Sunday, May 10, 2009

I miss my Mom.

I've become a kissy dog, but today, I couldn't keep up with the saltwater on Mommy's face. She was very sad today and really misses her Mom alot. We went to the beach twice today and that seemed to help make her not so sad.

Give your Mommys lots of kisses today.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Oh Petey!

Woo will need to be ready to help your mom khwite often...this is a tough one fur her since it is so furry khlose to her leaving for Heaven...

I know your Grammy is furry proud of woo fur being there fur your mom...

Please khyss her fur me and wish her a Happy Petey's Mom's Day!


Jake of Florida said...

We knew today would be extra sad for your mom -- and we're sending you lots of love to help ease her sadness!!

Jake and Just Harry

Bijou said...

Hi Petey,

I'm certain you are a great comfort to your mom. It's understandable for her to be sad, especially today. Your granny would be very proud of you Petey.

Wags & wiggles,

Dexter said...

It must have been a hard day for your mom. You just stick by her side.


Dughallmor Beagles said...

We knew today would be tough for your Mommy're doing a great job with the kisses and making your Granny so proud. Please give your Mom some from us too.
Walks on the beach always help....especially on THAT beach :o)
Love you lots xxxx

Gus said...

Petey: What is there to say but an echo of what the others have already shared. Muzzer says that time helps, the loss becomes a "different" type of loss, more intimate, less immediate.

You are doing the rightest thing possible. Doggie love is a great antidote, and beaches are great too.

kisses for your mom and you

gussie and teka

Persephone and Buster said...

hi petey...we're sending your mom some kerry blue zen, some hugs and some slurps, we hope all this zen flying about will help ease some teensey bit of her sadness -- the walks on the beach sound like a great thing to do...very therapeutic. this is not an easy time...loosing your mom is the toughest whenever your mom leaks from her eyes you'll have to be petey on the spot to give her many slurps and stay real close to her.
gentle hugs to you both,
theBUSTER, Ms.Persephone & Ms. Blue

Lorenza said...

Hi, Petey.
I understand how much your Mom misses her Mom.
Please give her kisses and hugs from us, ok?
Take care

the magic sleigh said...

I am so sorry Petey, I am sure this day is very difficult for you and your Mommy.
~Puppy Kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Today is the first mommy's day without your Grandma. It's very sad, very sad, Petey.
I know you're always at your mom's side to support her. I wanted to meet her to give her wet kisses, to tell her it's ok to let out her saltwater, your Grandma is always in her heart, in your heart and in everybody's heart that your Grandma once touched!
I thought of your mom and you on this pet mommy's day!
Petey, I ask Asta to send your mom and you a little pressies from my heart to show you that you're one of my cool fav doggies. Since I don't have neither your addie nor email but I didn't want to ask 'cause I wanted to surprise you. I haven't heard from you, I hope it would not cause any trouble.
My e-mail
Love you!

Lacy said...

w00fs Petey, tell ur mama to go read what Sunny, Scooter and Jamie, righted about Mamas day...mama says she will never feel the same way about dandelions again..

b safe,

Faya said...

Oh Petey, please give your Mom extra kisses from Switzerland,
Faya & Dyos

Asta said...

WE thought of youw Mom today too..We know this must have been a vewy hawwd day. Thank dog you have been thewe along wif the sea to comfowt hew
smoochie kisses

Hamish Westie said...

Petey, you are a wonderful chap and I know that you are comforting your Mom as much as you can. I'm afraid it's natural that she will be sad at the moment, you can't stop that, but keep licking away at the salty face and taking her for walks on the beach, every little helps.
Cheers, H.

Clive said...

Oh Petey

It must have been a very hard day for your Mom. You're a great friend to have around at the moment and I'm sure she really appreciates all the care and comfort that you are providing.

Take good care of yourselves.
- the little man's mum

Sophie Brador said...

Petey, I just know you are taking great care of your mom. Give her a smooch from me and my mom too and tell her we are thinking about her.


Martha said...

A particularly difficult day - it is so very hard. Petey we know you are doing your very best to lick up all the tears - sometimes they just have to keep coming.........take your mom for a lovely walk along the beach and just let the tears fall - that is sometimes the only way.
We so wish we could take away your pain. Your granny would not want you and your mom to be so sad but we understand how it is.
love and basset kisses too
Martha, Bailey & Mum xxx

Agatha and Archie said...

Oh Petey, we are sending you and your Mom tons of hugs and kisses...Pl2 knows just how your Mom is feeling because she is feeling that way too...She says the feelings never ever go away, but slightly fade everyday until it is easier to handle.....and then you start to temember the wonderfull times more than the worst......Hang in there and keep on doing what you are doing for your mom You are the BEST medicine..... A+A+PL2

Suzuki said...

You are doing a pawsome job looking after your Mum Petey. I'm sure she appreciates it furry much.
Big licks to you

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Mother's day is one of those times when all those of us who no longer have our mums miss them a lot. But, trust us, one day you will b able to think about her with a smile and not a tear. It will happen.

Your Friends,
Tommy, Tama-Chan, Sei-Chan and #1

Kelly said...

Petey, I thought of you and your Mom several times this weekend. I know it must have been a difficult one.

Hoping that the sun is shining on you today.

Kimberly said...

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww big hugs and kisses, licks and barks!

Daisy said...

Petey, I think you are good medicine for your mom.

Eric said...

Petey, give your Mom lots of lovies and from me and Mom too. We thought of you. Sure you and the beach are good medicine and those salty years are sort off too.Keep kissing them away.

Wiry love and kissies Eric xxx

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

This will have beed an extra tough day, I know you doing the best you can Petey, I has learned that sometimes peoples just need to cry lots before they can begin to start feeling any better.
~lickies, Ludo

Duke said...

We're thinking of your mom, Petey!
Give her lots of extra kisses for us, okay?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Marvin and Jeannie said...

oh Petey, these 'days' always come around at the 'wrong' time don't they, my J kinda knows how your Mama must be feeling......;oD It will take a very long time, but you are there to be a kissy and huggy chap for her.

My J says it takes like the song says "until the 12th of Never" but the sun will come out for youse both - your Grandma will make sure it shines brightly for you both from heaven. Just like my Grandparents do for my J.

Hug your Mama for me and Jeannie please, hug her real tight.

lots of love, Marvin and Jeannie xxxxxxx

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Petey, You are good for your mommy. Our mommy said God bless you.
XX-BabyRocketDog & Hootie

Sally said...

Give lots of kisses to your Mom for us. Lots of licks from all of us

Sally and Paddy

Bobby said...

Try to help your mom to get over the sadest time. I am sure you being there helps.