Monday, September 12, 2011

It's all fun and games until someone ends up in a cone!

Petey in his velcro'd cone this Spring when the tip of his ear got nipped at the dog run and bled and bled.
He liked this clear cone because he thought he looked like an astronaut, but anytime he shook his head, the ear would start bleeding again and he'd look like his head was in a blender, as you can see!

I have to admit, we've been a bit naughty. Our very nice vet techs brought Petey out wearing a rather complex clear hard plastic Elizabethan cone, that had tabs that were rather tough to fit into the slots and and an additional tie around his neck. After removing it for Petey to eat his dinner, the noise startled him so much that I went looking for the cone he got when the tip of his ear got nipped this Spring. Padded around the neck, velcro closure. Easy peasy.

The first night we were home after his surgery, I got a call from his surgeon, checking in and asking how he was doing. She said it was okay to take the cone off when he was sitting on the couch with me, out for a walk, or eating. That his stitches were secure but keep the cone on when I wasn't around or when he was sleeping at night so he wouldn't try to rub or scratch at his eye.

Petey relaxing in his enormous bed, with a ball (!!!), and without his cone!

I have to admit, now that we're on Day 6, he's barely wearing his cone at all, except when we go to bed. I did put it on him when I went to the gym this morning, but just hanging around the apartment, he's been cone-free. Still waiting to find out when we'll go back in for his followup appointment—we saw the Je + Jo ice cream vendor the other day and told her the story about "Je" being his surgeon and told her to tell her "boss" that Petey is doing great! Then we'll be able to throw away--err--store his cone, hopefully for GOOD!

In the meantime, he's howling his demands, smiling when I mention going out for a walk, and visiting some of his pals. Life is very good indeed - what a difference a week makes!


Dexter said...

Cone free is always better. Such a stoic little dude.


rottrover said...

Great news, Petey! Keep it up!

WFT Nobby said...

Oh Uncle Petey I am so pleased that you don't have to have that horrid cone on all the time.
Please do keep on getting better and keep Jane on her toes!
Toodle pip!

Duke said...

We're so happy to hear this great news, Petey!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Martine said...

Hey Petey, we've been following you via Clive for a while now. Good to see you're one the mend! Hugs licks n wags from the Wanderly Wagon pack xox

Gus said...

Tell Petey that Teka will teach him her version of Jai Lai using the cone as a ball scoop, just in case he needs to wear it to the dog park.


Angus said...

What a week you've had . Great that Petey is once again getting back to his old routine wihout the cone !

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We are so very happy for you!

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

Glad to read Petey continues to heal so well. Jed has a wardrobe of cones for his frequent boo-boos, so he is filled with empathy. Mama is considering buying stock in the manufacturer.

Jed & Abby

Asta said...

That's gweat news the les cone(well except and ice cweam one of couwse0 the bettew
I'm thwilled you awe wagging and bouncing and playing
sending you huwwyup smoochie kisses fow instant total wellness

Shane Kent Louis said...

Wow, It's nice to hear it from you, You really had a great day and lots of fun out there! keep it up Petey!

It's all About Pet Fences | Dog Fence

Maxmom said...

Sounds like Petey is soon going to be back to his old self. He sure is a little soldier :)
Sending lotsaluv