Hi everybloggie! You may be wondering what I've been doing while Mommy and Petey are down in South Carolina. Well, I've been guarding the apartment in New York and teaching my 2-legged friends Willy and Trey to turn on the faucet for me. It's my very favorite way to drink water. (I even prefer drinking my champagne from a fountain, rather than a flute.)
It's been nice having the place to myself (with the fellas) but I'll be happy to see Mommy and Petey again on Saturday!
cool cat! I love cats - I have 3
Just be sure the pawty is all khleaned up!
Hi Mica
You sound like our kinda cat! Mum says to tell you she likes champagne from a fountain too!
We are glad you are doing OK - it will be great having your mom and Petey back home again.
Can we just take this opportunity to comment on how well you are looking for a senior cat!!!
love and kisses
Martha & bailey xx
Mica - you and Tinkerbell would get on well together!
You must be looking forward to having Petey and your Mom home this week!
lots of woofs
Hi Mica...
I'm so happy you've been having a nice vacay...but I know you're going to be so happy to have Mom and Petey back!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Hi, Mica...
I hope you are having fun with your Kitty Sitters...
I know Petey & your Mom will be happy to see you when they get home...
Abby xxxooo
That's the way to get them peoples learning Mica.
~lickies, Ludo
Great job - you teaching the 2-legged friends stuff - that's what we do : )
Mica...we are sure you are enjoying your faucet and visits from your friends. We know you will be glad to see Petey and Mom, and they will be happy to see you too.
gussie d
Great to hear from you, Mica! We had been missing you, and we're glad you are being properly attended to!
The Aby Girls, Tama-Chan and Sei-Chan
Wooohooo, lookin goood catbro! How cool that you have houseguests while our Mom & Petey are away, bet you've missed them though :o)
Our cat Gus likes to sit in the bathroom sink and drink the drips instead of drinking out of his bowl.....talk about living life on the edge!
It's nice to see you on the blog again, last time we saw you you were a little hungover :D
Slobbers xx
Hi Mica! Faucet water tastes extra-delicious!
Mica, we love your ears! You look like you could be part WFT, the kind with the standie-up ears! Are your ears characterisitic of your breed? And does your breed characteristically drink from faucets? Amazing!
Hey, we hate to tell you, but the last time we saw Petey, he was heading south along the beach! We hope he's got a good sense of direction! We know you want him to come home!
Enjoy what time you have left to yourself,
Jake and Fergi
Hi Mica.Did you have some whisky with that water? Can't imagine why Mommy hasn't installed one of Lacie's bidet fountains for you Mica.Ask her when she gets back on Saturday.
Wiry wags, Eric xx
Hey Mica!!! Glad you've been guardin' the place while Mom and Petey have been gone!!!
Petey...Mumsie met Harley last year...I think she met every horse over there...isn't he a sweetie...fabbers poker player too!!!
We've never seen a real star fish either!!! That rocks...as for the dolphin...oh my....Big sissy woulda given a lot to see it...she's a total dolphin freak!!!
We're going to go nap and await the Goobers arrival...Lacie is now on her 28th different outfit...she even used cologne after her bath...sheeschsh....
Paw Slaps, Dude!!!
That was amazing the way your love note to Rosie blew all the way to Scotland...we saw it on her blog!!!
Hi MIca
Enjoy your last few days of having the place to yourself!
Molly and Taffy
Looks like you are taking good care of the place.
Simba and Jazzi xx
Hi Mica, you must be a very smart kitty cat if you can get the humans to turn the faucet on for you. We might need you to teach us that too.
Woos, the OP Pack
I'm so glad to heaw you'we OK. I mean I knew you would be, but it's gweat to see you.
It's going to be gweat to have youw Mom and Petey home..I know you feel the same way
smoochie kisses
Hi, Mica!
Sure is nice that you have been keeping your house safe while your Mom and Petey come back!
That is a cool way to drink water!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Hi Mica! You're a smart cat - that water from the faucet looks so fresh and delicious! I'm sure you'll be glad to have your mom and Petey back. You're a very patient kitty.
See ya!
I am impressed - drinks on tap. Enjoy the party before they get home.
Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy
Hey its great to have good help, right?? I bet you guys will be very excited to see each other.
Hehehe.. that sounds great!
Adele, Vincent & Bella
That is the proper way to drink water. Who wants water that has been sitting out all day collecting who knows what?
My kitty sistas don't do that. They get freaked out instead! They always think they're gonna get bathed. BOL!
Solid Gold Dancer + Puppies
I drink from a hose sometimes, never tried the faucet.
WEll that is one cool trick! We know you will be ahppy when everyone comes home..Love and ksises A+A
You must be so looking forward to seeing your mom and Petey this week.. hopefully they got something for you while they were in S.Carolina..
That fresh-from-the-tap water looks very refreshing, Mica!
Will you and Petey be meeting Stanley and Lisa?
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Mica,
My kitty sister used to get my humans to do that for her too...I don't know how you cats always know how to train the humans so well!
Honey the Great Dane
hi Mica, that looks like a fun way to drink your water - it's kind of like a waterfall. it's very refreshing.
my kitties like it when I leave too. they have this really fun sitter, and when she is not there they have the place to themselves - no me to bug them
your pal, Morgan
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