It all started as a perfectly fine Saturday.
We went to the Farmer's Market to buy some fresh produce.

I even got two special cookies instead of the usual one!

Then we went to the dog run — Asta was the only dog there and we had a great time chasing balls. There was even a new tennis ball that I got nice and gunky in the water ball.

As I said it was a great day. I was chilling out on the bed, checking out the street scene from the window when I heard the sound of running water...

Uh oh.

I don't know whose "Buddy" this is, be he sure isn't mine.

Hmm, this isn't nearly as much fun as a dip in the ocean...or even the pool at the dog run. At least she hasn't messed up my hair too much.

Maybe I should try some of Asta's bathtime moves....

That she picked up from watching Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible!

Hey now! What's the big deal getting my head all soggy???

Ah, very funny! Giving me a shampoo mohawk. Are you amused?

Do I make you horny? Mommy is such a prankster...NOT!

Rinse and repeat???WTF!!! And then there's CREME RINSE?!?!? This is just awful. Gosh, I look so pink and nekkid.

I'll give Mommy a good shake! Heehehehehehe!!!

Ah, finally out of the tub. Now comes the fun part...a good rub with my favorite towel.
AHHHHHHH!!!! I can't tell you how good this feels! Wheeeeeee!
Okay, now the final touches to my 'do. Gotta get those bangs to stand up just right...

It's a good thing I'm made of synthetics. I dry off really fast! (Hey, do you think Mommy's ever going to read all those books behind me? Me neither.)

Now here's my "After" photo. Honestly, do you see any difference??? Now I smell funny and my coat all silky soft instead of scruffy like it's supposed to be.

Just as soon as we go out for a walk, I'm gonna find some pigeon poop to roll in!
Hope you're having a less traumatic weekend!
Oh yes!
A khlean khanine is a fresh khanvas fur khool STUFF!
Wow dude. Sorry about the bath!! Glad you are having a good weekend(xcept for the bath part). We are trying to catch up visiting!
We kinda enjoyed your mohawk!
Petey you are perfect!!!
The cats had a bath yesterday and they said to LOVE it !!!!
But Petey, your photos are great!!!
Oh Petey,
I completely agree with you that baths can ruin a perfectly pleasant day! I don't know why but lately I'm only taking a few days to get really ripe with stink so I've been having way too many baths lately. Whenever I hear the water, I try to find a place to hide!
Oh my poor Petey,
I am sorry for your terrible bath... Do you know that at my age (2 1/2) I only had 1, yes 1, bath ?
I think I am lucky....
Kisses, Faya
I love your towel, Petey! I wish I could have one just like it!
Believe me, buddy, you should appreciate your bathing venue! I get hosed down in the garden! Then again... I roll in stuff that's a LOT More interesting than pigeon poop!!! Anyway, I bet that water was nice and warm. Such luxury!!
Your Pal,
Hi Petey
Sorry you had to endure a bath but we did enjoy seeing you with a mohawk. Reminds us of Hero's hairdo.
Huamns, Baths, what is the big attraction between them? My muzzer is talking bath again too. Do you think this is a contagious disease?
You look great at the beginning, and great at the end. So. Why did you have to go through all that?
Hi, Petey!
My weekend is being traumatic because I want a bath and my mom refuses to give me one!
Sorry but I enjoyed seeing all your pictures!
Kisses and hugs
Your mom really fills that tub up full for you, Petey! You poor thing! The towel rub is the best part for us too!
You do clean up pretty handsome, ya know! Enjoy your walkie!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Poor Petey! I have never had a bath before. It does not look very fun. Except, I think your shampoo mohawk is very cute!
Hi, Petey...
You look great after your bath...But, then, you looked great before your bath, too...Kind of a useless ordeal, Huh???
It must be bath weekend or something...My Mom just gave me the water torture thing, too...
I'm not a fan of the towel dry...My Mom tries it, but I get mad at her...I just shake for a few minutes & then sit there & shiver until I'm dry...
Abby xxxooo
Poor Petey...would it help if I told you I had a bath yesterday too. At least you got to bath at home...I had to embarrass myself and go to the doggie washing place...oh the indignity!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Poor Petey! Do you swim about in the bath when it's full of water like that? Thankfully when J1 baths me I just stand in the bath while she showers me down. I never get submerged in water like you! That would be simply VILE! J x
I am so sorry dude, that totally SUCKS. You do look kinda cute with the mohawk tho. I mean TOUGH!!
We scratch and bite if the beans try to give us a bath.
We have an award for you. ~S,S & C
I feel your pain. But you do look great at the end. All spiky and clean. Maybe it will help you with the ladies.
hi Petey, that bath was horrible looking. we are sorry that we had to see you in such a state. we can't believe the cruelty that you were subjected to. we love your drying towell though. that's just pawsome and afterwards you did look like you were having fun, running and shaking and rubbing against stuff. we don't understand humans' fixation with washing things, especially us dogs. it's just wrong.
Oh you look all shiny now I bet you smell nice too
~ Girl girl
Hee hee! I like Asta's Tom Cruise movie.
I am so glad we don't have a bathtub (just a shower stall). That total immersion looks messed up. At least there were lots of surfaces for you to dry off on.
OMD Petey, I had to have a bath this weekend too!! What is going on with our parents?
Thanks for the heads up on those online stores, we will check them out for sure!
Love Clover xo
Stopping by to say hello to all my DWB friends after the weekend. Hope you are all well.
Simba x
Gosh that bath was deep dude, could have come a cropper in there. And where was your rubber duck? Need a duckie inn the bath or in your case a floating ball or two. I didn't see any treats coming your way either.
Got to say the mowhawk is a good look on you Petey. Maybe in a nice shade oforange though?.
Wiry wags, Eric
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