Sunday, October 26, 2008

Trick?...or TREAT!!!!

Hello ladies....
Bet you never imagined this is what I was hiding under that fur coat!

This is my pal Alex. He's seven years old and spent the afternoon with us. It just so happened that the kids' Halloween Party was going on at our local playground so we headed over there. 

There  were some great costumes! Our favorite was a little boy dressed as Curious George and his Daddy was The Man in the Yellow Hat. Alex didn't have a costume, as we'd just come from brunch - he was wearing a white button-down shirt with a vest and nice navy pants. I was wearing my Bark Obama shirt, so we decided he was newsman Anderson Cooper!

While some kids will trick-or-treat at the apartment buildings, most kids follow the "trick 0r treat" trail and visit the area shops that have a pumpkin sign in their window. A  lot of the stores had dog treats, too, so I had a lot of fun as well!

Soon there will be glowing pumpkins in the park across the street....

And scary skeleton lawn flamingos in window boxes...(these cracked Mommy up!)


P.S. I'd also like to thank my adorable friend Abby for nominating me for DWB's Post of the Month for October. Stanislaw and Toffee are up too, so be sure to vote for any or all our our friends - we're all winners!


Agatha and Archie said...

OH BOY WE ARE FIRST!!!We are getting excited about the big party(well I should say I am as Archie is a little nervous about the whole thing) You look so cute in that first picture! Love A+A

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

That makes us think that we need to get our pumpkins ready! We have three this year, one big one and two smaller ones. #1 is going to need a lot of help carving!

Amber-Mae said...

Woah! Nice abs dood... I think I have some too & some muscles around my legs. Yeah!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Noah the Airedale said...

We dont have pumpkins just stupid masks that our pinkies made us wear.....sigh. We do look scary though.

Noah x

Eric said...

Wowser - you kept that bod well hidden.What you been taking to get those pecs? Impressive.
Oh and I like the scary skelly too,we don't have anything like that. Just real ghosts...I think one haunts our bathroom.

Wags, Eric

Ohh impressed you saw SJP and then MR BIG.Was he?

Daisy said...

Petey! I never realized you were so muscular! You must work out a lot.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Petey!
OMD! You sure are a strong man!
I like Anderson Cooper!
Kisses and hugs

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Haa haa you sure look very muscular there Petey. :)

~ Girl girl

Simba and Jazzi said...

Looks like you had a good weekend.

Simba x

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Man it looks like you had ton o fun Petey. Uh, you misread the comment at Lacie's. Scooter has pretty much settled on waiting for Petra to be old enough to date. It was me(Sunny-a GIRL) talking to Lacie on the QT about, uh, well me. But it is sorta embarassing to admit not one dude has found me attractve.
So you never heard it from me ;)

Duke said...

We had no idea you were that well built, Petey! The ladies will be knocking your door down after seeing this picture!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Joe Stains said...

omdog that is so cool. we heard a rumor we are going to some kind of halloween even this coming weekend with Mom and Dad, I hope I don't have to dress up.