Next week my Mommy and I will celebrate our fifth anniversary—it was just 5 years ago that she sprung me from the pet shop. I was 4 1/2 months old and weighed 8 pounds. All the rest of the puppies were little tiny fluffballs, so I was too big to be in the window.

Mommy said when she first saw me, there were puppies yapping away in all the cages, and I was in the center, just chilling out, taking it all in. She decided I looked like a "Petey" and that was my name—before she was even 100% sure she was going to take me home!

She went home to "think about it overnight" and decided that with two senior cats in a one-bedroom apartment, plus a busy job, that it wouldn't be fair to adopt a puppy. But the next morning, when she woke up, she thought "I can do this!"

When she came back to see me, there was a young college girl holding me. Mommy sent thought waves her way — "Put down my dog!" And she did! So Mommy scooped me up and we waited for Jeannie (Scout and Harlan's mom) to come meet us at the pet store. There was another young woman who wanted to see me, but Mommy said, "No, I'm taking him." I let out a big sigh of relief.

Mommy doesn't like to talk about it in front of me, but since I was almost 5 months old, I was reduced in price. She calls me her Sample Sale dog. But we both know that we were just waiting to find each other.

Mommy said from the very beginning, I walked on a leash like a pro. I was even very polite to both the cats, Mica and our dearly departed Maui. They kind of just ignored me. The second weekend I was home, Mommy had to go away so I had a pet-sitter who took me up to Rhinebeck for the weekend. I got to play with sticks and swim in a pool! (Okay, so I had to wear an Outward Hound lifejacket!)

I settled into a routine quickly. During the week, my pet nanny Barbara would take me for nice long walks while Mommy was at work. She taught me to sit and behave like a gentleman.

I always liked playing with my toys better than Mommy's toys. Although she did leave a pink alligator pump on the bedroom floor one day and I couldn't resist a little taste. (She wasn't happy, but fortunately, the shoe was repaired and is good as new!)

All in all, it's been a pretty terrific five years. We're going to celebrate this year (like every anniversary) with a big fireworks display all across the nation. This year, we've scheduled them for Friday night. Hope you'll enjoy them and think of how lucky we all are that we were adopted. And let's say a prayer that all the dogs and kitties in the world get forever homes as nice as ours as soon as possible!
What a great story! It sounds like it was meant to be. I'll bet your mom must have been so scairt when she saw somebody else holding you.
I hope you have a very fun and wonderful Gotcha Day!
Yep, it was definitely meant to be! We're very glad you got such a great home! We wish everydog did!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Petey -
How wonderful you found such a great mom! What if you had found one that was a pooter illiterate? Then we would have never met you.
Gee Petey that was a really nice story about how you got to be the sweet little Cairn that you have become. It sounds like your Mom was really meant to be your Mom. I was very lucky because my Mom was waiting for me to be born and to come and live with her. My doggie Dad, Alfie, lived with them already. So when I came to live in the Burgh, I already had someone to play with, my Dad, Alfie. He went to the bridge last December but I remember all the fun times we had together. Yes, we are all lucky dogs......
Asta Marie, WFT
That is such a heartwarming story; it is kismet! you two were meant to be together! In addition to your fireworks I will have some up here in Boston AND I will hire the Boston Pops to play for you AND I will have them shoot off a cannon AND I will televise this so all the doggies and kitties and hammies (in the U.S.A.) can watch!!
pee-ess: I live at 110 commercial. Was the restaurant Billy Tse around when your mom lived here? We LOVE this place!!
Happy anniversary Petey, you got lucky to find such a nice Mommy!
What a beautiful story! I´m so glad that you found a wonderful mom!
I'm glad you went home with your mum. You 2 are fated to be with each other. :)
~ Girl girl
Your story is very much like Mitch's, Petey!
We're so glad that you and your mom found each other! Happy gotcha day!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
PETEY!!!! We are sooooo happy your Mom found you....Were you a Boston boy from the beginning or was she already in NYC???? We think you are the cutest thing!!! Love and kisses A+A PS we are going to meet Toffee and Riley and Lenny today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You and youw Mom wewe meant fow each othew..and you suwe wewe a gowgeous baby..but I think you still awe vewy handsome!!!!!
t's only fiting that evewyone celebwate you...I will be celebwating wif a BBQ in New Hamstew..appeawantly eveyone has heawd of youw fame
smoochie kisses
Petey Boy!
Happy Anniversary, buddy! The dogly pull you had on your mama must have be STRONG, man, to be able to override that college girl's affection for you. Your mama probably pulled some mind meld trick on her to get her to relinquish you.
You were an amazingly stunning baby terrier, and apparently very well-mannered. Of course, we here in GooberSTan still think you're a hunk (Stella's word) and a great bud.
Goober love & anniversary smooches to you & your mama,
Hi Petey, we bet you were a beautiful baby cause you are a handsome man doggie. We enjoyed the story of how you and your Mom found each other.
Mommy (Alasandra) freaks every time there is a cat food recall. We lost Whiskers during the 2007 Pet Food Recall.
~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis (The Cats)
Fate that's what it was, your Mom was meant to be your Mom, that's cool. Silly Mom leaving one shoe on the floor ...er...she's not called Cinderella is she?? But that figures cos your tail is just like a fairy story with a lovely happy ending. Happy Anniversary Petey!
Wagging Eric x
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