Me and Mommy came home from our walk the other afternoon
and the doorman told us the most exciting news.
There was a package for us! No, not for us...for me, PETEY!
There was this sticker from the Royal Mail! Wow!!!
Which Royal Mail do you think delivered my package?
I hope it wasn't Prince Phillip, too grumpy. Since I'm such a scruffy guy,
it was probably Prince Hairy!
Speaking of scruffy guys, check out this wiry fellow...he looks alot like ERIC!!!
My bestest of best pals.
I dug right in...
There was some lovely chocolate and Scottish Breakfast Tea for Mommy.
(Excuse me, the package was addressed to ME.)
Hmmm, this package smells and looks particularly interesting....
It's a stuffy— funny fuzzy lips with crazy teeth and a big fat cigar! Hehehe!
I was so happy, I ran out of the frame. This is a stop-action shot of my tail-wagging!!!
I couldn't wait to play with my funny new toy! It even squeaks when you bite it.
Isn't this the greatest stuffy ever? Me and Mommy giggle every time we look at it!
There was also this cute card from Eric with a terrier on it!
Mica even got in on the act!
So you want to see them in all their glory?
Here you go!!!
Then, believe it or not...the very next day,
ANOTHER parcel arrived for PETEY.
It was also from the Royal Mail...
(boy, when do those guys have time to deliver the mail,
what with ribbon cuttings, polo matches and waiting to rule?
I guess not.)
This package had a handsome red wiry sticker from my woofy boy, Eric.
I tore it right open...
The card read "Petey - Have a ball!" A BALL!!!
Mommy loved this "veddy English" wrapping paper with umbrellas,
tea cups, crowns, and old fashioned telephones.
But that didn't stop me from tearing it open. It smelled delicious!!!
Just like a nice, fresh, fuzzy...
Tennis Ball! It's enormous (but not so big that I can't play with it!)
Just need to find a bike pump so we can inflate it. There was even
one for Asta, so we don't have to share. How nice is that???

Hmmm, wonder who I'll get to deliver Eric's goodie parcel?
Thank you soooo much Eric! It was the best week EVER!
I can't believe youw Mom succeeded in getting that winning photo wif the lips..Mommi failed misewably wif mine..Eric is the best those awe pawsome pwesents, xept Mommi liked the wapping so much, she didn't want to let me open it..hrmph...
see you aletw
smoochie kisses
Wow Petey...
Royal gifts from the royal square dog cool is that...enjoy....that ball looks like it can be a blast....'n the squeakie was swell too.....
Dewey Dewster here....
Hehehe, those lips are too funny! That tennis ball looks HUGE! J x
Petey, you got some very fabulous presents! Those big lips are funny.
Hi Petey!
BOL! Those dog lips are just too funny!!
How nice of Eric to send you those great things!!
Have a great weekend!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
How good is that photo of you and the lips Petey...too funny.
We love your lip stuffie! It's just too cute! Eric sends awesome gifts!
If we lived closer to each other we could blow your ball up with our dad's aire compressor!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, Petey!
Eric sent you pawesome presents!
Those lips made me laugh a lot!
Enjoy them!
Kisses and hugs
Isn't that cool to have friends all over the world ? Eric did a great job by choosing all this cool stuff for you !
Kisses, Faya
Wow, those are some pawsome pressies from Eric! Man, I wonder how big will that baseball will be onces it's inflated????
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Those lips are really funny. Especially with the cigar. Nice gifts from Eric.
Hi, Petey...
I love the picture of you with the lips...It's sooo funny...
What pawsome presents...
Abby xxxooo
That doesn't look like any tennis ball I've ever seen. Those big lips look good on you.
That is a pawesome stuffy! And the tennis ball looks amazing too!
Love Clover xo
Hey Petey,
I'm so glad the butler was able to deliver all promptly for you Petey. How kind you are, I'm b b blushing, but wig-wagging that you are wagging.More than that I'm dogablogging AMAZED your Mom managed that pawsome photo of you with the lips. Mommi is snorting with laughter I am of course te hee he heing too. Funny, funny funny!
Wiry wags, you pal Eric
Petey Boy!
I'm DYING here over that new lip stuffy of yours. Your mama's photo of you wearing them is Hil-Aire-eous! You look a little scarey, though... like you got a few too many botox injections. Know what I mean?
Can't wait to see that ball all blown up and in its glory. You've GOT to show us a photo of it. That Eric is a sweet boy to think of Asta too.
Goober love & smooches,
Pee Ess
I'm catching up now on all of your dating posts and stuff. I'll be sure to let you know what I think.
Petey. What terrific gifts Eric sent you. The lip picture is an award winner. How CUTE!!!
And thanks for the dating tips. I'm studying them right now. You're officially my mentor.
Thanks buddy.
Lips...oh look sooooo 'tractive with them plumped like that!!!
Royal Mail...too bad Eric didn't stuffie himself in the cool would that have been!!!
Looks like the postman made ur day!!!
Barkin' at ya, Petey!!!
Great pose with the lips! It's so sweet of Eric to send you such nice presents!
Hi Petey,
OMdoG... what a lot of pressies! (yeah, I wonder why the royal family's got so much time on their hands.. but they must know that you are a VIP - Very Impawtant Pup, that's why they are making the delivery specially for you!)..
Oh, nice and funny pressies!
I read your tips on how to date a girl, I'll follow your advices, wish me luck!
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