Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving leftovers...

Ahhh, it's the day after Thanksgiving and I'm in a serious turkey coma. Mommy gave me and Mica our own "Thanksgiving Dinner" dogfood and catfood. It was delicious!

Here are some photos from the parade yesterday. It was a perfect day for a parade - not too cold, not too warm (you move pretty quickly for 3.5 miles) and not a drop of rain!

This was the New York City float with the cast of "Hair" aboard, singing "Aquarius."

Here's Mommy and Jazz's Mommy. Don't you love their fancy footwear, now available on the 7th floor at Macy's.

This was the brand new Keith Haring-inspired balloon. It's very cool that Macy's encourage contemporary artists to create (or in this case, inspire) balloons. This one was beautiful. 

Hey, wait a minute! I'm a balloon! Playing with this gigantic St. Bernard as we chase a 4-story wide baseball down Central Park West! Wheeeeee! (I'm big enough to pee on an entire tree!)

Here's a screencap of Mommy from the broadcast!!! Clown costumes aren't all that flattering, especially when you're wearing another pair of pants, a tee-shirt, a fleece-shirt, a padded-fleece vest packed with a camera and a cellphone and another turtleneck over it!  Mommy was a sweaty mess. But fortunately her bad ankle didn't hurt very much, even when she had to run on it for a couple of blocks. It was great fun! And now...the holiday season has officially begun!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I'm going to have to paw my mom into getting me a khan of the food -

Many of my pals had it and it sounded sooooo yummy!

I passed a doggy on my walk today and I thought it was WOO!

I almost said hey Petey, what are woo doing in York Pawsylvania?!?

Happy Turkey Khoma!

PeeEssWoo: Woo make one khool balloon!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Petey!
Turkey coma!! Ha!
Glad you had a pawesome Thanksgiving Day!
Pawesome parade! Sure your mom had fun!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Petey...we love ur mom's posts all about the parade and the clowns!! It made it so much more fun to watch the parade!!! Your mom looked fab in this year's outfit!!! Did she like the costume with the good weather????? We thought she looked great! Sounds like the weather was pawfect!!!!! Is that ankle still hurtin' her???? Ouch!

You looked mad cute as a balloon, sweet boy!!! And ya even left ur tennis ball at home??? Wow!!!

Mango and I have a date this weekend in which you may be rather know he keeps insultin' the size of my south end....Payback is sweet...heh heh heh...check out my bloggie for a few pix...thinkin' that old Mango will post some tomorrow and most on promises to be and entertainin date...he's takin' me to the NUTCRACKER...I laughed till I cried when he suggested it....

Still crackin' up...(no pun intended...)


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Hi Petey! Thanks for the pics of the parade. What fun!

If your mom would like to meet all of us, as well as #1 and even Uncle U of AB Sharpei, and has the time to slip out of Paris to the French countryside for a few hours, we would love to have her to lunch! So, please tell her to send me an email at sen-chan at ikkyu dot biz, and we'll see what we can work out!

You Pal,
Sen-Chan (and the others too!)

Stanley said...

Petey Boy!

Thanks for the insider's view of the parade! I think your mama makes a very cute jester clown! She's a crazy girl, that one!

Please be sure to wake up from your coma soon so your tennis balls won't feel too neglected. You have responsibilities you know.

Goober love,

Simba and Jazzi said...

Have a great weekend.
Simba x

Duke said...

It looks like you and that Saint Bernard had as much fun as your mom did, Petey! What great costumes and balloons!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Abby said...

Hi, Petey...

I told my Mom to sit down & watch the parade...We missed your baloon...I'm glad you got a picture...

Abby xxxooo

Gus said...

Lookin' really good Petey. Most of us don't transform into ballons as well as you did? Your Mom looks like she is having a good time. And hey! Is that Asta in the white dress on the "HAIR" float? I thought she was in Carolina?


Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Hope you have revived from your turkey coma by now. We are coming around here.
It was great fun watching the parade since we "knew" a clown in it!! Uh, we missed your float though!! You look great up there in the air.

Daisy said...

Petey, you make a cute balloon!

I'm glad your mom got a good clown suit this year. Except those shoes look hard to walk in!

the many Bs said...

hi Petey, wow, your mommy is famous to be in the parade. that's so cool. we are pretty impressed to see you as a balloon too. we had no idea that you could float.


Eric said...

Hey Petey. Umm...just a wondering. What WAS that turkey stuffed with to make you fly as high as a kite??????

You look dog-a-blogging GOOD though Petey. MOM too.Pretty and Pawsome. In the broadcast too...wooo. Those jester shoes...mmm maybe I should get a pair you think? Maybe with bells on? More stylin' than my socks? Na..never. Hope her footsies didn't hurt too much doing all that walking?

I like the Keith Haring inspired balloon too. Look good huh? Not as good as you though goes without yapping...

Wiry wags, Eric x

Joe Stains said...

Wooo your Mom is famous!! I wish I could be a giant floating dog, I could make the most amazing stains that way!!

AB clan said...

It sound you had fun at the parade!
We enjoyed to see your pics and read your report.
I think your Mom is busy doing plans for her trip in France!
ViVi & AB

Asta said...

What fun!
peeing all ovew the twees and I suspect hoomans on Centwal Pawk West!!!!
I suwvived the gwand WFT get togethew wif my twin Nicky and sissie Jenny!!!
We had a blast..can you pictoowe fouw wiwewy kids dashing awound?hehehehehehehehhe
I'll be home toosdqay, we'll compawe notes.
love and smoochie kisses

Bae Bae said...

What a pawsome thanksgiving. Hee I hope you're out of turkey coma now

~ Bae

Stanislaw said...

Yum! Thanksgiving dog food!

My mom was in New York for the holiday but she missed the parade. I was locked away at camp and didn't have access to my nice sofa and TV. I hope it was fun!

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

I wish we had Thanksgiving over here so I could have a turkey coma! J x

Par said...

I missed the parade, maybe next year I can go...hehe