Well, just like the summer reality shows, my experience as The Bow-chelor: Doggy Style is winding down to it's dramatic (and hopefully, romantic!) conclusion...
And like American Idol or So You Think You Can Dance...YOUR VOTE will determine who will be my new girlfriend...
To recap my romantic journey...
There was the darling Airegirl, Gaia who spent the day with me in Central Bark.

There was Dewey's Mom, Asta Marie. She has a thing for bowls so we went to Bowl-a-Rama...

Abby is a true-blue Yankees Fan, so we went to Yankee Stadium...

Maya and Kena—sassy Cairns, just like me—hit the boards on Broadway...

And last but certainly not least, Lacie was the Queen of the Mermaid parade at Coney Island.
So please, over the next few days, cast your vote in the poll on my blog.

What lucky lady/ladies who receive(s) the FINAL ROSE is in your paws.
I'm so nervous about the final outcome, I can't even concentrate on playing ball!

Meanwhile, as we get better and better news about our pal Jackson, pups are celebrating across the globe! Our enthusiasm far outshines the opening ceremonies at the Olympics!

However, we heard from J1 today and Jax is going to take a few days off from blogging while he recuperates (and bosses the nurses around!). So don't be concerned if we don't hear anything until he gets home on Friday...just in time for his birthday! (Speaking of which, time to book your tickets on
Aire Ruby for our big birthday surprise!!!)

Last but not least, here's the latest photo of Bianca. We may get to meet next week!!!

Now what are you waiting for??? GO VOTE!!!!
Hi Petey!!! Am I allowed to vote for myself??? I thought all of ur dates were pawsome...Asta Marie's was awfully funny when she kept forgetting ur name....
We been very busy caring for Jackson...he's still in the hospital and very sleepy from all the medications they're giving him.
You could pop on down and see Scruffy and Stanley...I know they're bored cuz I'm gone??? Take ur balls and some cards...they're always up for poker!!!
Barking at ya, Petey!!!
This is a tuffy..all those dates wewe soo cool!!! And most of the giwls wewe vewy wondewful..hmmm..OK I'm voting....
I have to wun back to pwepawe things fow Jackson's homecoming..we'we finally gonna get some west tonight, not wowwying so much!
smoochie kisses
pee ess,..that little giwl will be the belle of the wun!!
I hope you'll still wanna be my fwiend aftew you spend time wif hew
Talk about a tough decision?! omdog I am going to have to think about this.
This is hard dude! Sooo many loverly ladies, who to choose? Anyway, I've casted my vote but I won't tell you here who I voted becoz it will just break all the other ladies' hearts & I don't want to do that. Hehe!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Wow that is a reallllyyy hard descion all those lovely girl dogs but only one petey...
lots of love
We wish you luck Petey. We voted, but we are keeping our vote a secret. ~S, S & C
Oh, I cannot decide! I might have to do eeny-meeny-miney-moe because all the girls are so wonderful.
Hey, Petey Boy!
Any of those pupgirls will be lucky to call you their boyfriend, although this is one tough decision.
In honor of all the effort you put forth to show these pups a good time, and to meet your soulmate, I'll go vote. (Just don't scandalize us all by running off with the producer or anything. Okay?)
Goober love,
Petey, that's a tough call, I'm going to think about that.All lovely girlies.But lie low as I think Archie may be sort of,well thinks he is, Lacie's fellow and I believe Asta Marie had a date with Jake last night. Yikes...keep that suit of armour on just in case.
Worried wags, Eric x
Hi, Petey...
Can you guess who I voted for?
Abby xxxooo
Petey my man!
Oh wow, you've got so many lovely gals, I don't think I could ever vote for my favorite! I'll have to leave the voting up to my fellow blogger friends...
I'm so glad Jackson is coming along nicely, I do hope he'll be back in time for his birthday!
Hi, Petey -
You really have a tough decision. Maybe it's a good thing we are not in the running for the rose.
Bianca sure is a cute pup!
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
This is a tuff one...I normally would vote for my girlfriend Lacie but my brother, well ,he.well I will let him tell you......Love Agatha
DON'T VOTE FOR LACIE ........OR ELSE.......oh I DON'T KNOW WHAT....an anonymous writer....
What a tough decison! They're all such wonderful choices! hummmmmmmmmmmm
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh wow! I have to take some time to think about this. They are all such great girls - I have to go read about the dates again...
Love Clover xo
Uuuummmm Petey...
What'are ya doin' here????Can't ya make up yur own mind on who ya want ta date???? Hope my Mom doesn't get any votes cause she's not goin' out with ya again fer sure....we're just not inta reality shows...'n ladies are not ta be voted fer..they're ta be courted and pampered 'n loved....
Sorry Pal...3 strikes and yer out.....
Dewey Dewster here.....
Petey...did Archie REALLY say I was his girlfriend?? Oh MY!!!
I do go out occasionally...um...with Archie, Seymour, Dunstan, Gooberstan refused to go out with me so I turned him into a Wire Fox stuffie for a day...that was before you started to blog..., um who else...Noah, Dewster...once...Pee Wee's attractive, um...that pic where Peewee turned Mango into a tree stump...I think I asked him out then, the Stump I mean...he didn't go...but, Petey...these are just for fun....I'm NOT MARRIED to anybody! Gussie's awfully cute, but he belongs to Miss Snickers...sniff...let's see...Benson's very cute,Jake and Just Harry have never asked me out, nor has Axel. I have to think about the rest of the list.Anyway, Petey...I'm just too young for a SERIOUS relationship...but I love to go out and dance and have fun!!!
No dog seems to want to kiss me...I scope every day, but when they get near me...they get this terrierfied deer in the headlights expression. Oh My...
So, I would love to date you Petey...but the suit of armour has got to go...it's just hard to snuggle with somedog when he's wearing cast iron.
Is Archie really threatening you?? Oh flutter flutter...there's not going to be a DUEL or anything is there? Archie would just faint!
I have to go....Jackson needs me and my break is up!!!
Thank you for the tea instructions...I had no idea a PROPER TEA is so difficult!
Love and kissies...Laciegirl
Petey...did Archie REALLY say I was his girlfriend?? Oh MY!!!
I do go out occasionally...um...with Archie, Seymour, Dunstan, Gooberstan refused to go out with me so I turned him into a Wire Fox stuffie for a day...that was before you started to blog..., um who else...Noah, Dewster...once...Pee Wee's attractive, um...that pic where Peewee turned Mango into a tree stump...I think I asked him out then, the Stump I mean...he didn't go...but, Petey...these are just for fun....I'm NOT MARRIED to anybody! Gussie's awfully cute, but he belongs to Miss Snickers...sniff...let's see...Benson's very cute,Jake and Just Harry have never asked me out, nor has Axel. I have to think about the rest of the list.Anyway, Petey...I'm just too young for a SERIOUS relationship...but I love to go out and dance and have fun!!!
No dog seems to want to kiss me...I scope every day, but when they get near me...they get this terrierfied deer in the headlights expression. Oh My...
So, I would love to date you Petey...but the suit of armour has got to go...it's just hard to snuggle with somedog when he's wearing cast iron.
Is Archie really threatening you?? Oh flutter flutter...there's not going to be a DUEL or anything is there? Archie would just faint!
I have to go....Jackson needs me and my break is up!!!
Thank you for the tea instructions...I had no idea a PROPER TEA is so difficult!
Love and kissies...Laciegirl
Wow Petey, this is tough. But I voted (I'm not gonna say who)! The good news is that you couldn't go wrong with any of these great gals!
The Bow-chelor? You silly boy. All it would have taken was one date with me to know you need not bother with such silliness.
That is too hard to decide. Can't you date them all? My brain can't handle this.
Hey Petey. This is a real tough decision ... no wonder you're leaving it to us to make the choice for you!
Frankly,I think they'd all make great girlfriends for you and they all look pretty en amour with you. Why don't you just play the field so you don't go leaving a trail of broken little hearts behind you??
Psst. If Asta Marie doesn't win, tell her I'll be there to pick up the pieces ....oh, I just read Dewey's note... forget it.
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