Monday, April 6, 2009

Let's make a BIG difference

As you know, thanks to my pal Clive's blog, I've learned a whole lot more about assistance dogs and autism. Clive is from Ireland and is sponsored by Irish Guide Dogs. On his blog, he explains how expensive it is to train autism assistance dogs (over $51,000!) yet guide and assistance dogs are provided free of charge. That's why Clive's Mum is very involved in fund-raising.
Here's a great photo of Clive and his little man.

 So I decided to find out more about autism assistance dogs here in the United States.  I discovered 4 Paws for Ability. They were the first agency to place trained autism service dogs and continue to be the largest organization in the United States and the only organization placing autism assistance dogs in other countries.

We've probably all seen Seeing Eye guide dogs (I'm ashamed to admit I once did my "Cujo" bark at a Seeing Eye dog -- I couldn't help myself, it was a scary black lab. But Mommy was mortified). But I wasn't sure what Clive and other autism assistance dogs do. 

So Mommy and I watched this video. ("I dare you to watch it dry eyed," says Mommy.) It explains why a dog like Clive can be so important to an autistic child as well as his or her family. We wanted to do something to help!

On the 4 Paws site, we found out that they have an ongoing need for crates (mostly Large and Extra Large Vari-Kennel type) as well as DOG TOYS!!! Kongs, tennis balls and Nylabones in particular. (No rawhide, please.) 

Now I'll be the first to admit it—I've got a lot of toys. More than one little doggie could play with in a lifetime. So I'm going to box up a bunch of tennis balls (yep! It's for a good cause!) and other hard toys that I don't play with and get Mommy to buy a couple new ones the next time she goes to Beasty Feast.  And we're going to send them to 4 Paws For Ability.

That's when I had a GREAT IDEA!!!

Since this is Autism Awareness Month, what if lots and lots of Dogs With Blogs all sent toys to 4 Paws for Ability? Wouldn't that be cool if they were just overwhelmed with love and appreciation from other dogs???

Here's the address:

4 Paws For Ability Training Center, 207 Dayton Ave. Xenia, Ohio 45385

Now, some thank you's are in order. First off to Clive for bestowing this cute award on me:

The two blogs I can't miss every morning have to be Aunties Martha and Bailey and the priceless wisdom of Joe Stains

I also have to thank all of you who nominated and voted for me for the Awesome Blog Award AND the Post of the Month for Beagadoon! It meant more to me than winning an Oscar. (It was even better than winning an Oscar Mayer!!!) Thank you so very much.

It's been quite a month. So now, let's make April really sensational for alot of hardworking, deserving Autism Assistance Dogs in training by showing them our support and sending them lots of fun toys to play with in their down time. Please check out the 4 Paws For Ability site -- maybe you can help sponsor a dog or foster a puppy until it's old enough to go into training. 

In advance of your goodwill and generosity, I thank you.

P.S. I just heard back from Karen at 4 Paws and all the dogs there are so excited about getting some new toys from you. THANK YOU! Please go visit Gracie and Piper - the Papillions who are the official mascots and marketing directors for 4 Paws at I am so proud of all of you!!!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Oh Petey!

I think I'll get my mom to prune out my toy khollekhtion too - I've got some I khould probably pass along!

KHONGRATS on your win!

Woo soooo deserved it!

Clive is a special khanine - and his Little Man is a special human!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Petey!
Dog toys is something you can't find here where I live but of course we can get some tennis balls to send to them!
Congratulations on your Award!
Congratulations on your Awesome Blog Award!
Kisses and hugs

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

You did it! Congrats on the fabulous blog award! Also, thanks for all the info on autism dogs. Mommy will follow up on this & send some goodies their way too. BTW, we forgot to mention on your last post: You are a very good retriever! Hootie only knows how to chew balls, but I live to play fetch. I'm better when it's just Mom & me and no other dogs though, cuz I get very protective of the ball and don't want any intruders to get hold of it. Thanks for telling us about Clive's blog. He rocks!
Smooches, BabyRD & Hootie

Asta said...

What a fantastical idea!!!
I am going wight ovew to check it out, and get mommi moving on helping wif something.thank you fow allewting us. I visited Clive befowe, and think he's tewwific!
congwatulations on all youw awawds!!
smoochie kisses

Martha said...

Hi Petey
That was a nice post. We already support the cause in the UK but we liked the idea of sending the toys!We loved the video!
Congratulations on your Awesome Blog Award!!!
Thank you for passing the cute Award onto us - we love it. We look forward to you visiting our blog - always a witty comment.
Yes Martha is still a bit scared of treats but we have worked out that she is scared sometimes to come and take things out of your hand. So now we just put the treat down beside her!!
She is getting braver every day though and has Bailey to show her that you can trust humans - well most of them!
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xx

Duke said...

Congratulations on your awesome blog win, Petey! You totally deserve it!
We have are too fortunate here with toys so we'll be going through our collection and donating!
We love Clive and Little Man!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Clive said...


That is a wonderful idea. We have put the 4 Paws button on our blog as well. Little man's mum sent your link to our PR people in Irish Guide Dogs this morning. They were really impressed. The more awareness - the better and little man's mum has been telling them to update their website more and start a blog - maybe this will encourage them!

Thanks again for taking up the autism cause so effectively and for your great idea - we hope lots of toys start flooding in this month to 4 Paws!

lots of woofs

Suzuki said...

Thats a pawsome idea Petey! I will have to raid some of Scooby's toys BOL
Big licks to you

Dughallmor Beagles said... rock, what an awesome idea...well done!
And congrats on all your awards, you deserve them every one of them.
Love and slobbers xx

Gus said...

I think we might have a couple hard rubber ones, and we will run them through the dishwasher today before we send them. Wouldn't work with the tennis balls, but muzzer does our Kongs and other hard toys regularly. Something about dog slime.

Please don't forget to post this great idea on the DWB site. Haven't gotten there to check, so sorry to remind you if it is already done.


Jake of Florida said...


What a great idea. Like you, we have enough dog toys for an army of dogs. We don't want to send any used ones -- but we have some nice clean ones and will get a few more the next time we go shopping.

We are so proud to know you -- you are truly a Renaissance dog: handsome, fun-loving, artistic, romantic (not that we've experienced this pawsonally), smart, technologically savvy, and compassionate!!! Leonardo da Vinci would be proud to shake your paw!!!

Congrats on those well-deserved awards!!

Jake and Just Harry

Rosie said...

Great post Petey and Great Cause! I also have to agree with the Joe Stains comment - that is a blog i must read every morning too!
Loves from pugs,
Rosie Marie

Kelly said...

PETEY! You are SO smart to come up with this idea!

My momma and I are going to get right on this. What an easy way to help such a worthy cause!

the magic sleigh said...

Woo! what a great idea, I will give them all of Scampi's toys!
Congrats on your award, you deserved it for all of you (and your Moms) hard work!
-Kira The BeaWootiful

Joe Stains said...

I am sure we can get Mom to the post office to make a donation! Thanks for the great award, we really do appreciate it. Clive is so cool, makes me feel like a total slacker ya know?

Mason Dixie said...

Mom says she too will be getting some toys to send to help. thanks for sharing. =)

Daisy said...

Petey, how sweet of you to think of others!

Persephone and Buster said...

great idea petey...sounds like we will be rounding up some "stuff" to send to oHIo.
my mom Ms.Bailey is a delta dog...she wants to have books read to her <---she likes kids.
theBUSTER, Ms.Persephone & Ms.Blue too

Persephone and Buster said...

Petey.. also wanted to say congratulations on all the awards -- beagadoon got the big one eh? very good.
theBUSTER <---the gurls rushed me.

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Thanks for sharing, Petey. Big applaud for your great idea!
I join you in a beat!

Mason Dixie said...

Was wondering if you were sending them anonymously or if you were saying from you or from our DWB community? I want to send something but want to do what every one else is doing. Please let me know via my blog or email:

Eric said...

Petey, you are truly one very good boy. Fab idea. Bravo!! Three cheers for highlighting.

And the same for your awards too.

Wiry wags, Eric xx

Lacy said...

w00f's Petey, congrats on ur awards and i just posted about the toys fur pups...on the news site...bol looks like sum dogs are faster at hunting news out than me..

b safe,

Anonymous said...

Hi Petey! Thanks for telling everyone about such a good cause and congratulations again on winning the Awesome Blog Award and Post of the Month. I'm glad you think it's better than winning an Oscar, because personally, I'd rather watch Beagadoon and read your blog than watch most of those Oscar-winning films.

See ya!

P.S. Thanks for the offer of sartorial help. I think Asta's got it covered, though.

Maxie said...

What a wonderful idea. I'm going to send them some tennis balls. Thanks!


Amber-Mae said...

Hey there Petey! First of all, I wanna thank you for the Mom Award you gave to me. That is so sweet & generous of you! Oh, what you're doing is a great thing & I[m proud of ya. Oh yes, Clive is a wonderful assistance dog. His little man must love him so much.

Butt sniffs,
Solid Gold Dancer

Penny said...

Hi Petey, congrats on the award you deserved it!!! Oh,I forgot to introduce nyself Im Penny the westie,Love your blog AMAZING!!! please come visit my blog and while your at it you might aswell sign my guestbook...........Pweaze do! Lots of Sloppy licks,Penny.=]

Thoughts said...

What a great idea, heartfelt and thoughtfully sincere. We are going to go home tonight and gather up the BOXES full of old toys that we never want to play with anymore and send them along.

Thank you so much for the information about this.

PS- We have never been here before but really like your blog. We will definitely come back!

wags and kisses,
Benson and Gibson

Raising Addie said...

That is wonderful idea!!!

We are going to get a bunch of toys to send!

Thank you very much for this informative post! We really enjoyed it.

Congrats on all of your awards!

Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie and Lucie

Bae Bae said...

That's a really pawsome idea you have there Petey. :)

~ Bae

Penny said...

Hi Petey, would that gentle man by ay chance be Hamish????????