Yesterday, Mommy decided to do something about that fat gray skunk stripe running down her part so off we went to her groomer....

...the fun and fabulous
Red Market in the Meatpacking district! And you'll notice I said "we!" I've been invited to come along.

Good thing, too, because Red Market is located on the fourth floor of an old warehouse building (so it's more like 6 stories) and there's no elevator or central air! Mommy and I both had a big drink of water when we got there.
Look at this wonderful big open space! Perfect for playing ball with the stylists... That's the toe of owner David Cotteblanche's cowboy boot - ideal for kicking the ball between snipping locks. (Mommy also loves going there because not only are they expert stylists, but David and Reynald have sexy french accents! Oohlala! They also offer clients a very nice glass of wine.)

Hmmm, I wonder if Mommy's friend Steven Dillon needs some expert advice from me?

Or maybe he'd just like to kick the ball for me!

Time for me to get to work.
Asta's always mixing her Mommi's haircolor, perhaps I'll give it a try...

Whaddya mean you'd rather entrust your haircolor to Krista, Mommy? She's the sweetest thing and she does AWESOME haircolor. I think I inspire her with my champagne blonde.

In the meantime, I can count on Dana for a good game of catch. She could pitch for the Yankees, she's got such a great arm on her!

And she's always up for a good game of tug-of-war!

Since I was already at the salon, I decided to get a makeover. So I had a consultation with Reynald's one-year old daughter.
She lives with two Great Danes at home so she wasn't scared of a little guy like me at all!

Here she is suggesting bangs and chin-length extensions for a modern-day Prince Valiant look.
Umm, not so sure I want such a drastic new look. I perused the list of services....

...and opted for a deep conditioning treatment to soothe by sun- and salt-water ravaged hair. Krista gave me an excellent scalp massage as well...

Then she and Dana decided I needed a few sun-streaked highlights, so on with the cap and under the rotating heat lamp for a few spins...

Don't I look even better than usual? Like I just stepped out of a salon???
So I settled my bill at the counter....

...and didn't forget to leave Krista a nice tip! (I thought twice about leaving Dana my yellow ball...)
Petey! I bet you were their favorite client of the whole day. You certainly know how to charm the ladies.
Hope your mom is happy with her new hair.
Petey, you are one stylin' dude :-)
That is so cool they let doggies into the salon...maybe I can convince my human to come into the city one day just so I can tag along!
Your pal,
Petey, what a great day - you went to the hairdressers!!!
We so admire your New York sophistication!
We loved those photos and think those girls deserve a good tip for joining in the fun! Certainly not the yellow ball that would be taking things too far!
Well you know we love you just the way you are - still the subtle highlights add that certain something and the deep conditioning treatment has given your whole coat such a shine.
Next time could you ask those lovely girls if they have any tips for our ears - they have such a fly away quality and we feel the headscarves are a tad dowdy.
We hope you didn't end up looking better than your mom - you know how these humans are!!!
love and kisses
Aunties Martha & Bailey xxxx
Petey, lucky you to be able to go with your Mom. Looks like you had some fun with Dana and the rest. The little one was a cutie. She checked you over good.
Ernie & Sasha
What a pawfect way to spend a hot steamy day..Spa time.
You obviously have all those nice hoomans wapped awound youw paws.
I sowt of like the suggestions youw little pal made..would go gweat wif youw kilts, and I'm suwe Wosie would love it.
I would have happily helped you out wif youw Mommy's haiw colow, but I don't have those cool wed chaiws
Does youw haiw feel even silkiew now??
smoochie kisses
Do we get to see your Mom too???? After all, you are quite the handsome man about town -- so we'd like to be sure that you have the properly coiffed escort to take your lead!!!
Wirey woofs,
Jake and Just Harry
Quite the funky monkey Petey with your new do.Phew. Wagging you didn't go for the a la Asta with hair bows hehheee!!!Oops don't yap I said that we are meant to keep that zippered! Bet you and matching Mommy turned many a head strutting your stuffies down the Meatpacking.Did you go for pedis after too? Ah bestest chum you are such a dog about town. Wish me and mine were there to join you.
OOOOWEEE! Petey you are surely stylin' now. Just remember, Rosie loves the dog behind the do, so don't get too wrapped up in your looks, OK?
You look AWESOME Petey! Not to mention a center of stylist attention!!
Petey, I am so impressed. Only a dog secure about his own masculinity would spend the afternoon at the human hairdressers and happily discuss different treatments. I have never been with Gail to her grooming parlour, I think perhaps she doesn't want me to be jealous of Federico, who cuts her hair and has a sexy Italian accent I'm told.....
Cheers, H.
With the weather we've been having, NO A/C????????????????
That is just wrong on all those levels!
Anyway, that was furry khool woo got to go and help!
Like Mango, I hope your mom is happy with her hairS!
Great post, Petey, you really know how to enjoy a day at the salon.
Happy weekend, the OP Pack
You are so lucky. I think you look amazing. Rosie is a lucky little wife.
Sally Ann
Lookin' buff!
At first I thought that your were going to a meat market and that you must have been very disappointed when you leaned you were in a hair salon. But, I see that it worked out very well for you after all with those beautiful girls fussing all over you like they did. You must have loved every minute of it. hehe...
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
OMG, what a fun day you had, Petey! You have the most fun adventures!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, Petey...
What fun...
Looks like you were their favorite customer...
Abby xxxooo
Hi, Petey!
I am sure you and your mom had the best time there!
I know you were happy at the end of the day!
Kisses and hugs
Looking totoally spiffy Petey!
What a cool place to let you in it!
~lickies, Ludo
Really very cute......... so cute i enjoyed so much
OMD Petey...the prices in Nooo Yorrrk seem a tad different than here in da Burgh...course we are five years behind the times...
None of us have ever been invited to go to Mommy's hair placie...nopers...though one day she went into the bathroom there and there was a hooge Rottie inside it...owner's dog...scared the livin' begeebus outta her...
You did look amazin' after that desaltin' experience, I gotta admit!!!
Love and kisses...Lacie
We're madly impressed - cool hairdressers and very nice staff too!
Your Mom's hair must look great after her visit and you sure got some pampering from the girls!
Take care
Now my mom says she definitely has to go back to NY for a mani/pedi and a haircut. And she wants to bring me for a brush out. Do you think they'll add that to their list of services? I think Graham can stay home. He's hardly got any hair anyway.
Hi Petey! - you look so handsome.Did you make an appointment for next month? Are you a regular now? really enjoyed hearing about your day!
your pal, Morgan
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