Or should I say, "Dog Missing All of You!"
Sorry everyone that I haven't been around lately to say hello or check in with your bloggies. (Or even post two swell new awards from Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie.) Granny was supposed to fly back home on Monday but she's come down with a nasty case of bronchitis. Since you can't find a doctor working on the weekend, she and Mommy went to the emergency room on Saturday and were there for four hours. She got all sorts of tests that came back normal, but she kept feeling sicker and sicker. So today, they went to see Mommy's doctor and now she's got all sorts of pills and cough medicine to take. And we're changing her flight again - she's not going to be well enough to fly tomorrow. So I'm being very kind and keeping her feet warm and giving her my favorite tennis ball. I even offered to share my red blankie from Rosie but she didn't seem too interested.
Hopefully, she's on the mend and we'll be back soon. I've got to pack my bags to meet Rosie's Royal Scotsman train in London so we can proceed to Myrna's wedding via the Orient Express! That's my kind of dog train'ng!
See you soon!
Oh Petey...please tell your Gran we hope she feels better soon, and try once more to explain to her the magic of the red blankie.
Taking khare of your gran is way more important than blogging!
Be sure to keep her okhkhupied!
Sorry to hear your gran is feeling unwell Petey. Please pass on our aire-zen but you might have to explain to your gran exactly what that is lol.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
We love you Gran, I bring you chicken rice soup and wet licks to help you feel better.
When you feel well, please get a pneumonia vaccin to keep you from being sick again, Gran!
Stopped by via Mason Dixie...what a cutie you are PeteY! Hope your Gran feels better soon. You have some great photos on your site! :)
Hi, Petey...
We sure do miss you, but your Gram probably needs you to take care of her & share your tennis ball...
I hope your Gram feels better soon...
Abby xxxooo
I hope your Gran gets better soon. =)
w00f's, me hopes gran feels better soon too..mama says she nos how she feels she gits that stuff too..u keep taking good care of her.
b safe,
Hi, Petey!
I miss you too but I understand you are taking good care of your Granny!
I hope she gets better soon!
Kisses and hugs
No wondew I haven't seen you even at the wun let alone on the bloggie. I'm so sowwy about youw Gwamma. I'm suwe wif youw help and the medcins she'll be well soon..it's this stoopid weathew.
Let me know if I can do anything to help
smoochie kisses
Hi Petey, hope your granny gets better soon. You're such a sweet dog to keep her company.
Ohhh Petey.. sorry to hear that your Granny isn't well. I am sure under your care, she'll be well in no time!
** big hugs to your Granny**
Hi Petey
We're very sorry to hear about your Grandma being so unwell and we hope she's much better very soon. We were getting worried not seeing you blog for a few days!
Take care
Clive and gang
Oh Petey....I thought something must be up, we've all been worried....hope your poor Granny gets well soon, taking care of her is a very important job and I bet you do it well, you are such a caring doggie :D
Please give her some kisses and hugs from Morayshire!
Smooches for you my Petey xxxx
Awww I hope your Granny feels better soon :)
Big licks to you
We hopes your Granny is better. We will say some purrs for her.
Petey, hope you and Rosie have fun at Myrna's wedding. ~Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Fenris
Please do a good job taking care of your Granny, mine I gave a heart attack too, but thats another story... I hope she feels better soon, see you on the train! Wooooo
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Petey we have been sooo worried about you! We are really sorry to hear that your Gran is poorly and of course you must look after her. We were surprised she didnt seem too interested in the red blanket or the tennis ball - can we send her a goose covered in basset drool - do you think that might help?
We really do send best wishes to Gran - tell her she must take all her medicine and do as she is told to get better.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xx
Sorry about your poorly Granny, you take good care of her till she all better!
~lickies, Ludo
It;s awfully good of you to look after your gran so well, Petey! WE hope she's all well again very soon.
Your Friends,
Tommy and The Girls
Oh Petey, I am feeling sad for your sweet Granny. Being sickie is no fun at all. I bet she is appreciating all the love you're giving her, though!
I hope she is well soon, and I can't wait for you to return to blogging!!
oh poor Granny! but never apologize for not posting! that is the way life goes, and blogging is just for fun--everyone will still be here when you get back! xoxox saige and guinness
We are furry sorry about your gran...
We saw Asta's post and khame right over...
At least woo got to give her a Petey khyss to hold her over until woo see her again...
Please give some of my hugz&khysses to your mom...
Petey, we just heard the sad news from Asta.
No words really, just hoping you can feel our love and prayers from all the way out here in Oklahoma.
We just heard the news from Asta, and we are so very sorry for your sudden loss. It is never easy and you are in our prayers and hearts on this very sad day.
Deetzy and family
We saw the sad news on Asta's blog and want to offer you our condolences.
Beckett & his girl
We just saw the sad news at Asta's. Oh, Petey, we're so sorry for your loss. You and your mom are in our hearts today.
Joey and Zeke
We just read Asta's sad news about your mom -- and can only imagine how shocked and devastated you must be.
We're sending you -- and Petey -- and your whole family -- our heartfelt condolences and warmest thoughts.
Joan (and Jake and Just Harry)
Jane and Petey,
We just came over from Asta's blog and are so deeply sorry to hear about your beautiful mom. La mia ragazza lost her beautiful mom just before we started blogging, and connecting with all of you has many times been a lifesaver for us. Please let us be your lifesaver, too, ok? We are all here, we promise.
Much love,
Lucia and her girl
We just heard the sad news from Asta. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Hi, Petey & Family...
We just came from Asta's Blog...
We are so sorry for your Loss...
You are in our thoughts & prayers...
Please take care of yourselves...
Much Love,
Abby & her Mom xxxxxxxooooooo
Oh Petey we just got back from Asta's news and heard the terrible news. We are so very sorry.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family
Asta just told us about the sad new. We are thinking of you and your family. Nos sincères condoléances.
Faya, Dyos & Véronique
Oh Petey, I just read the sad news about your gramma. I am so very sorry. Soft purrs to you and your family.
Hi Petey, we heard the sad news from Asta. We're so very, very sorry for your loss.
Hugs, and kisses to you and your mom,
Bajas & Virus & Ane
Asta just told us about your granny and we are so sorry to hear she has passed. We are sending lots of strength and hugs.q
Hi Petey, I just read the news about your grandma on Asta's blog, and I am so very sorry to hear of your loss. You and your family are in our prayers.
Ugh! We don't like the sickies! Get well soon Grandma.
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
We have just read Asta's post and are so very sorry to hear about your Gran.
We are thinking of you - such dreadful news xxx
Oh Jane and Petey...
i'm so sorry to hear about your Mom. Ruby and I are sending lots of love!
Michele & Ruby
ohh Petey I just read Asta's blog and am soo sorry. This was so sudden it is unbelievable. I hope you can help your mommy through this hard time. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Loves from pugs,
Rosie Marie
Jane. Sending you very much love from us all, we are deeply sad and so very sorry for the loss of your special Mother. Bless you. Take care. With our fondest love
B E B O xxx
w00f's, me iz soo sorry bout ur granny..bless her heart..i not no what to say, just ur in our thoughts and prayers...
a sad,
angel lacylulu
and mama..
Keeping you all in our thoughts.
Simba and Jazzi xxx
Petey, Mica and Mom...we just read the bad news about your Gramma on Asta's blog, and wanted to tell you how sorry we are for your loss. We can tell by the way you wrote about her that she was very much loved.
kisses and hugs
Gussie and Teka
Petey, we heard the sad news. I'm so sorry that she's gone. May she rest in peace. We're thinking about you guys. Please be strong.
Solid Gold Dancer
We were so very sad to see the news on Asta's site. Our thoughts are with you and your mom, Petey.
Your Friends,
Tommy, Taa-Chan, Sei-Chan and #1
Dear Petey and Janie, We want to send you our deepest sympathy at the loss of your dear Grammy and Mother. This is a very sad time for everyone. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
XO-Cassie, BabyRocketDog & Hootie
We just saw the sad news on Asta's bloggie. I am so very sorry for your loss. We will be thinking of you and your mom.
-Tibby & Family
Oh my dear Jane. You helped me so many times over the past months and my heart breaks for you with the loss of your Mom too. I am so very sorry. The only good thing I can think of is what a peaceful passing. Well, also she is in Heaven now. We that are left behind just have to get through it in our own time and our own way.
I will e-mail you later. Meanwhile you and Petey are in my prayers. And the pups will howl to heavenfor the new bright star tonight. God Bless you sweetie.
hi petey.. we are so sorry to hear about your gram.. we especially know how important gramma's are. ours does live with us and we get to visit and get skritches and treats from her..we will share her with you..won't be the same -- but we do feel so bad for your families loss.
gentle slurps and butt bops to you and gentle hugs to your humans.
your friends, theBUSTER , Ms.Persephone & Ms.Blue too
Petey, we are so furry sorry for the loss of your gran. We will keep our paws crossed for woo and the family. Take care.
Painter Pack
Oh Petey,
We don't know what to say. We are so sorry for Jane and you. What a shock for you all.
All our thoughts and prayers are with you. We'll light a special candle tonight for your Gran.
Look after yourselves
Clive, the little man and his mum
Oh Petey...we don't even know what to say...this is so very sad....
Please give your mom a hooge hug from Mumsie and buckets of licks from us...we can't even imagine how devastated you are.
We will be keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers. Please know that we love you both very much....
Scruffy, Lacie, Stanny and Mumsie
Petey, we were very sorry to learn that your Grandma Betti went to the rainbow bridge. We wants to let your family know that we feels very sad for them. You will be in our thoughts and prayers/purrs.
Hugs, ~Socks, Scylla, Charybdis, Fenris & (Mom) Alasandra
Dear Jane, Petey and Mica....our hearts are just breaking for you, such very sad news, we are so shocked....we wondered why all the sad comments and just saw Asta's post.
Don't know what else to say except we love you and are praying for you. Please know that we are here for you if you need us.
Lots of love and big hugs,
The Beagles and their very sad Mum xxxx
Petey, we heard the very sad news from Khyra. We are so very sorry for your loss. We are at a loss for words. Be sure to give your mom a lot of hugs and kisses from us.
Woos, the OP Pack
We're so sorry for your loss. Keeping you all in our thoughts.
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