Now, this next photo may look like something you'd expect to see around Hugh Hefner's mansion but NO! It's my dearest Rosie-Posie, sending me an adorable Easter card. She is my sweetest honey-bunny!!! You can't see her fluffy tail here, after all, this is a PGB-rated site ("Petey Good Boy!")
Now, here's some REALLY EXCITING news! Some packages from me and my fellow DWBers have arrived at 4 Paws for Ability. Today I got an email from Piper at 4 Paws with these photos of the dogs enjoying some of their new toys and this fantastic paw-printed blanket.
Are you surprised to see such cute little Papillions as service dogs? Well, sometimes kids are overwhelmed by big dogs and find these little gals to be less intimidating.
Look at this happy puppy with a brand new yellow and orange ball. That's thanks to YOU! You've demonstrated your kindness to give these hard-working pups and dogs a bit of fun. And who knows what all they will be able to accomplish!

That's Piper with the wide white blaze on her pretty forehead.

I was very impressed with the story of Gracie, Piper's sister who was born with just three legs. When Gracie went to visit school kids, the kids all thought it was pretty cool that Gracie could get around so well with just three legs. Yet many times their peers, kids with disabilities, were ignored. She teaches the kids to accept differences and find the person beyond the disability.
Isn't that cool? This little puppy that may have been tossed aside or even destroyed because she only has 3 legs now has a HUGE life teaching life lessons to hundreds of kids. Be sure to pop over and visit Gracie and Piper's blog and meet some of the other dogs at 4 Paws for Ability.

My heart is smiling today.
That is a heawtwawming tale..Those pups awe tweasoowes!
I'm glad we all helped ..and I'm suwe will continoo to do so.
Youw Wosie is a twoo lovebunny..you'we one lucky pup
smoochie kisses
Hi, Petey,
you are so lovely in as Easter bunny :-))))
And that little papilons are adorable!
Love you,
That was a good piece of work! You are a kind and thoughtful dog.
Rosie looking lovely in her bunny outfit!
Such a pretty card for Clive - we did remember his birthday but not as clever as you!
We have missed you - hope you had a good Easter break.
Martha & Bailey xx
This is way cool....we see the stuff we sent! We went over to the site but couldn't see the girls' blog to join? Will go & look again.
And you're wingwalking now? Of course...why didn't I think of that? Hehe! You be careful now....those Atlantic winds can be gusty, so Snoop says!
See you soon my Petey....
Love and big wet smooches,
Your Rosie-Posie xxxx
Hiya Petey!
Thankf for sharing the story. It is so good that there can be all types of assistance dogs.
~lickies, Ludo
Hi, Petey...
The pups look sooo happy with their new things...
You really are a Good Boy Petey...
Rosie looks sooo adorable in her Easter Bunny outfit...You are such a cute couple...
Abby xxxooo
ahhh--great stories--good post Petey! thanks!
Wow Petey. What a lovely post. What a cute pair of pups! A moving story. Well done once again congrats on the fantastic idea. Im just going over to visit their blog now.
Lots of sloppy licks,your dear pal,Penny.=]
Petey woo are just so darned khool!
Tank woo fur sharing all of these things with us!
Petey, you are just the sweetest boy! Always looking for a way ti help others.
Your Rosie girl looks very smoochable! I can see why you love her!
The little Papillons are very adorable! I'll bet they are very proud to be service dogs, too.
My friend Chase the cat has only 3 legs and has some scars from an accident but she's a service cat! She's my hero.
Great job. What a wonderful cause.
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
Petey. Thats so cool. Those Papillions are smart smart doggies. Paws up to them, especially sweet Gracie.To everybloggie too for all the toys.Cute card from your hunny bunny!
Wiry wags, Eric xx
Oh Petey that is a wonderfull story!!!! And your darling looks darling as a bunny..LoveA+A
I am so happy to hear they are enjoying there new toys. Do I put something in the box saying they are from DWB? I have waited to mail b/c of tax time and the lines at post office but it is going out tomorrow for sure.
Sure is nice to know they all are getting the toys!
Kisses and hugs
Your sweetie looks cute in her bunny ears. hehe. The little tiny service dogs are amazing. How cool is that?!
Hey Petey, come on over to our blog to pick up an award. Congrats.
BabyRD & Hootie
Mom and Dad are doing spring cleaning and promise we are going to send a bunch of toys to those worthy pups!!
Hi Petey
We are just back and catching up on all the news! It's really wonderful to read that those dogs in 4 Paws are benefitting from the generosity of other dogs and we were really touched reading about the papillions! What a brillant idea to help children understand and empathise about disabilities.
lots of woofs
Hey Petey
Thanks a bunch for sharing this post with us.
Gracie sounds amazing! Will definitely pop over and say hello...
And it's so nice to see the pictures of the pups enjoying the toys!
Honey the Great Dane
Dear Petey
I am so glad your heart is happy!
Mine is too, my Jeannie is back, all is well with my world.
And we have lots of lovely warm sunshine here in Bonnie Scotland today too!
I am valiantly trying to catch up with all the blogs, but think we are going out for a walkies soon, so may have to put my blogging on hold!
lotsalicks, Marvin xxxxx
oh and love from Jeannie too xxxxxxx
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