Oh! Hello there! Sorry, you caught me and Mica napping. What a wonderful Howloween we had last night (despite noisy drunk people on the street and horns and sirens all night long! We kinda missed our quiet Island last night around 2:00 am!)

But more about the party!
The spookiest ghosts were flying over head! Don't the lights at the Standard hotel look like scary eyes in the dark? There were loads of people and doggies having a great time. (If you biggify, you can see me at the bottom, waiting for someone to please throw the ball!)

I couldn't quite keep my googly frog eyes and crown centered on my head as I ran after balls. And I had to bark to Mom at the fence quite a bit to help me find a good ball. (She was taking photos with Asta's Mommi of the dogs as they arrived for the big costume contest.)

Just look at the great big bags of prizes! I've won one the past two years, so this year, I was fine to share the goodies with other doggies.

Rosie! You never told me you were coming to the party in my dragon costume from last year! Oh wait, it's just a cake! (Can you believe it???) Rosie is MUCH sweeter!

Here's Asta and her "brother by a different mother" Duffy as Little Red Riding Hood and Grandma Wolf. Duffy was so good about wearing those little glasses and we loved his big wolfie ears sticking out of his nightcap!

Pumpkin (who is a Goldendoodle, by the way, not a standard poodle. And she's also a girl Lacie, so not dateable) was Audrey Hepburn and won the prize for best dog over 30 lbs. She was so excited, she had to take a nap to recover in her Mom's lap!

Lexi came as the Cat in the Hat....

...and her baby twin sisters were Thing One and Thing Two! How cute is that?

It started raining right after the prizes were distributed so we headed home, stopping to admire the pumpkin patch, all lit up. Biggify these to see some of the wonderful carvings.

There were probably 100 or more pumpkins, big and small, all lit up.

When we went out for a walk this morning, we ran into my friend Acadia who today was going by the name of Princess Tinkerbell. She very stylishly decide to wear her tiara backwards with the ribbons in the front. She is almost 3 years old - the perfect age for a fairy princess.

"POOF!" Still a little doggie. Wonder what she was hoping I'd turn into?

One of the Marc Jacobs shops was taking down their decorations (it will probably be Christmastime there by this afternoon!).
Got bones?

When we got home, I just knew Mom was hiding my treat bag from the party on top of the cabinet. I could almost reach it. (Our apartment is a disaster because painters are coming tomorrow. And we'll still be living here! Yikes!)

Whatdya mean "no treats until after breakfast?" Ah shucks. I'll just have to turn my laser beams on you!

Hope everyone had a great Howloween too!
Dude! Do you realize your eyes are glowing GREEN? Froggie GREEN? That Fairy Princess chick, did she bonk you into FROG mode when it turns dark? Kinda like were-froggie prince? Sounds like 'the artist formerly known as Petey' to me. Will you turn into a froggie evernight from now until you kiss the right chicka? Best get to kissing up bud, those green eyes are skeeeree! And whats with the no treats before brekky? That's what HOWL-oh-weenie is all about, stuffin yerself with treaties instead of brekky! That certainly looks like a great party last night. I got hauled around to cheerup shut-ins. Nice, but not nice like a big ole party nice.
Have fun raiding yer stash.
What a fun party.
Sally Ann
oh wow that looked like a mighty fun time!!
You looked soo wondewful, I'm so sowwy stoopid Mommi didn't get a pictoowe of you fow my bloggie I think she kind of got discomboboolated wif those polawoidy things and didn't pay vewy good attention to hew own camewa..I twooly am sowwy
smoochie kisses
pee ess you'we soo lucky you don't live in ouw building..it was like a nightclub..they wewe pawtying on the woof till 5:00AM (about 100 hoomans a few feet fwom my bedwwom skylight wif a DJ...GWWWWWWWWW!)
We just love the pics of all those pumpkin laterns lighting up the dark!
We bet there was a great atmosphere.
Sweet pics - especially you and Mica sleeping!
Thing One and Thing Two were very sweet - our oldest human brother's favourite book was The Cat in the Hat. Our mum can still recite the book by heart she had to read it so many times!!!!
What a great 'Rosie' cake too. Glad you had such a great time.
Aunties Martha & Bailey xxx
Oh My...we love the Rosie cake. Hope you got a teeny tiny bite,
What a great time you had,yes you have green froggie eyes. No treats aww thats awful. Yoy will have had some by now though, ENJOY
Hi, Petey!
I know you all had a pawesome Halloween celebration!
I love your costume!
Kisses and hugs
Petey! We're all confused! We thought that Fairy Princess (love her socks!) zapped you from Frog to Dog. And we were impressed that she did such a good job! Whatever. We're glad you had a good time at the party and we think you looked great green.
Jake and Fergs xxoo
(try to not turn green again from eating too many snackables .. we like ya white better)
It looks like you had a great time at the pawty, Petey! What a work-of-art cake! We sure hope no one cut into it! Mom told us to say that!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Wow, you got great pictures of the party! Mom and I walked home and ran smack into the Parade. OMD, we could hardly walk on the street, never mind crossing the parade route.
BTW,this afternoon, when mom was busy on the computer, I ate quite a bit of my goodie bag contents. Hope I don't get sick later.
Well at least SOMEBODY took YOUR photo at the big party. Humph.
It was a nice evening to be out and about for sure.
That looked like ALOT of fun,, I think that your laser eyes were sort of coming throught the computer ....Love A+A
I met Pumpkin!!!!! Mom loved Pumpkin! And we both love you, Petey. You look so adorable and snuggle-able in your froggy costume. Mom went to a birthday party for a 2 year old this morning and there was a toddler wearing the same costume as yours. You two would have made a super cute photo. Big smoochy kissed from me. Graham, my flat brother, sends big smoochy kisses to Mica too. He loooooves kitty cats.
What a pawesome time!
Woo looked so khute!
Tank woo fur sharing all of the other khuties too!
Hey Petey - looks like NYC is party central! We really enjoyed the photos - those goody bags look great - hope you are sleeping in - all that excitement can tire a puppy out!
Sally and Paddy
You sure do go all out for halloween over there. It looks loads of fun!!
I liked your outfit and that cake Rosie was pawsome! Did you get to eat any?
~lickies, Ludo
What a wonderful Pawty you got to go to!!! And that cake is awesome - hard to believe it is really a cake. We have a Thing ONe and Thing Two here too, but this year they were Little Red Riding Hood and the Big BAd Wolf.
Thanks for sharing all your fun, hope you got those treats.
Woos, the OP Pack
Wow, what a good time you had -- despite all the noise and the bumpkins (not punpkins).
We had a very boooorrrrrring time -- no kiddies, no costumes, no treats -- just lots of love as we reunited with our Mom and Dogdad who had been away.
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
Sounds like an awesome Halloween Petey!!
Oh my...Petey...I SAW that Rosie Cake when I came by your run to try and sell my Laciecakes instead of the stoopid sugarless, icingless Jacycakes they were selling there...I was starving on the plane and sorta ate all my Laciecakes before I got there...they're fabbers if I say so myself...all icing, no cake...why waste the calories on the cake part? But, anyway...that Rosiecake was so amazing!!! Who made that creation? The Cake Boss, himself??? (We watch that on TLC...)
As for Jakie...no, I did NOT premedicate him with my smoothies...he adores me and my small petite derriere and you better NOT ENLIGHTEN HIM elsewise...(is elsewise a word? need to member that for Scrabble...)
Gotta go get Mumsie to the dentist...she hangs out there a lot...sheecchsch...
Kisses and you were an amazing froggie!!!
Laciegirlie!!! XXOOXXOO
oh Petey -- that last picture: your expression and your eyes! My human wanted to rush over to give you the treats herself :-) :-) this was a great post we love looking at all the pictures! New York dogs are so stylish -- even their Halloween costumes are sophisticated and stylish is! That is so original and cute as Anne Duffy with the Little red Riding Hood and grandma costumes. And I agree those ghostly things are very scary floating in the air!
Honey the Great Dane
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