We have more photos to come - including two of baby Red-tailed (or Red-Shouldered, can't tell) Hawk that hung out on our deck the other day. Glad I wasn't out there or I might have been a Sweetie Petey Treat! Mom's scrambling to clean the house before guests arrive but we couldn't wait to post this photo - I put the "AIR" in Cairn Terrier!!!
Air Petey - way to go!!!
Woos, the OP Pack
Khool sailing!
We khan't WAIT to see your birdie pikh!
Dang dude, you have big hops!!
woah that is a framer for sure!
Air Petey! Wow! I am very impressed!
Kisses and hugs
That is one high flying move you have. You are ready to be a total stunt dog.
Crikey Petey, that's one for the Olympics.
Noah x
Go Petey, Go Petey.
Sally Ann
That leap is one fow the books!
I think you will cewtainly qualify fow the high jump in the next paw limpics.
It's getting cold hewe ..fiwplace weathew.
I hope you had a gweat time wif youw guests
smoochie kisses
FLY Petey FLY!
Reach for the stars! Or the ball. Or whatever!
And then remember how it feels, so you can dream of it when you get home!
Jake and Fergi xxoo
Hi Petey, that looked like a giant leap for dogs everywhere!
Happy & Fun - you are having the best holiday!
love and kisses
Your favourite Aunties xxxxxxxx
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee- whata super aireborn shot, Petey!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
The dust behind him tells it all! Very impressive...and cute!!!
Lots of licks
Woooohooo......are you training for the 2016 olympics in Rio??
What a cool pic :o)
I have to apologise agian for being a neglectful wee wifey but we've been promised a blog marathon tonight.....had to come & say hi to my hubby first though, I have missed you loads :D
Your Rosie xxxx
Wowzer!!!That's wicked!! Those little leggeds of yours must be jet propelled.
Wiry wags n kisses Eric xxxx
I had no idea you could fly!!!!
Sorry we've totally stunk about visiting bloggies; our secretary has been stoopid things like work and we haven't been anywhere...
Is the water still warm?? Oh, we would give a lot to be down there with ya...
Oh...Scruffy's been mousing all week...he dug a hooge tunnel under the concrete patio trying to get a mouse. I have NO IDEA why he didn't just run across the patio and look in the bush...that's where they live....
I am so clever.
Do you miss me?
Flirty barks...
Wow Petey you are quite the athlete. (I note there is no 'air' in Westie, I guess that's why I don't jump too well...)
Cheers, H.
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