Mica and I, of course, are happy to join in the fun.

She describes our home as "a gift shop with a bed in it." No spare Swedish modern clean surfaces here. No siree. In fact, we call our home The Knickknack Paddyshack."

So this is what our living room looked like first thing Monday morning...

Perhaps it was Mom's English that was the problem...
In other bloggie news, Jake (of Fergi and Jake, not Just Harry's Jake) dreamed he had a Halloween date with Lacie. (Typically I'd insert a comment about dream versus nightmare and Halloween and the hounds of Hell but it's just TOO EASY!)
Hurry over there and read their latest post. If you read the comments from Clive's farewell post, then you know that many of us mentioned the impact that our Irish Dynamic Duo have had on our lives, as well as making us so much more aware of the importance of service dogs and how they can make life so much better for kids like NSLM with autism.
Clive also mentioned how the Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind (Clive's home office, so to speak) is having a tough time with fundraising this year. Approximately 85% of its income comes from fund raising and voluntary donations. Be sure to visit Clive's blog and send an email to their Government Ministers. IT'S FAST AND EASY!
The holidays will be here soon and I know many of you send cards and presents to other dog blog pals. Well, here in the US, it costs 44¢ to mail a card domestically and at least 75¢ to mail a card internationally. And that doesn't even include the cost of the cards themselves!
So let's say you're sending 30 cards domestically and another 20 internationally - that's $28.20 just for postage. (Or 17.19 British pounds) We can sponsor a guide dog puppy for 250 pounds a year! So what we'd spend on postage could care for a pup -- like baby Clive -- for over three weeks!!! You won't even have the Christmas cards around that long but the puppy will be around for a whole lifetime.

That's what I'm going to do. I'll post a lively Christmas/Holiday greeting on my blog and send the money I'd spend instead to Irish Guide Dogs. Who doesn't want to find a puppy in Santa's bag?
Anybloggie care to join me??? (wouldn't it be great if the DWB doggies could sponsor a whole litter of pups for a year???)
Hi Clive, good luck with the decorating. Our house is also too full of stuff we really dont need.
Great idea with the sponsor idea - we do already sponsor a guide dog in the UK.
It runs for twenty months as opposed to a year and we have also bought sponsorship as gifts.
We agree this is a much better use of money than lots of cards.
Martha & Bailey xxx
What a great idea about not sending cards and using the stamp money to donate to Guide Dogs. Your home will really look spiffy when all the painting is done. The color sounds very nice.
Ernie & Sasha
We love the line about exchanging paint fumes for bus fumes! It sounds like Mica has figured out how to make it through in best form!
We are also delighted that Clive is back, and we are awaiting tomorrow's post because we do intend to make a contribution.
Wooos Petey! I love the dog sponsor idea, who needs cards this year when we can help a dog and a human too! I think I am going to run with your idea to Mom now!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
I can attest to the fact that youw Mom has a lot of wondewful books, and stuff squeezed in to youw bootiful apawtement, so I can imagine how "cozy"the bedwoom is wif evewything and evewyone in thewe, hehehehe
It's going to look spectacoolaw
Petey, Ithink youw idea is bwilliant!
I'm going to join you in this wowfwhile Chwistmuss gift.
huwwah fo wyou
smoochie kisses
Ay yezzz. I can zee it now.Through the buz fumez. The new paint colouz will complement you and Mica'z furz perfectly. Momma might need to have ze Blue Rinzez.
Now Momma will be needing me to come and rearrange ze rooms after zee painter has finished non ? Remember I have tried my pawz at ze interior decorating . Za. Za I have. Tell Momma 1 zandwich every thirty minutez will be my charge.
Wiry loez and kizzes. Eric xxxx
Hi Petey
Thank you so much for the great comments and more importantly your great idea! You really are the best!
That is a wonderful thing to do and very much appreciated.
We took part in a newspaper appeal on Sunday - article has got copyright on it but trying to get it freed to upload on our post tomorrow.
Thank you so much again for always helping to highlight and help Irish Guide Dogs and the Assistance Dogs Programme!
lots of love
Clive and the not-so-little man!
Hi Petey
Thank you so much for the great comments and more importantly your great idea! You really are the best!
That is a wonderful thing to do and very much appreciated.
We took part in a newspaper appeal on Sunday - article has got copyright on it but trying to get it freed to upload on our post tomorrow.
Thank you so much again for always helping to highlight and help Irish Guide Dogs and the Assistance Dogs Programme!
lots of love
Clive and the not-so-little man!
I'm sorry your home is upset for now. When it is all done, it will be great. What a good idea for the doggie fund raising. I saw your clone on Halloween wearing a hot dog costume.
Sally Ann
Why does everything always have to look worse before it looks better - too bad about all that turmoil in your apartment. But we do love that color on the walls - very cool and refreshing.
That is an awesome idea about the donation. We will talk to Mom about finding some more money to share.
Woos, the OP Pack
Those constructions projects can be most annoying. Especially when they happen in your space! Try not to breath the fumes or get yourself painted over.
We think the sponsorship is a great idea. We were planning to go heavely e-card anyway. Is it OK if we just sponsor a fox terrier or a golden? Hope so.
Aw, come on. It was a good dream (and I'm not so sure it was even a dream) and, besides, it made me happy. I'm not gonna defend it. It was nice. Period.
About sponsorship ... we like the idea a lot. Thanks for bringing it up to your "readership." You know we are always good for supporting furries and fuzzies.
And about your colors. We can tell it's gonna look pawsitively wonderful. Was the color selection based on your doggie designs? Seems important that the upholstery on your bed is complimented by the walls. Yes?
Wirey woofs (of wisdom)
Jake (of Two Special Wires) and Fergi
PS. Thanks for the pawband. Color me blue.
Petey, I hope the disruption is over soon, we just had our kitchen painted and it was a nightmare for me. I think that is a wonderful idea about guide dogs. I love Clive and was dancing when he returned.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
p.s. knickknackery is Mommies favorite new word.
Hi, Petey!
Sure you, Mica and your mom are having an interesting time at your home right now!
My mom used to pain our house every 2 years and she has not done it since I came to live with her. She thinks it would be streessful for me!
Kisses and hugs
Mom says the kholours sound nice!
As fur the khard/postage/math exercise, my post on 10/25 touched on the same thing - I shared that I wouldn't be doing khards bekhause it was money that khould better be spent/sent elsewhere -
I applaud woo furry HEARTily!
What a great idea for all of us to sponsor a guide dog. Maybe we can all get together and 'just do it'.
Good luck with the painting - our Mom has been doing a little painting herself, but she's messy and slow.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Oops Petey, see we posted our comment twice by mistake yesterday!! Sorry!
Thank you for the update on your post today - we are really delighted with the response. All these emails going into Government Buildings here must have some effect!
Our pal Lisadom from the Irish Autism Action blog left you a comment on our comments list yesterday! Don't know if you saw it? She was interested in doing something on Twitter with you (if you are on Twitter).
Thanks again for all your help in helping to raise awareness of Assistance Dogs and the funding difficulties.
take care
Clive and Murray
Hi Petey
I do like the look of that nice warm hoodie. Why do our humans insist on us having new hairdos at this time of year. Can you believe that the very night after my trim yesterday, we had our first frost of the season?
Cheers, H.
PS Petey, do be careful around the paint. I have found out that humans don't appreciate it when we try to assist in the decorating process....
Your home is going to look just beautiful with a fresh coat of paint, Petey! We love the color choices and can't wait to see it all finished!
The sponsorship idea is a great one!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Petey, we just came back our walk early as fireworks were going off!!!
We met the postman but sadly no parcel.
He was saying that mail is still being delivered but slower!
It is not a complete all out strike - they have had a couple of days here and there.
We will let you know the minute it arrives - we have never had a parcel so very excited!!!!
We were kinda hoping you might be inside the parcel but after all this time we guess you might be dehydrated!!!!
We wouldn't want you sailing over at this time of year - the sea gets a little rough!!!!
from your shaking aunties off to find the Bach Rescue Remedy!!!!Bet a wee dram would do the trick!
That is what my room looks like. Mum tries to say it is hers but since i sleep there it gotta be mine.
What a good idea to help sponsor a guide dog, but it always nice to get and give cards. Maybe we can do both?
~lickies, Ludo
Good idea Petey! Mom says the green papers (she calls it money) are scarce this year. So we didn't sign up for the card exchange. Even though last year all the cards she got brought her so much joy.(My mom keeps everything. she still has them all bol)
We love your idea of giving to an organization like eyes for the blind. And since Mom trains her own service dogs, first me, Sunny, and now new pup will learn over the next 2 years to become her 2nd service dog, she knows how expensive it is for these organizations to raise and train them. Good idea there Petey!
Sunny,Scooter&Pup(who will have a name soon) and Jamie
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