I've been way behind in thanking my friends for the awards (and presents!) they've sent me recently.
Mitch and Maggie sent me this work in recognition of my film work. So I think it's only fair that I pass this along to my co-star Asta.

One of my favorite gal pals,
Abby, sent me this wonderful international award! I know many of you have already received this, but since it celebrates sharing where you live with your fellow bloggers, I'd like to now award this to the
AbClan and
Tom and Sen-Chan. They open a window on their lives in France and their sites are always a treat to visit. When you visit, be sure to scroll back and read about the festival for the Percheron horses. C'est magnifique!
Sweet Happy sent us this cheerful award. I'd like to share this smiling pumpkin with Chef and Abby for all their hard work on the First Memories website. I can't wait to see it and read all about your puppy days.
Then out of the blue came a box from the Royal Mail! And it was from one of my favorite Royal Males - ERIC! (If this box looks a bit worse for wear, it's because it's traveled across the pond three times now. It has now gone to the big recycling center in the sky...)

Inside it was simply filled to overflowing with goodies for me, Mica - even Mommy!

Lookee here - my very own cannister of fresh tennis balls (I've always had to settle for used one in the past) from Wimbledon! They are the perfect accompaniment to my U.S. Open tennis ball.

It's very interesting, but English tennis balls taste almost exactly like American ones.... Mica got a toy shrimp (prawn) filled with catnip. He loves it but he's way too dignified to play on camera.

And look here! A fabulous rubber ball with the Union Jack! I was hoping when I squeaked it, it would play "God Save the Queen" but no. It does however squeal with a veddy posh British accent. Veddy upper crust.
Just look at all this wonderful loot!

There was yarn and a knitting pattern book for Mommy (I looked in it and was relieved to find NO dog sweaters!), some delicious minty treats shaped like bones (ideal for freshening up after a nibble in the litterbox), a great blue hook for my leashes. Mommy got some chocolates too (British chocolate kicks American chocolate's butt, I've been told) but they are long gone. And Mica had already run into the other room with his shrimpy so I wouldn't decide it was mine, all mine.
Could there possibly be a better bestest friend in the whole world than Eric??? No, I didn't think so either. Thanks again, pal!!!!
Thanks fow passing along that tewwific awawd..and I agweee Eric is the bestest fwiend ..those gifts awe simply pawsome!
I want to come ovew and taste the Bwitish balls..they just have to be diffewent..of stewnew matewial. I'm disappointed that thewe is no god save the queen song in that union jack ball, but maybe eric will sing it to us
smoochie kisses
Hi Petey,
First of all, thanks so much for the award! It's been so much fun for us to make friends all over!
That box of goodies looks fabulous. We hope all of which enjoy the contents!
Your Pals,
Sen-Chan and Tom
Eric sure does send the neatest gifts!
Congratulations on all of your awards, Petey! You deserve them all!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, Petey!
Congratulations on your awards!
Eric sent you all very nice presents!
Enjoy them!
Kisses and hugs
What alot of pawsome awards you got there Petey.
And a cute ball there. I've never seen one like that before
~ Girl girl
Wow what neat presents Petey and congrats on your awards matie. They're well deserved.
Hey Pal, what great wards you got there, so deserved. But I'm so 'barrased, you are so kind.Thank you but I think YOU are the bestest friend though so how can I be?
Tra lal la ..do dododo do.do .....
Howling Eric x x x x x
Congratulations on your awards. What great presents from Eric.
Simba x
You are lucky, but you deserve it!
I'm happy Mica got a treat too.
Allways happy to read your posts in the AB Clan
ViVi & AB
OMD Petey, where did you get that shirt??!?
CONGRATS dude. Those pressies are awesome. You are one lucky guy to have such a nice friend!
Hey Petey
Great awards for a deserving doggie. That loot from across the pond looks really good. (Where is the pond? Arrow wants to know) Eric is a super generous friend.
Congrats on all your awards! Certainly well deserved! And that was an awesome box of pressies you've got from Eric.
Hi, Petey..
Wow...What great presents...Tennis Balls from Wimbeldon??? Take good care of them...
Congrats on your Awards, & Thanks for passing one on to me...
Abby xxxooo
Grrrrr...well....Lacie passed out from seein' ya nekkid in the tub, Petey, but blogger ate our long and witty comment...
It is indeed surprizin' that they don't taste different...
Man, did you make a haul on pressies or what! How nice of Eric. (those balls just gotta taste different, they have to, don't they?)
Congrats on your awards. Most deserved!
Hugs&Hi 5s
It looks like everyone got something they would enjoy. ~S,S & C
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