My paws got ahead of my brain!
Those are great costumes!
We'll be here when you have time to post.
Nubbin wiggles,
Can we still see those adorable pictures of you, Petey?!
We'll have to sign up to follow your Mom's blog!
Your buddy,
Couldn't tell you weren't the real Sherlock! Great costume. Enjoy your time off and we will look forward to when you can stop in.
Uncle Petey
So great to hear from you. That Sherlock Holmes outfit is simply splendid - Uncle Eric's Mum is SO clever and creative. And you wear the outfit most convincingly. Solved any crimes lately?
Toodle pip!
We have missed you Petey! Loved your Sherlock Holmes costume - congratulations on winning.
We must say you look most distinguished!
love and kisses
Aunties Martha and Bailey xxx
It's so lovely to see you back - even if it's only for a quick update! We understand though - we must get the link to your Mom's blog so we can read along!
Your Halloween costume was superb - Eric's Mom is amazing and so skilled! That was one special outfit and you wore it for such panache!
Enjoy your time off for good behaviour - mind you, we don't believe that you could ever be anything other than good!
love from us all
Clive, Murray and Sorcha
You make the most awesome Sherlock, Petey! We love the pipe!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Petey...We will muchly miss you and your mom,but we understand how difficult it can be to motivate a hooman. And many congratulations on your prize winning costume. That Run Contest must be one of the toughest in the world with all you cute pooches.
Gussie n Teka
Petey, you are so handsome in your Sherlock Holmes outfit - and without it too. We'll miss seeing you - please do drop by - we might need another dogfather before you know it, but we know 'first things must come first'.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
Petey you looked fab in your costume. We will miss you but understand Mom is very busy.
MOlly, Taffy and MOnty
Bestey you look smashing and the pipe HA HA HAAAA!!! Smooking!!! Mom is glowing crimson from your kind words.I'm dog a blog sobbing at you leaving though my servant seems most otherwise occupied lately :( Now I'm zooming off to your Mom's blog.
Wiry love to you
Eric Bestey.
Wow Petey, you make such an excellent Sherlock Holmes that I really thought you WERE him! The resemblance in that outfit is uncanny! bol
Ahem. Do you remember us? Jake? And Fergi? We were happy to see you as Sherlock Holmes. We're wondering ... are you trying to figure out any good mysteries these days? We have a couple in mind.
Anyhow ... we're sad to see ya takin' a bit of a respite, but we TOTALLY understand. Priorities change. As they should. And there's a time for everything.
Still. We want to leave ya with some info that we've copied and pasted into everybuddy's blog ... 'cause 14 Nov 10 is important to us. OK?
OK. We're gonna admit. Straightaway. No bones about it. We're taking the easy peasy way out. We want to get around to EVERYONE on our blog roll to remind you about the Second Annual Worldwide Moment coming up on Sunday 14 Nov 10. Were you there last year? Do you remember? Or are you new to it this year? Wondering what that Countdown Clock is on blogs that you visit? Whatever. We want you and everyone you know to have a chance to participate in the Silent Minute, the Candle Lighting and the Shout Out! Come visit. We've got a new banner for you, HTML for an (accurate, now that the word UNTIL is in red) Countdown Clock and a link to figure out what time 11:00 PM GMT is in your neck of the woods.
So. You're getting this 'cause we've been friends in the blogging world and we want you to know.
Please forgive the "stock" comment, but we told Moma we've never done this before and we'll not do it again (at least until next year.)
Loads of wirey love and lots of encouragment to join in (and to pass the word)
Jake and Fergi (and OurMoma and OurCollegeGirl)
Hmm...can't you both blog???
Lacie's tiny little face begins to pucker and tears well in her dark brown eyes....
I mean...there just is no dog as sarcastic er I mean witty as you, dear, Holmes...
Do drop by and don't be a stranger....
Lacie Girlie
Hi, Petey!
Your costume is pawesome!
Sounds like your mom has a big task ahead!
I hope I can see you again soon!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
You wewe the pawfect Shewlock . Squawe Mom is the most talented hooman, and awfully nice too
have a nice time off
smoochie kisses
pee ess..Petey, I'm suwpwised wif youw level of sophistication , you don't wecognise an espwesso cup..that was NOT tea
GREAT costumes!! Totally cool... COngrats on your win!
Lacie Cakes
Hey there Jane and Petey
I'm popping by just to see what's happened to you guys? ...mmm...I see you have a new blog. Please would you let me know where I can follow it, I'd love to read your stuff. It's great that you have lotsawork...that's good news.
We think of you guys often.
Sending lotsaluv
Hi Petey,
How're you?
Are you still open your presents?
Oh I miss you so much.
After a few months missing, we're so glad to see you are still keeping good shape and as manly handsome as ever.
Best wishes and love and hugs and kisses to y'all
We'll stay for good this time, muahhh!
Congratulation!!! Looking for more update from you this year!!! Love your post and costumes!!!
dog pens
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