Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Jackson really needs our prayers

Just came from Jackson's blog and our pal really needs all of our attention, prayers, positive energy and dogma going his way in huge, overwhelming waves of love and support.  Please send some to the Js as well, as we can't even imagine how scary this must be for them.

Jackson, you're my pal, my mentor, and my hero. I love you, you big fuzzface.



Amber-Mae said...

Visited his blog an hour ago & have already left some positive prayers there for him.

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Kelly said...

Poor Jackson, he's in our prayer. Thanks for the comment on our blog, I was devistated to shave my Petey, I even cried! But I felt like it was the most humane thing to do since we couldn't seem to win the battle against the burrs. The daily dematting was so painful he actually peed on me while I was doing it. Or maybe it was just out of spite ;). My last cairn was clippered but he did end up having a lot of skin problems. Petey was clippered before we rescued him, his coat seemed to really recover while he was in foster care, so this is a pretty major set back. Luckily he doesn't have any skin problems yet (fingers crossed) but I am hopefull if I just leave his coat along for the next few months it will recover. I found a lady in Houston, near my parents' house that will hand strip. Unfortunately I can't find anyone in Austin where I live, but I plan to bring him to Houston 2X a year to have that done and try to maintain his coat with the Mars Coat King in between. I'll post more pictures as his coat grows out.

Stanislaw said...

We sent him loads of good thoughts - hyperactive ones that come special from cocker spaniels, so you know they got there fast and sent lots of good energy.

Maya and Kena said...

Hi Petey,
We'll go visit his blog soon.
We're praying fur him and all the others who need prayers!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Dewey Dewster said...


It's a sad day in Dogtown when ya hear stuff like that about one of yer good friends....we are hopin' Jackson can sniff another miracle 'n get thru this rough patch....

Dewey Dewster here....

Daisy said...

I left some strong healing purrs for Jackson.

Asta said...

We'we leaking out of ouw eyes..I am pwaying as hawd as I can..I want a miwacle
smoochie kisses

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Thank you Petey for your support and good wishes. It really means the world to me and the Js. Your pal, J x

Duke said...

We're sending all the AireZen and positive thoughts that we can! Jackson just HAS to be alright!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Deetz said...

I love your lil prayer plaque for Jackson, that is so lovely. With all of our prayers throughout the world Jackson will make it through this trying time for sure.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Petey...we love St. Francis there on ur blog...we know how much he loves animals...special blessings from him to our Jackson!

We hadn't started blogging yet last year when Oscar died, but we saw the outpouring of support. This is an amazingly loving community...we're so glad you are now a part of it!

Our hearts are heavy today, but we're trying to stay positive for sweet Jackson's sake. He's been through so much; he's one tough terrier.

Hugs to ya Petey...

Lacie, Scruffy and Babystan

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Petey -

What a great prayer. Mama does remember that St. Francis is the Patron Saint for Animals.

You are such a cutey. How is your Mom and Mica?

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Agatha and Archie said...

Oh Petey,We love you..we have been leaking all day long.......Jax is a tough little boy.....We hope he fights his way through this one..Love and kisses A+A

Lorenza said...

I have my paws crossed and my mom is praying for him.
Jackson is a warrior and we hope he will win this battle too!
Kisses and hugs

Karl and Ruis said...

What horrible news!!! We will send purrrs and purrrs and African magic!

Simba and Jazzi said...

We are all sending positive vibes to Jackson.

Simba x

Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...


I just heard about Jackson over at Scruffy, Lacie and BabyStan's place! This is not good news, but it will be okay!

I'm resting up some super intense ESP to send his way!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Gaia the Airedale said...

Heya Petey sorry I havent been around in a while, youve been a busy boy Im sure hehe. Im going to give Jackson some very special and needed aire-zen. Hope youre doing alright :)

puppy breath,