Here I am levitating a tennis ball above my head by sheer determination and concentration....
And here I am levitating myself right off the ground!

More later, I promise! I miss my pals and especially my Rosie-Posie!!!
Where big fun comes in a small scruffy package.
hahaha that was dogsome!
Did woo touch the khlouds?
Very cool Petey - reminded us of Bailey chasing the birds in the conservatory - that standing up high look!
We miss you very much but we hope you are being very good for your granny. We expect she thinks you are just the most adorable wee dog and it is important that you ensure she continues to think that.
Grannies are worth their weight in treats!!!!
Martha & bailey xxx
WHOAAAAAAA now that is a cool trick!!!!! Love A+A
You are the Criss Angel of the dog world!
Big licks to you
We miss you too, Petey! Hope you're having a blast!!!!
Wow Petey you sure can jump and thats a really good photographer you got there! I see how much you really do love those tennis balls but not as much as your Rosie-Posie,Hehe!
Missing you lots your pal,Penny.=]
You've got skills! Great job!
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
Whoa! You are incredibly talented! Can you fly, too?
Wednesday wags and wiggles,
Jake and Miss Fergi
I can vouch fow the fact that these awe not manipoolated pictoowes. I saw them wif my vewy own eyes!
You wule that ball!
have fun wif youw Gwamma
smoochie kisses
Behold, The Amazing Petey!!!
Have you been sniffing helium?
Wrooo wrooo,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy
Hello!!! All I can say is WOW you sure have some talent. Looking thru your blog looks like you live a great city life and sometimes the country boy - we are in Montreal, in the burbs, but big city life is only a 20 min car ride away. We look forward to reading more!
Nika + Parker
Wow Petey you got some great skills there. Wanted to let you know I sent a package to the foundation you found in Xenia Ohio. =)
Hi, Petey...
Your levitation skills are pawsome...
Hope you are enjoying you visit with your Granny...
Abby xxxooo
Cool, Petey, VERY cool!!!!
Your Friends,
Tommy and The Girls
Great trick -will you teach me?
Hugs and Love xo
My Petey....you are a Terrier of many talents....now, can you fly across the Ocean to me sweetie, I miss you loads too....
Your Rosie-Posie xxxx
Wow, a catch in mid-air! Those are the most fun! Way to go, Petey!
See ya!
Impressive Better than David Blaine. How did you do that?
Wondering wags, Eric
Ppee s. Enjoy your time with Granny. They are the bestest.
omdog dude, how do you DO that?! you have all the cool moves, you should have your own magic special on tv.
You are not just petey.. you are Petey the Amazing.
Nice tricks Petey!
Kisses and hugs
Woohooo... a great jump!!!
Adele, Vincent & Bella
You are one high flyer Petey - treat your Granny well - they like to spoil you! Lots of licks
Sally (and Paddy!)
Great levitation! What hang time. You must have been practicing.
those are great pictures...
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