Well, we started off with a grand Saturday. Mommy and I went to the farmer's market around the park across the street. We took lots of great photos with my friends there (including the BONE MAN!) and I enjoyed lots of treats. After we dropped off the groceries, Mommy put my leash on me, I grabbed an old tennis ball (not my extra-special ball from Gooberstan) and we headed to the dog run to see my pals. See? It started off a GREAT Saturday.
The dog run is in the Meat-packing district. The streets there are mostly cobblestone or rough asphalt. We were almost there and I was really anxious to see my friends when -WHOMP! - Mommy fell down hard on the road. I don't know if it was a combination of her flipflops, the uneven road surface or a tug from me, but she was down for a few minutes. Fortunately, some people were nearby and ran over to help. She had the wind knocked out of her and her ankle was sore. Penny's Mom (Penny is our Wheaten Terrier friend) helped us over to the run so Mommy could sit down and catch her breath.

By now, Mommy's ankle looked like she'd stuffed a tennis ball in it. Penny's dad ran to the restaurant/bar next door and came back with a bag of ice. (That's Penny being a good nurse while I played ball and took a swim!) Penny's mom gave Mommy some Aleve and Asta's Daddi ran home and brought back a cane to help Mommy walk. Someone else went and got their car and drove us home. Harlan's mom came over and helped Mommy wrap ice around her ankle. Mommy was supposed to go to a wedding shower for Harlan and Scout's mom and was disappointed that she was stuck at home.
Mica was a very good nurse and stayed close by for emotional support.
I helped keep the pillow in place to elevate Mommy's sore leg. (By the way, Mommy had just had a pedicure the day before, which is why she has shiny yellow toes. They're not a side-effect of her injury.) By mid-afternoon, Mommy's ankle wasn't looking good and she was in a lot of pain and afraid she may have broken a bone so she went to the emergency room. They took lots of x-rays and decided that she didn't have a fracture, but probably has torn or ruptured a ligament. They put her foot in splint, gave her some Vicodin and sent her home for RICE - rest, ice, compression and elevation.
Mommy doesn't think this looks good with any of her other shoes. But thanks to the Vicodin, Mommy's not thinking about much of anything! Barbara my pet nanny has come and taken me for lots of walks. Asta's parents have been super-nice and called to check up on Mommy several times. And Lyle, Jesse, Mickey, and Butch's parents were wonderful - taking Mommy to the hospital and getting her settled when she got back.
So I'm going to be off for walks with Bear until Mommy doesn't have to use her crutches. I don't know when I'll get to go back to the run and she's not much good at tossing the ball. Oh well. I hope she doesn't forget that nice bone from the BONE MAN that's in the freezer with her ice pack...
Now here's some REALLY serious news and I need all my dog and human friends to say lots of prayers for my first friend, Betty. Here's a photo of me and Betty was I was just 5 months old. Betty is a 13-year old Jack Russell terrier with an awesome personality.

Yesterday, she was with her Mom in the Hamptons when she was viciously attacked by a labrador retriever. She's just a little thing and got puncture wounds in both her sides. The vet was able to stabilize her and she's on oxygen and getting surgery today. Please send her lots of love and prayers and smoochie kisses until she's fully recovered. I am very anxious about her.
Today's got to be a better day, right?
P.S. Oops, I almost forgot! Sen-Chan and Tom gave me this beautiful award - the Arte-y-Pico Award - "to be given to bloggers who inspire others with their creativity and talents, also for contributing to the blogging world."
Here are the rules:
1.) You have to pick 5 blogs taht you consider deserve this award for their creativity, design, interesting material, and also contribute to the blogger community, regardless of language.
2.) Each award has to have the name of the author and also a link to his or her blog to be visited by everyone.
3.) Each award-winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that has given her or him the award itself.
4.) Award-winners and the one who has given the prize have to show the link of the "Arte-y-Pico" blog, so everyone will know the origin of this award.
5.) To show these rules.
So with great pride, we'd like to pass this award along to Eric, Toffee, Joe Stains, Asta and Mango the magnificent!
Oh Petey! We are so sorry to hear about your Mom! And guess what, our mummy pulled a muscle in her left leg today! So, we are partners in woe this weekend! Let's hope everyone gets better really FAST!
Petey, I'm overcome with emotion at your blog.First of all at the sad and sorry sorry sight of your poor Mommy with her bad poorly leggeded. I did ponder how much better off she would be if she had four like us eh? They don't have it fair sometimes.( Mom said thank dog she was wearing that super yellow vernish, at least her tootsies looked fantastic when her leg was swelling up)
Then I got all sad about Betty and her puncture wounds so I'm sending her wiry wags n kisses to get her better. Keep us posted.
Then I saw you got a great award for you pawsome blog. I'm so wagging happy for you buddy.
Then I saw you had awarded the award to me!!!Boy Oh Boy!!! I'm a whizzing - a- whirling and a- wagging all at once with excitment. Overcome with a tear or too of joy.Thanks SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO so so much Petey You are truly the best.I'll put that with pride of place on my blog.
Wags to you and big healin'wags to Mommy.
Eric x x
Oh Petey, we hope your Mom's ankle gets better ASAP. We will be purring for her and Betty.
~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
We are sending healing vibes to your Mom and to Betty!! What a bad day indeed :(
We are doing the name Meme you tagged us for !!!
We hope your mom's ankle feels better soon, Petey!
We're sending lots of AireZen to Betty! What a horrible experience for her! That's just awful!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh noes! I am so sorry your mom had an accident. I hope her foot feels better soon. I'll bet she is happy that she had pretty toes when she had to go to the doctor, anyway!
I am very sad about Betty and I am sending her my strongest get-well purrs.
Hi Petey,
Oh no, sorry to hear of your mom's accident and your friend's bad time. I am sending hugs and kisses for both and will be thinking good thoughts!!
Love Clover xo
Petey! I know exactly where your dog park. Well, not really, but my mom knows exactly where it is. It's so great that the people in your dog park are so wonderful. I also think it's great that your mom had conveniently gotten that pedi the day before. It wouldn't do to elevate and photograph an unpedi'd foot.
I'm so sorry to hear about your friend Betty. That is such a nasty thing for a lab to do. I can be pretty scrappy myself, but only with the big dogs. I would never be mean to a small dog. They just make my bum wiggle. I sure hope Betty is okay and not too horribly traumatized by such an awful experience.
w00f's Petey, u shure did haff a horrible day..me hopes u mama will git well soon..and poor little betty, hope the dogtors can fix her..my sissy angel lacylulu wuz attacked by a big doggy too..hers wuznt as serious as bettys tho..will keep both of the in me thots and prayers...
b safe,
Gee Petey...
Yer day sure started out fine but the good spirits were not with ya after the beginning at all....hope yer Mom's foot is OK..that bandage does not look comfie at all.
Hope Betty is goin' ta be fine after her attack by the mad-dog Lab...those dogs are usually pretty docile...it musta been a bad day fer that one.
Congrats on yer award...ya sure deserve it...
Dewey Dewster here....
Hi, Petey!
I am so sorry your mom got hurt! Good vibes for her hoping she will feel better soon!
Paws crossed for your friend Betty too!
Congratulations on your award!
I guess it means Art and More.
Kisses and hugs
Oh no! Petey your poor mom!! She must be in so much pain...well except for the Vitamin "V"...that looks like an awful sprain/torn ligament situation I hope that she does not have any marathons planned ; )
Hey! At least her feet looked fabulous for the ER doc! My mom wants to know if she'll help her pick out nail polish for her pedicure this Thursday!
big chihueagle kisses to you, your mom and your terrier friend with the wounds - oh that is so sad!
I almost forgot to thank you for the award!! Thank you...I will post on it tomorrow!
I hope your mom's lef is better now. I know both you and Mica will take good care of her right
~ Girl girl
I´m so sorry to hear about your Mom. I hope she gets better very soon!
Sad news about your friend Betty. That was terrible!
I´m sending good vibes for your Mom and Betty!
Hey Petey, hope you mum's ankle gets better soon. J1 LOVED the yellow toes!
So sorry to hear about your pal Betty. The Js and I know all about dog attacks because I've been bitten a number of times. For some reason other dogs don't like me in real life! Please keep us updated on her progress. J x
Hi petey-wow what a day you had. i sure do hope your mom feels better. But I know you're taking care of her!!! But at least your pet nanny takes you out!!
So sorry to hear about your mommy's ankle, Petey. Hope she'll get better soon.
It's sad to hear about Betty being attacked there. Keeping her in our thoughts and prayers.
Congrats on your award!
Hi Petey!
I am sorry about your Mom's ankle ... We feel for you and her here ... We had a bad Saturday tooest ever! I think I will take you up on your offer to send Asta over for some nursing help ... I hear she is the best everest! Tell your Mommy to get well soonest!
Putter ... From the Hospital ...
I wish you a prompt recovery!
Mommi finally got to a pootew..We awe soooo sowwy youw Mom is huwt, but evew the fashionista, hew toes look gweat!!!
I will be cwossing my paws and pwaying fow youw sweet fwiend Betty!!!1
Thank you so much fow the awawd..if Mommi evew gets owganised I will pwoudly display it and pass it on..it's a gweat honow to get it..Thanks again
smoochie kisses
Oh Petey..this is the worst ever.......We are glad that your Mom didn't break anything.and the RICE thing is the best( PL2 is a nurse along with Agatha) We are gald that you are there to help her.....and we are soooo sad about Betty......and are keeping all our legs crossed......PL2 says the toes looks FABULOUS...Love A+A
Hi, Petey -
We are sorry to hear about your Mom. We hope she has a speedy recovery.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
My Mom totally missed the award, she is so silly sometimes. THANK YOU GUYS!!!
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