My neighbors' adorable granddaughters Liola and Mia have spent many weekends visiting their grandparents in the City. And over the years, they have come to know the small beige dog down the hall who is always happy to do a few tricks for some cookies, play ball (or circus, or dog show) in the hallway on a rainy or snowy afternoon, and even get two leashes attached to his collar so each of them could "take Petey for a walk" at the same time. Lucky for me, they'd even squabble over who got to pick up the poop!
Because sisters just a few years apart can quickly get on each other's nerves, the girls have been visiting one at a time rather than together lately. And Mia, so articulate and outspoken for her age (7), never fails to connect with me with her candor and wit.
One of my favorite "Mia-isms" was when she and Liola and I were walking Petey around the block and she looked up at me and with a huge sigh said "Dogs are my destiny."

Lately Mia hasn't been too pleased with our extended absences to Hilton Head. And as she and Liola get busier with their school activities and friends, I know those Saturday morning discussions and walks are going to become less frequent and my time with the girls will be cut even shorter as their grandparents become more reluctant to share their time with them. Already I miss them. One Sunday afternoon I came home to find the following note under my door:
Dear Jane,
I wanted to say hi but I forgot. I'll see you next weekend. Maybe.
Your friend,
I just loved the straight-forwardness of her message. Pure Mia. No sloppy sentiment, no over-promise. Maybe.
I'd been concerned how Liola and Mia might react to Petey's new appearance since his surgery. While less hair was cut over his brow than I'd imagined and his cheek is now velvety with new hair growing in, it still is a bit startling not to see both of his eyes under those shaggy brows. I spoke to their grandmother when I saw her by the mail room, so she could tell the girls what had happened to Petey before they saw him.
Sunday afternoon, I came home to find another note from Mia under my door. This brilliant and beautiful little girl had summed up my own feelings eloquently and succinctly.
Dear Jane,
I saw Petey. I was really sad when I saw him. But luckily, he didn't look too bad. Thanks for leaving the door open.
Your friend Mia
I have no doubt that their reunion was filled with hugs and kisses and heart-felt conversation. And I'm glad that it was private, that I wasn't there to eavesdrop. I'll keep Mia's note and look at it from time to time. There's so much to learn from children and I know I have found an amazing professor.
Mia, Petey and Liola, a couple years ago, after walking Petey down the hall.
That is just a wonderful post!
We love Mia's frankness and directness! Nothing like kids for being open and honest!
We're still smiling away here!
Just lovely!
take care
Clive & Co
ps-only a few days now!!!!!
What a sweet post! We're so happy that Petey has these 2 little girls that truly love him!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Aw Uncle Petey that's so lovely.
Dear Petey:
We are so glad you have friends like Mia and Liola to love you in that special way that children have. And we are glad that they are willing to share their wisdom with your Mom.
Gussie and Teka
Such a sweet, touching post, full of love.
The Rocky Creek Scotties and Ivy
Ahhhhh, nice post
Benny & Lily
What a glorious post! You and Petey are very lucky to have such sweet friends.
And cheers for Petey-we're so thrilled to hear that no cancer was found!
And as always, your writing is gorgeous:-)
what a wonderful post! You and Mia looks great an d your both beautiful and so cute!
It's all About Pet Fences | Dog Fence
What an absolutely beautiful piece of honest and candid writing! Thank you Jane for sharing this special little girl with us. What a refreshing little soul she is.
Petey will be adored forever - not only by Mia, but by all of us.
Sending lotsaluv
PS. Whenever I visit my lemon tree (which is frequently nowadays, I think of Petey...my lemons always remind me of his tennis balls)
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