Another day, another glorious romp on the beach! Although we only made it to the beach once today, Mommy was a slacker. Plus we had a huge tropical downpour in the afternoon...

It was very windy on the beach today, lots of big waves and dolphins leaping around right off shore. But I was able to write a quick message to my Rosie Posie before the wind blew the sand and erased my message. Maybe it blew it over to her beach in Scotland!

There's only one bad thing about going to the beach - Mommy hoses me down afterwards. Then she gives me a good rubdown with a beach towel. Today, she remembered to bring along my bathrobe (!) - she claims it helps keep the backseat of the car cleaner and I dry off before we get home.

I don't really mind it. In fact, I kept it on for a little while when we got home. I felt like a four-legged Hugh Hefner!
Hey Petey! We hope you & your family are feeling better. That beach looked like so much fun! We hope you had a great day.
Solid Gold Dancer
Hey handsome
Love the beach coat with emblem - very Hugh! We love walks on the beach too - it is very refreshing!
Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy
I had never been on the is the salty water ???
I cannot imagine this.....salty water....beurk....
Kisses, Faya
Hi Petey
We are quite sure that message in the sand blew right across to Scotland and that Rosie has it right now!
You could also try a 'message in a bottle' - that could work - you could a little tiny piece of your adorable fur in!!!
We wish we had found a nice beach like that on our holiday - ours was very slippy with nasty smelly seaweed until you walked way out. The wind was so fierce we thought our ears would blow right off!
Keep chilling - with every mile you walk on that beach the nearer you will be to where you are going!
We love you and miss you.
Martha & Bailey xx
Hi Petey
Did you mention dolphins! When the little man heard that, he wanted to be right out there with you. He swam with some dolphins last November - not proper dolphin therapy but it had an amazing effect on him. Enjoy watching some dolphins with your Mom - dolphins are very special and those walks are very important too!
You look wonderful in that robe by the way!
We hope the days are getting a little easier.
Take care
Clive and gang
Aww Petey, thanks for the message....i'll look out for it. Today will be my first walk in three weeks....I can't wait!
Love and smooches my little wiry playdog,
Your Rosie-Posie xxxx
(I hope you don't have a bevy of beauties in your mansion!)
Such a romantikh!
I'm sure your 'R-P' will be looking fur your sandy sentiments!
That is such an elegant bathrobe, Petey! We're suitably impressed!
Your Pals,
Tommy and The Girls
Hi, Petey..
Looks like you had relaxing day at the beach...
And, you are much better looking than Hef...
Abby xxxooo
The bathrobe is a good look for you. I liked your sand writing.
I fell sure it will get to Rosie.
Too bad about the weather, sometimes Mum likes to walk when the weather be wild and she upset. She say you can scream and shout at the wind and it not hurt no-one's feelings and no one be about to see you. I bark bark with her.
~lickies, Ludo
Wow Petey that look such a beautiful place. But I don't like going to the beach here when it's all windy, 'cos I get sand in my eyes and that hurts. Do you suffer the same problem?
Cheers H.
PS You're giving Gail ideas with that bathrobe - she always complains about me shedding sand in the Mini!
Muzzie loves it when the waves are like that! We are vicariously vacationing on your beach through your photos. But I'm not wearing that bathrobe, so don't give muzzer any ideas, OK?
gussie d
we love the pics--they are fantastic--you have the best pics and go explore many lovely places-don't you! that is our style for sure---we really enjoyed the message in the sand too--and how you said maybe it would blow away and she would read it!!!!
I'm suwe youw Wosie Posie got youw bootiful message
smoochie kisses
I love the beach, except for that awful hosing down part afterwards. Although I will pass this bit of info along, don't drink the salt water, it will make you sick! I hope you are doing better every day!
~puppy kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Oh Petey, the beach looks lovely. I bet there's a therapeutic touch to just bein' there. Somethin' about the sound of the waves and the wind... it's just peaceful.
Your message to Rosie was so sweet! She is such a lucky pup!
Give your momma a smooch for me!
Wow lucky you! The Beach - Mom always talks about the beach, but we don't live near one. She said she was gonna bring me to one this summer...Salty water huh...wonder what that's like.
We love the beach too...especially on the Oregon coast...miles and miles to run free!!!
Now Buddy wants a bathrobe-too cute!
Hugs and ubs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy
Oh're lookin' totally handsome there on that beach...and I am sure your Rosie greetin' blew right over the ocean to her!!!!
We'd give a lot to take a nice walk with ya those stinky crabs and such would be a total blast to roll in!!!!!
Love ya lots and thinkin' of ur mom...
Love the bath robe! It takes a special manly dog to be able to pull off the Hugh Hefner look. Wish we had gone to the beach too.
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
Mommy I want a bath robe.......If it makes me look as handsome as Petey!=]
And what a lovely message in that sand,hope it blew over to Rosie too! What a romantic little pup!
I'd love to live beside a beach you seem to have sooooooooo much FUN!
Lots of sloppy licks,your dearist pal,Penny!=]
Looks like you had great fun on the beach.
Simba and Jazzi xxx
We really wish we could enjoy some time at the ocean - so many pups seems to have a blast there. Mom is very good to get that salt out of your fur, you don't want to get too dried out. Hope Mom isn't so sad today - give her some big sloppy kisses to help her.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
So it was YOU Hugh. Was blowing a gale this evening and I saw a carpet of sand whizzing overhead. Must of been on it's way to them highlands.Heard the keening of baggy pipes too.Or was that Afie????
The robe is very deb on aire Petey. Wagging impressive. From Ralph's Cruise Collection?
Enjoy those healing beach walks with Mom.
Wiry wags and kisses Ericxxx
omdog you DO look very handsome! Glad to hear you avoided the storm, I bet it'd be scary to be out there when it is storming!
Oh Petey your note to Rosie is So romatical!!
AireKisses, BabyRocketDog
Hey Petey, You look like you own that beach there. Cool dude Hef!!
Hugs, Hootie
Sweet Petey Boy!
I'm catching up with your posts from SC, and I'm so glad you're there with your mama. PLease give her some soothing goob smooches from me & Stella. We can only imagine how she's feeling.
We LOVE seeing you out on the beach with your mama. Keep her walking and remembering all the good stuff she loves about life (especially YOU, buddy)!
We definitely hope to see you when you get back to NYC!
Goober love,
What gorgeous beach pictures of you, Petey!
We've never seen a dolphin before! Maybe mom can get us one for our pond!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Petey, we hope your message gets all the way to Scotland! The beach looks like loads of fun (all except the hosing off part)!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
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