Well, my friends, it's that date you've all been waiting for...my date with none other than Lacie!!! She was back Stateside this weekend, before heading back to London to supervise Jackson's post-operative care. (Tomorrow is his big surgery—we're all here for you, pal!)
Now, when planning a date with Lacie, I had to keep the girl in mind...big personality...adventuresome...bold...and perhaps...a little bit scary. Ehh, I mean, dangerous! Yes, that's it...dangerous!
Where else could I take her but to....CONEY ISLAND!!!!!
Under the boardwalk, adventures by the seaside and all that! We started the day with some beach time, so Lacie could enhance those golden bronze curls of hers....

No problem...It was the day of the famous Coney Island Mermaid Parade, an annual summertime celebration!
Lacie made a beautiful mermaid...

None the less, we were chosen as King Puptune and his Queen and rode on a float, waving to the astonished throngs... We would have continued on to the end of the parade route, had Lacie not spotted this sign...

"Hey Petey," she said with a snarl, errr, I mean, a smile, "I double dog dare you to enter the Hotdog Eating Contest! What's a skinny Japanese guy and a 300-lb. giant got on you, little man?" She rubbed her paws in glee.
So I went for it...

Afterwards, Lacie looked over at me and my bulging belly and said, "Let's go on the Wonder Wheel and see if they can make it go extra fast! C'mon, it'll be fun!!!"

We had a wonderful time on the little boats...
(Don't their smiles remind you of Lacie's pearly whites?)

This date was going GREAT!!!
So we headed over to the arcade.
I kept catching the balls instead of throwing them...
But Lacie did a terrific job! She knocked out all the Pac-Man and the red-haired lady!

"Let's go ride through the haunted house, Petey!" squealed Lacie.

At first I was afraid that we'd be too short to go on it...

But then Lacie had the great idea to stand on my shoulders...we just made it!
It was so thrilling...and Lacie hadn't so much as nipped me...I had to ask the question...
I couldn't hear her answer, what the wind, the rumble of the roller coaster and her mouthful of saltwater taffy, but all in all, I thought it was an excellent date!
Now...to await her response.....
Postscript: The fair Lacie has said she will indeed accept my rose, if I place it gently between her teeth! Apparently her brothers have wagers as to whether I will survive, err, succeed.
I'm ready, Lacie!

Kudos and a bouquet of roses to Asta's Mommi Ami whose incredible photography skills have made these dates come to life! My most chewed up tennis ball is all yours in gratitude. Petey
It was all fantabulous!! The swimming was amazing...and the little boats...I did see a distinct resemblance to my little choppers that I brush every morning! That roller coaster! I was a little perturbed that we had to hand over our cornshanks, but thankfully they gave them back! (I'm a little new to the whole New York thing!) Wasn't it fun when the ride threw you up against my side...you seemed to be shying away from my face...I didn't have dog breath or something, did I?????
And..giggle...that Lacie Inferno Haunted House was the BEST! Wasn't it hilarious when those enormous stuffies of Scruffy and Babystan jumped out at us. I know I screamed in ur ear...I'm sure the hearin' aids that ur mom got you will help with the (hopefully) temporary deafness!
It's such a shame you stuffed my mouth with all that salt water taffy! I was GONNA give you the biggest smoochie kissie ever in the haunted house, but my lips were all stuck together. (Actually, it took till today before I could floss!) Sorry...no kissies for Petey!
Of course, Petey I'll except your rose....under one condition....that you place it very, very carefully BETWEEN MY (EXTREMELY SHARP) TEETH. Double dog dare ya, Petey!!!!!!!!
Love and kissies,
Petey, your romantic adventures are an inspiration to all us boy doggies. Maybe if I stop hanging with Arrow I can take one of my girl doggie friends out. Coney Island looks fabulous. Especially the hot dog eating contest. How can you decide? They're all so cute.
Why Petey....
Your wining and dining Lacie now after she nearly bit the head off my little boy child, Dewey, and the red-headed stepchild, Toby....I say you're lucky to have survived the ordeal...and I am anxious to see you place the rose between her pearly whites...that will be picture to frame and hang in the Louvre....
Asta Marie, WFT
Hi, Petey!
You had an amazing date with Lacie!
The hotdog contest does not sound very romantic but sure it was delicious!
Your dates are getting better and better!
Kisses and hugs
Wowsa..she liked it!!!
Don't you think that awmouw is a little ovew the top..aftew all she is my sweet BFF..I don't know what all you boys awe scawed of..she and I go shopping and wowk togethew as nuwsies, and I've nevew seen hew as anything but sweet...
Petey I'll be by to pick up that well chewed tennis ball, heheh
smoochie kisses
Oh my goodness, what kind of date could ever be better than that?! I'm sure you and Lacie had a grrrrEAT time!
That's so pawsome. Lacie must had a very good time with you Petey
~ Girl girl
What a GREAT date! Coney Island was the PERFECT choice for Lacie! And she accepted! whooooooohoooooooo
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Thank you for your concern while I was unwell. Your kind words made me get better so much quicker.
Simba x
Hey Petey
Got to say matie, you sure know how to show a girl a good time. How about that very scary Lacie Inferno Haunted House...I don't think I'd be brave enough for that one.
That looks like another fantastic date! Except the taffy might have been a little miscalculation since Lacie could not kiss you with her lips stuck together.
I do not know how you will ever choose!
ps: Poor doggies to have gotten 100 shots. Very terrible.
Atttaboy, Petey!! Ok...ya win the bet...an well um Stan and I were wondering if we could borrow that armour at times...it could come in very very handy here!!!!!
Body armour...a new rule for Lacie's swains....
Rollin' over with hysterical laughter and snorting....
Scruffy and Stan...
Pee Ess Um...I brought my absolute best chewed up tennis ball for the wager...Stan brought a new Dale sized Dingo...does that work?????
Good thing you didn't double with Archie When he saw the haunted house he fainted......snorkle hee hee Love Agatha
Ohhhhhhh Petey you're such a romantic and a darn good matchmaker to boot! :]
Crickey Petey, paws to you pal, thank dog you survived in one piece. That was the pawfect place to take Lacie. Crowded. In case she showed flashed her nashers.
But um....how is the red haired lady from the Arcade? Is she out of hospital yet? And what was that I heard bout her suing the bikini bottoms off Lacie for GBH?
And the 100 dogs that got bitten; did the bitemark casts taken by the NYPD match um - anydog we.. er... know?
You certainly gave Lacie a good time Petey, but I think your final gesture of being a Knight in Shining Armour might be a paw print too far...he, he, he!! But have to say, you look as though you were having a very good time judging by the photo of you two cosied up together in the Roller coaster car..mmm?????
Wags, Eric x
OMD Coney Island is PAWSOME!!! My Mommy was squealing away when she read this post. She absolutely is crazee about amusement parks! She previously went to on & almost vomited when she was done riding all of them. BOL!!! I bet you had a pawtastic time there! Lacie's bikini is sooo cute...
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Wow...what a date. I think you have found your girl Petey.
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Congratulations (we think) Petey on getting Lacie to accept your rose.
Petey! What a great date!! You must be having so much fun on the Bow-Chelor.
Love Clover xo
P.S. The pictures by Asta's mommie? They are great!
Het Petey,
Looks like you had yet another geeat date!
Oh dear.. you've got to place the rose between Lacie's teefies? That armour should be able to give you sufficient paw-tection. Good luck buddy!
Hi, Petey -
Yuo got to go to Coney Island with Lacie? That's pawsome. It looks like you two had a great time.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Gotta hand it to ya, Petey. You sure know how to show a girl a good time. I'm still planning my first date with Gucci. Thanks for all the dating tips you gave me. I am studying very hard. I was wondering: Will I have to take a bath or can I stink a little? And should I have shiny furs or scruffy? Should I wear pants? When you have a chance I need answers to these important questions.
Hi, Petey...
Wow...That was quite a date...
Abby xxxooo
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