Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day, one of our very favorite holidays!!! (And not just because of all the delicious things to eat...)

We thought we'd give you an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour... This is Mommy and Jazz's Mom at the parade two years ago. It was freezing cold and rainy - but you can't tell from their expressions. The longest running show on Broadway must go on!
Everyone in the parade meets up at a hotel near Macy's. There the ballroom is filled with racks of colorful costumes and props. (This year, Mommy will be a Jester clown.) Once you get into your costume-- with layers of thermal undies and tee-shirts underneath!-- it's off to makeup.
The Makeup Room is in another ballroom where there are literally hundreds of makeup artists on hand to give you the appropriate makeup for your costume. We have "Auguste" clownfaces.
Then we all pile onto buses to go up to the Museum of Natural History, where the parade begins up on Central Park West. There are characters, balloon ranglers and clowns galore - it's great fun to pull up at streetlights and wave to people in regular city buses - surprise!!!
Once we get to the Parade, we have to make our way to "Clown Corner," past all the balloons and floats. Here are some of Mommy's favorite photos.
This was Mommy's very first parade - she was a pregnant bridesmaid clown! It was 22-degrees but she was having so much fun, she didn't even feel the cold!
One year she was with the Funny Farm clowns as an ear of corn! It was her perfect excuse to make "corny" jokes - "What? I can't EAR you!"

It's the end of the parade. We're arrived back at the hotel where it all began. Time to pose for final photos with kids along the parade route (they've been waiting to see us for a LONG time!) Then inside the hotel to take off the smeary makeup with babywipes, hang up our costumes (you should see the dumpster-size bin just filled with fuzzy neon-colored wigs!) and turn back into civilians.
We slip back into the crowds, unrecognizable from just minutes before. Then hop a cab to go tuck into a delicious brunch and watch the parade on TV. Hey! We were just IN that parade.
So even if you don't recognize Mommy waving at you in the parade tomorrow, know that Mommy, Mica and me all wish you a very healthy, Happy Thanksgiving and a joyful, fun-filled holiday season!
Hi, Petey...
Your Mom must have a great time being a clown in the parade...
I loved the pictures...
Have a Happy Thanksgiving...
Abby xxxooo
Oh wow, that is so cool! We try to watch the parade on TV every year. I will wave to your mom!
Thanks for sharing those neat photos.
Um...Petey...I most HUM BLEEEE apologize for screwing up your name in your chat boxie...totally my fault...I will make it up to you, I promise....
Tell your Mom to STAY WARMEST in that parade...BRRRRRRR....I get goosie bumps just thinkin' of it!
Thanks again for lettin' us stay with ya...I don't t h i n k that any of your tennis balls ended up in the Scruffster's baggage...
Have a great Thanksgiving and stay warm....
Love and kissies...Laciegirl
We had no idea your Mom was such a celeberty. We can't wait for the parade tomorrow to watch for your Mom!
Happy Thanksgiving Day Petey!
We will be watching! Tell your mom to wave at us please!
That is, well, not something you see every day.
How fab is that! Hope the costume is a good one for Mommy this year! You look very cute in yours Petey. Hope the weather does stay dry and sunny for Mommy. Stay warm. Wishing you all a great Thanksgiving.
Wiry wags, Eric x
We'll be waving to your mom from our family room, Petey! We hope she sees us! This is so exciting!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
WHOA!!! We know a CELEB!!! A REAL LIVE CELEBRITY!!! Petey this may be bigger than some of the celebs that you and Eric hang out with.We mean THIS IS BIG!!!!! We are going to squish our eyes up so we can pick her out of the crowd and see her...Love and kisses A+A
I'll be wagging my fluggy tail !
Hi, Petey!
I have seen that parade in the TV! Sure is pawesome!
Happy Thanksgiving Day!
Kisses and hugs
That looks like fun. Happy thanks giving.
Simba x
That's so exciting! We wish we could see the parade!
Your Pals,
Sen-Chan, Tom and Tama-Chan
I think maybe I saw your mom on TV!!! That is so great that she is in the parade. It must be fun living with a clown. Give her a lick from me. Happy Thanksgiving!
Hope you get some.
I missed the Macy parade this year 'cause my mom had to work and she forgot to turn the TV on for us. I wish I could see your mom on TV, did you tape the parade?
Thanks Petey for a terrific post full of nice fun pictures. Your mom is super fun, love her clown outfit.
Happy Thanksgiving to an adorable friend.
I'm blessed to have friend like you and I'm so thankful for that.
I read this post AFTER watching the parade (that we recorded on the DVR)!!! That looks like so much fun to be a part of the parade.
Did you have a great turkey day?
thanks for giving me conversation pointers for when I call Eric!
Have a pawsome thanks giving. I hope you get lots of turkey
~ Bae
Hey, Petey Man!
I think they should have a Petey balloon in the parade next year. Who does your mama need to talk to to make that happen?
How COOL that your mama does the clown gig every year for the most famous parade in America! SHe's quite the hipster!
Stella & I are going to spend some time catching up on all of your posts that we've missed while our girl has been a big weenie and not helped us keep up with our friend's blogs!
Please pass onto your mama a big heaping scoop of Thanksgiving goober love, and take one for yourself.! We're thankful to know ya!
Goober love & smooches,
Happy Thanksgiving to you, too! I hope we get to see some cool pics from THIS year's parade!
Hurrah for turkey necks, too.
Love, Biggie
Mom hasn't watched the parade since she was a kid, she is such a Doofus. We would have totally watched for your Mom!!
I think clown are scawie looking! But great event!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
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