Here I am posing in front of a gorgeous sunset over the Calibogue Sound, down at Harbour Town. I've been very busy playing ball with Mommy on the beach. This evening, there was a photo shoot going on, so I ran over to see if they needed a professional New York City dog model in the shot. The photographer laughed and took a few snaps with me, then I ran back to Mommy to call my agent. I got two whole beach walks today! I'm working very hard and doing a great job.
Petey, you look very handsome in the picture! You'll make a great model!
Glad you had some nice walkies at the beach with your mommy. You're a darling!
I hope youw agent negg oh-she ate it a good deal..endless tennis balls fow Petey! Yeah!
You look gweat wif that bootiful sunset.
so happy you'we feelig bettew
smoochie kisses
Hey Petey
Please give your mum a smoochie kiss from us dales down under. Sounds like your doing a great job looking out for her. Pinkies really need us when they're sad.
I wonder what your agent says about these modelling shots of yours.
Hi Petey
What a beautiful sunset! The only thing enhancing it is of course you - how handsome you look!
Now if you are going to embark on a modelling career give us a call! We dont want anyone taking advantage of your sweet nature and palming you off with a few tennis balls!
Keep up the lovely walks on the beach and look forward to the sunrise.
We miss you.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xx
Hi Petey
If your modelling career ever gets off the ground (and I think you have a good chance) please let me know how. Quite often in trips to the local park, we find a party taking wedding photos (kilts, bagpipes and all)in the formal gardens and they invite me to pose alongside the bride and groom. But we never get paid!
Cheers! H.
PS Sounds like you're doing an excellent job helping your Mom!
Hi Petey
That's a wonderful photo of you in front of a beautiful sunset. Glad you're getting lots of time on the beach and being such a good help to your Mom. You're a great dog!
lots of woofs
Hi, Petey...
You look very handsome on the deck with the sunset...
I'm sure your Agent will have something set up for you when you get back to NYC...
Give your Mom a snuggle...
Abby xxxooo
Ciao dolce Petey!
Awwww!! You're the Heidi Klum of the doggiverse, il mio bello ragazzo! The camera just loves you ... snd so do all of your bloggie pals! Molti mwahhs to you and your mama!
Tanti baci!
That's such a beautiful shot of you, Petey. It's good that you are taking care of your Mom and getting a lot of beach time with her.
Your Friends,
Tommy, Tama-Chan and Sei-Chan
Hi Petey,
That is a lovely sunset and you look quite content. A day on the beach chasing a ball sounds terrific to me!
Wags & wiggles,
*sigh*....so handsome :o)
We were watching a similarly beautiful sunset just a few hours earlier. There were one or two photographers but no hot doggy models :D
So how are the negotiations going? Did you tell them about your film background? Beagadoon etc??
Glad you and Mom are having better days....there'll be good days and not so good days, we're just glad your Mommy has you..and you have her :D
Love and lots of smooches,
Your Rosie-Posie xxxx
I am sure you are working hard, a tow walkies! What a lucky dog! You do look happy sitting there in the sun.
~puppy kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Oh My Petey!
The photo hoooman sooo missed their chance!
Woo look soooo handsome and khyssable!
Was that picture taken by your mom or photo shoot professional?
You and the sunset compliment each other, Petey.
Love ya
that is a great little story, sweet pete!
Petey tu es vraiment très très mignon et très gentil....
Kisses, Faya
Glad you are making sure your mommy gets out a lot. Beach walks are great therapy for almost any problem. Good job Petey. And remember, we love you for more than just your cute face an hunky body
gussie d
Hi Petey,
That's definitely a gorgeous pic with the background of sunset.
Adele, Vincent & Bella
That is a lovely photo of you and the sunset.
Simba and Jazzi xx
You look very handsome Petey, glad that things is going ok for you and your Mom.
~lickies, Ludo
You are extremely handsome and would make a awesome model, as I think I would too....LOL My mom is ALWAYS taking photos of me...maybe you can hook me up since you are in NYC.
omdog you are VERY handsome. Are you ever going back to NYC? I bet Asta misses you.
Great photo Petey! Walking on the beach is a wonderful thing!
Loves from pugs,
Rosie Marie
Hi Petey!
That pic is gorgeous The only thing I cant figure out is whats more beautiful you or that sunset......wait a minute thats easy,you of course! You'll definitely make it into the model agency!=]
Glad to see you making your Mom feeling alot better! Do send her my best wishes and love!
Lots of sloppy licks,your dearist pal,Penny!=]
What a lovely photo, Petey! You are definitely model material!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Sounds like you are excelling yourself Petey. Beach walks are an excellent medicine for Mommy. Especially with wonderful sunsets and you.
Best Pal I think we could use your photo on our Tommy Holedigger Summer Spa campaign. Better leave the photographer your pee mail address when you see him next.
Wiry lovies and kissies Eric xxxx
I love that picture of you Petey!
Glad you are spending a very nice time with your mom!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
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