First, the good news....
Monday's favorite ball....

Tuesday's favorite ball....

Wednesday's favorite ball (the feet are always the first to go!)....

My now and forever FAVORITE BALL!!!!!

It's from Stan and Stella!!! All the way from Gooberstan! They must have the BEST toys there. Stanley and Stella sent this to me via Asta and I have to admit, I'm pleasantly surprised that she didn't decide to keep it for herself. It's simply the best ball ever. Not only is it a tennis ball, but it's a tennis ball THAT SQUEAKS!!! The very best of both worlds (if only it tasted like bacon...). And I can't destroy it. Now, I know Jackson has some speed records that I'll be attempted to shatter at the Pawlimpics in August, but I destroyed a tennis ball that had "indestructible" printed on it in less than 5 minutes flat. This one is just PERFECT. Thank you sooo much! There was a bully stick too, but I ate that before Mommy could take a photo. And there's another indescribably delicious smelling treat in the bag that Mommy hasn't shown me...yet!
Now, for the not-s0-good news...

Harlan's going to have to have SURGERY on his paw next week to remove the bone chip from his wrist. He's such a high-energy pup, I have no idea how his Mom and Dad (and Scout) will be able to keep him quiet for it to heal. So send him lots of prayers (and maybe a cute nurse or two to help him recover?)
Your pal,
Oh no! I am purring and purring for Harlan.
I will pway fow Hawlan and of couwse cwoss my paws..he looks sad..
I'm so glad that ball is so gweat!!!
I'm sowwy I wasn't home to play wif you yestewday, dooty called, you know...youw deck is magnificent..awe you too showt to be caught by the camewas??
smoochie kisses
pee ess Mommy says it was fab!
Hi Petey!
It's nice to meet you! Is it ok if I add you to my blogroll?
I will be thinking good thoughts for Harlan - and I am sending him some puggy kisses too!
Love Clover xo
Oh you sure know how to keep yourself busy with all the balls!
Keeping Harlan in our thoughts.
Our paws are crossed for Harlan! It's hard being quiet when you have lots of energy!
What a neat ball, Petey!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh no poor Harlan. We hope his surgery goes well.
Thanks for the tip about Lucy's ear. The pinkies have been massaging it so hopefully it will help with her leg.
Hugs and tail wags
Hey, Petey!
Please give some healing goober smooches to Harlan for us. We're praying and thinking of him! Keep us posted, will ya?
Stella & I are stinkin' pleased that you like your pressies! Those balls are the BEST, and I knew you, being a ball connoisseur, would instantly recognize the superiority of the squeaky ball. May it squeak long & loud!
Goober love & smooches,
oh no, poor Harlan. We are sending healing vibes to the poor dude!
Petey, do you shout hey new balls please every day? You must have been watching Wimbledon!!!
Paws crossed for paw Harlan.
Wags, Eric
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