Thursday, July 31, 2008

If you could talk, which human would you sound like?

Mommy and I were talking the other day and she asked me, "Who do your friends sound like? I can imagine their voices when I read their blogs, but since you've met so many of them maybe you could give me an idea..."

Hmmm, I thought about this long and hard. Here's what I came up with — feel free to agree or disagree.

Mommy's always thought that if I could talk....

I'd sound like a young Michael J. Fox. 

Asta is a such a big hearted sweetpie, with that little lisp when she blogs, and her unassuming appeal to the boys...
Of course she'd sound like Drew Barrymore! And look - they even both like to wear daisies in their hair.
Little Lorenza loves her pretty dresses and always looks so gorgeous...

...She'd probably sound a lot like Penelope Cruz, who also loves pretty dresses.

Brother and sister Archie and Agatha? Why they'd sound like another pair of famous siblings...
Maggie and Jake Gyllenhaal.  Notice how Maggie always looks sleek and sexy and Jake, a bit sleepy and he could faint at a moment's notice....

Speaking of Maggie, what about Maggie and Mitch? 
They'd banter back and forth like Katie Couric and Matt Lauer!
Mango the magnificient, producer of enormous quantities of suds with those massive flapping jowls...
...he'd sound just like Boston's finest...Norm (NORM!) from Cheers! Also a suds-man. 

...which of course would mean that Dexter would sound a lot like sweet, loveable,

...and occasionally dopey Woody from Cheers!
Tough-talking Joe Stains, the little guy with the rough demeanor, street smarts, and a heart of gold, with a penchant for long-legged blondes....

...he's have to sound like wise guy Joe Pesci...

Fun-loving, goofy Tanner, on the other hand...

Is our canine version of Austin Powers, right? Oh behave baby!
Big handsome Stanley, with his muscular chest and leading man good looks...

Must sound a lot like the often-shirtless, fun-loving and scruffy Matthew McConnaughey - alright, alright, alright!

Girl Girl, our tiny hammie friend around the world...

Might just sound like the adorable Ziyi Zhang...

Now, our two sexy gentlemen in France would have those sexy accents...
Tom is English-born and bred, so he might sound like...
...the devilishly handsome and heart-stopping Clive Owen...
While Sen-Chan, a true Frenchman, would be purring sweet nothings...

like the sexy French film star Alain Delon....

My bestest pal Eric, well, he's kind of a shy guy with a warm wit and a self-deprecating manner that makes the American girls go a bit weak in the knees... he might sound like under-the-radar sex symbol Ben Chaplin. Look at those big brown eyes and shaggy brows - I think they may have been littermates!

Ahh, now Lacie! Who could make herself heard over the whirl of a dozen blenders?...

...Rachel Ray! And look at those smiles - they're identical!!!

Finally, what would Jackson sound like? He's English, suave, sophisticated. Has that twinkle in his eye, warm manner and a martini dry wit. A guy from a scrappy background who turned himself into an international idol.

Male dogs want to be like him. Female dogs want to be with him.... 

...He must sound like Cary Grant! A legend, now and forever....

Okay, so how did I do? Did I get any exactly or really miss the mark? Sorry if I couldn't get all my friends in (plenty of time for more evaluation!)

Now speaking of Jackson, I have an idea....

We all know the power of prayers and of positive thinking. So here's my idea. Every night, when we go for our last walk before we go to sleep, let's look up at the big sky over our heads and send a big dose of healing energies to Jackson. Imagine, all day he'll be getting our warm rays of healing love. And for those of us in the same time zones - wow! 

Lots of love to all my fuzzy faced friends (and their humans, too.)

Edited because - DUH! - Tom's an English lad in France!


Amber-Mae said...

Hmm, I'm guessing you'll have quite a high voice but I really dono who you'll sound like. I know I have quite a matured voice. I think so...

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

AB clan said...

AB clan

Asta said...

You got em alll!!!!
Faboolous..not only did you get the voices, but the pictoowes awe identical..I wanna see mowe!!!
You awe bwilliant,,I will cewtainly take youw advice and think my pawsitive thoughts and send them to ouw Jackson..while looking at the night sky..he's in my thoughts all day, but I'll concentwate extwa hawd in the evening..I'm suwe it will wowk!
Thanks pal
smoochie kisses

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Wow! That is quite a posting, Petey! But Tom would like to mention that he does not have a French accent! His daddy and mummy are English (Joe and Minnie, actually) and he is strictly English speaking, so maybe Clive Owen. Hmmmm?

I, on the other hand, am the real thing - Le French heart-throb....


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Hey. Thanks for making the change. I think I DO look like Clive Owen. It must be the chin.....

Your Pal,

Eric said...

Ha,ha, that was truly funny and inspired my friend! I'm flattered. We are all look-e-likeees!! I wonder if we could work as their doubles? Wizzo idea Petey, start an agency...pawsonal appearances, opening su-paw markets,a peeing on the red carpet.... at the dogscars ....

For my hero Jackson I've been making sure the zen as it arrives over the big pee is all going in the right direction..there is so much here he has to get better.

I'm going to look into the night sky Petey,like you suggested then find the dog star and make a very big wish..

Your Pal, Eric x

Daisy said...

You came up with some perfect voice-matches! I will send some special thoughts for Jackson.

Stanislaw said...

What a funny post! You must have given that a whole lot of thought. My humans aren't too good at naming celebrities, so they just make up little voices in their heads. Or maybe those crazy little voices were already there to begin with...

Agatha and Archie said...

WE think you are on the mark..only we don't know those guys you picked for us so we have to go look them up( sad aren't we??) but we knew everyone else!!!!!! We are almost ready to go out for our last walk so we will do exactly what you said....Tha's a lot of good karma....Love and kisses A+A

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Petey...I am NOT going to bite ya...actually, I'm amazed...I think ya got all of us spot on!!!!!

Rachel and I in the same kitchen together??? Oh my, my butt as big as hers??? (Lacie strains to see her posterior and falls over from the effort....)

You outdid urself on this post, Petey. Course you outdid urself on ur last like 3 posts...did you take some kinda outdoing urself pill??? Wow! When's our date????

We're gonna go out and Wish Upon A Star...for Jax...Asta and I have been runnin' back and forth...tryin' to give him some private time too with his family...

Oh, are one sweet Terrier!


Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Petey,
I'd have to admit that you are spot on for most, if not all of them!
So who will I be?? *excited*

Chef said...

Petey. We just crossed paths. As I was coming to your blog, my inbox lit up with your comment for mine. Well-said, my friend.

I love this post. You are very creative!! And you were exactly right about everyone.


Dewey Dewster said...

Well done Petey....

Love yer twinkling eyes so much like those of Michael J Fox....everyone is right on especially Jackson 'n Cary Grant....Gram always loved Cary Grant 'n she loves Jackson just as would be so good ta hear his British accent givin' us doggies the latest news on his escapades in England...our energy is crankin' up ta send those healin' thoughts across the ocean right ta his front door and beyond......

Dewey Dewster here....

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

This is a really great post. Mama is curious who we would sound like.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

P.S. We had thunderstorms earlier so we don't have any stars in the sky tonight. But we still sent good thoughts to Jackson.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Petey!
Thanks for making this post! We needed a smile.
Sure you did a good research!
Kisses and hugs
Penelope.... ooops.... Lorenza

Joe Stains said...

I think you got me right on!! As for the Doofus, Austin Powers is close maybe Austin Powers plus Elmo Plus Eddie Murphey?? haha.

We think your idea about Jackson is fabulous!

Urban Smoothie Read said...

hallow an interesting topic you are discussing here..

i had been i long time since i heard of michael j fox.. having u mentioning his name here stirred up some sweet old memory of him

Simba and Jazzi said...

I wonder who I sound like? I'll have to think about that.

Simba x

Kyanite said...

Hi there!

I've come via my good friend Asta's blog.
All your 'look alikes' delighted - couldn't stop giggling @ Lacies.
And, as for the one of the Jax, spot on, it's hin to a T.

Pats & pets
Blue, the human doggy lover!

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Wow Petey, that's pretty spot on! The Js say I LOOK like Jimmy Edwards (old British comedien/actor with great big sidies and tache), but that's not very flattering. I'd love to SOUND like Cary Grant. Better start poshing myself up a bit! Thank you so much for the night sky idea. J x

Duke said...

Katie Couric and Matt Lauer are just perfect for us! You're very perceptive, Petey!
We'll be looking at the beautiful sky tonight and saying one more prayer for Jackson!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dogs UNLEASHED! said...

Hi Petey!
BOL! You're good! We think those matches are pawfect!
And we love your idea about looking up at the night sky after our walks and sending some healing powers over to Jackson, simply brilliant!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Jake of Florida said...

Petey, what a wonderful post!!! We were laughing out loud at all the match-ups and we think you did an amazing job.

We also love the idea of the nightime vigil, looking up at the dogstar and sending our love to Jackson, so we'll be doing that!!!

Now, if only Mom would stop peering at us and asking us who we think we sound like!!!

Jake and Just Harry

Dexter said...

Wow Petey, good job. I even look a little like Norm (although I think you might have given pee-wee too much credit).

You really nailed Tanner! Oh behave!


Deefor said...

That was a great post. I keep thinking of all those voices. Now if my humans could bark who would they sound like?
