OMIDOG!!! Have you ever in your life seen a tennis ball this big? Cats, in your nine lives have you seen one this ginormous???
Mommy lifted me up so I could examine it more closely. Not an easy task while she was trying to take this photo at the same time. I sniffed it for Mango Suds®, as this ball looks to be just the right size for the Relentless Huge, but no such luck.
However, I did read a word printed on it (thanks to the "Hooked on Phonics" book that Tanner sent, I'm reading like a pro these days). It said "WIMBLEDON 2003." Ahh, a nice vintage tennis ball.
Mommy said that Wimbledon is in England, near where Eric and Jackson live. Have you boys been holding out on me all this time???
Ahhh, in this photo, I'm following Queen Victoria's marital advice to her daughter...I'm closing my eyes and thinking of England. Must be a marvelous place with GIANT tennis balls all around. My relatives are from Scotland, maybe they know of such things. (My luck they'd be giant balls of Haggis. Hmmm, that might not be such a bad thing.)
Eric and Jackson, please fill me in on Wimbledon and these giant tennis balls as soon as possible. If they really do exist, I'm cashing in my frequent flyer points immediately and I'm on the next British Aire.
Aire rhymes with..."Hair!" Mommy and I were walking back from the dog run through the Meat-packing district (can I even begin to tell you how delicious those sidewalks smell? Especially on a warm summer evening???) and we came across a free preview of the musical HAIR that's opening at the Public Theater in Central Park next week. The tickets are FREE (can you believe it? And in New York where they charge you for everything!) but you have to wait in a big line to get them. So it was very exciting to just happen to get a spot right next to the stage.
Mommy sang along to "Aquarius" and "Let the Sun Shine" - what can I say? She's ancient. But then they started singing about hair! I know something about that. I kept waiting for the lyrics about "wire-hair" or "scruffy hair" or "really stinky and could use a bath hair." Even "wet dog hair" or "hairballs." I decided they really didn't know what they were talking about, so I had Mommy fluff my hair into a faux hawk and I sang my own words. Fortunately for the audience, the show was over, but it sure was fun! If you're coming to NYC in the next few weeks, try to get a ticket!
Hey, Petey!
That is a HUGE tennis ball over there! I wonder how could I play with that!
Thanks for dropping by my blog! Could I link yours to mine?
Holy Moley! Look at the size of that tennis ball! I bet even Mango couldn't get that baby in his mouth!
Our mom knows the words to those songs too, Petey, so I guess that means that both our moms are over the hill!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hey Petey sorry not to be over sooner- Mom wouldn't let me. Says we have to work while there is some cos a famine is on the way for sure... mmmm wonder if that means no treats.
Now I'm very sorry to disappoint you but I have never seen those tennis balls and neither have the 2leggededs and they used to live right in the heart of Wimbledon village not long ago!!
I asked Otis too (he has only had 1life so far as he's young) He's never seen one either but says he would like to get his claws stuck into one or did he mean into a dog?
Petey. Rest assured I'm going to go on a mission and find you some of those tennis balls pal cos I know how much you would LOVE THEM!! No need to waste the air miles.I will do my best and let you know. I gave Jackson some chocolate tennis balls as part of his exchange present - do you have those? I could send you some in the meantime to help you overcome your yearnings and thinking of England?
Did they let you in the theatre Petey? Hope you had ice cream in the interval.
Wiry wags, Eric on a mission.... New Ball Please!! hahahahaha!!
WOWEE! A giant tennis ball! I would love one like that.
Love Clover xo
Hi, Petey!
Sure that is a huge tennis ball. Looks bigger than you. Be careful, it could run over you!
Those "hairy" songs are funny!
Kisses and hugs
That tennis ball is ta die fer....my tongue is hangin' out all over just lookin' at the picture...wow if ya find out about that Wimbledon 'n where ta get such nice big balls, please let us know.....me 'n my Mom just love 'em....balls, that is, any kind....
Dewey Dewster here....
Wow, that is a HUGE tennis ball! Ginormous! Thanks for visiting us. :) You sound like a very nice woofie. :)
OH MY DOGNESS, I've never seen a tennis ball that large! I think my eyes would have popped out of my head! It looks ripe for destruction! Were you tempted to sink your teeth into it? I think it would have taken 10 strong men to have restrained me from sinking my chompers in that! J x
OMD...that is the most amazingly hooge tennis ball I have ever laid my Scruffy eyes on....
Wow...if ur movin' to Wimbledon, I'm comin' with ya Petey!! Can you imagine the speed that thing must get on a hill??? Or the hooge pop it would make if ya could sink a fang into it just the right way????
Ah...I'm gonna dream of it tonight!!!
Barkin' at ya Petey...
We're gonna be very curious to see exactly how much time Babystan is gonna be spending with Bruvver. He works full time...his fiance is afraid of him...he's been known to try and do ear nippies to fiance's cockapoo...ETC ETC...especially since Mumsie doesn't want him to leave. Hmm...is this a custody battle? If Bruvver can share the Stan...and let Mumsie have him when he's working and most of the rest of the time that would be pawfect. Gonna be an entertaining August....
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