Hey there! It's me, Petey, back at the beach, doing
beachy things. But before I get into that, I wanted to share with you a not-so-surprising discovery Mom made this weekend!

She's volunteering with a great organization down here called Heroes on Horseback. They do equine therapy and therapeutic riding with people with disabilities. They even have a new program called Horses for Heroes that will be working with war veterans. It's terrific and Mom is excited to be a volunteer. Here's a photo of Heroes on Horseback in action. Mom will probably be one of the people who walks alongside the horse and rider.

She went to the Volunteer Orientation on Saturday and learned that they have a range of horses of different sizes and temperaments to match up with the riders. Tall horses for older riders, slender horses for younger riders. But there is one horse that's not very big but quite wide and she has a big personality.
Here is her stall... Seems nice and big and roomy, especially for a horse with a big rump, huh?

If you look closely, you'll see the name of this small but wide horse.

Yes. I can't even make this stuff up! Mom had to stifle a snort laugh when she heard this!
Now back to the beach...
Sunday was overcast and warm, but foggy. Everything was in shades of gray and pearl, you could hardly tell where the sky ended and the ocean and beach began.

Check out these plovers, balancing so carefully on a single leg. They'd hop around before they'd put that second foot down.

With apologies to Dian
Fossey, Mom calls this photo "Cairn Terrier(s) in the Mist."

Oh just throw the ball already, woman!

I'll drop it when I feel like dropping it. After all, my name's not Petey, it's Disregard!

There were enormous "icebergs" of foam washing in on the waves. Like God had put too much detergent into the wash. Or
Lacie was taking a bubble bath.

The cold water temperatures didn't stop me from taking a little dip. Gotta cool off those feet from running so fast...

This must be as much soap suds as
Mumsie uses to wash out
Lacie's mouth when she's using naughty words. Or just
Mango's hourly production.

We thought this barnacle-covered fragment of a horseshoe crab shell looked like a tiara. Maybe
Asta will wear it in the Mermaid Parade at
Coney Island!
Ahhh, gotta take a break...

There have been loads of
sanddollars washing up on the beach. Usually they're broken by the time they make it through the surf onto the sand. In the summertime, you can sometimes feel them under your feet when you're standing in the ocean. It feels like a plate.
There's a legend of the
sanddollar about the birth and death of Jesus. The four holes represent the nail holes and the fifth hole is from the Roman spear. In the very center, there is the star of
Bethelem, and surrounding it, five petals of an Easter lily. The back of the
sanddollar looks like a Christmas poinsettia. When you break the
sanddollar open, there are five small white pieces that look like doves of peace. A lovely legend!

This photo made Mom shiver as the water temperatures are just in the upper 40's!
Mango really outdid himself with this batch of foam!
Ahhh, there's nothing quite like running on the beach with an orange rubber ball!
I heartily recommend it!

Decided to leave a message for my pal
NSLM and Clive while I was down there. Wonder if this will wash up on a beach in Ireland?

Okay, some of you gentle readers may find this next photo to be squeamish, but Mom thinks these jellyfish are quite beautiful with their translucent colors and
iridescent hues. Yeah, whatever you say, Mom!

Next we met Lila - a five month old labrador puppy who was all too happy to abandon her retrieving training to play with me.

Now, you know I'm not a bitey-face or chase-me kinda fellow. I like to play ball and that's about it. Well, Miss Lila had other ideas.

I think she decided she'd retrieve me instead of the ball. She was very interested in it!

Wheeeee! You can't catch me! I'm faster than a speeding lab puppy!

I just kept trying to bring the ball back to Lila's Granny so she'd throw it again and again...and again. Lila got so impatient with me that she'd try to grab my tail to slow me down. I had to say "grrr" to her but I did it with the ball in my mouth so she wasn't scared.

Don't you love her pouncing puppy position? She tried to do one of those "I'm sneaking up on you on my belly" moves and I had to point out to her that she's a coal black dog on a light colored beach. I could disappear more easily!

Just as the sun started to break through the clouds, it was time to say goodbye to my new gal pal Lila. I'll give Buddy her number, they'd have a wild time together!

Okay Mom, just one more little toss before we head home. Okay?
Me? First?! Wowzer how did that happen? I've been doing them snort guffawfs at your blog Petey, Mom nearly fell off the sofa laughing so much. Oh pleeeease Petey make sure Mom takes loads of photo's of the Lacey dobbin from a certain back angle.
The foam from Mango is crazy mad. Get the recipe for our Spa range. We'll be quids in.
Have fun petey. Looks like you're having a ball as usual!
Wiry love Eric xxxx
You have a tendency to disappear on the beach when it is gray and foggy. Good thing you keep your orange ball in your mouth most of the time.
ps..Lila looks like a cutie
You had quite an adventure.
Sally Ann
It looks like a wonderful day at the beach - does that orange ball ever "pop" against the gray horizon.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
oah we are exhausted just reading your post what high energies you have!! great finds even if they did all look rather scary and who would have ever thought lacey could stand still enough to allow anyone on her wide rump arf arf arf
I bet Dexter will be heading fur HH to meet sweet Lila!
As fur the WIDE stall
Woo khan't make up the good stuff like that!
The Doggy Nanny has a placement on the kitchen table with 'The Legend Of The Sand Dollar'
We think the jellyfish are khool too -
And the tiara was khwite Asta-riffikh!
Just think of the size of salt water taffey we could make with all those Mango suds???? There would just be one piece of candy per box...it'd be hooge,huh??? The choice is what flavor is the best one???? We like the spearmint....
That Lacey horse seems to have a rather large caboosssie...I'm just sayin...I might have a pair of jeans Khyra streeeeeeeeeetccccched out...it's worth trying??done...could be entertaining...
Kisses...we're goin' to bed...fresh sheets tonight!!!
Love and hugs to you and your mom, Petey!
Kisses dogs...need to go back to the
boy organinzing/exercising I started...Petey, if ya need a good workout stop by our bloggie..guranteed to get ya in shape....
CEO of Lacie fitness,
Hi Petey
We love your message for the NSLM - thank you so much! Trying to persuade someone here to take me to the nearest beach (only 10 mins away) this morning so I can paw a message back to you!!
We were wondering how the equine volunteering went - that is such a great name for the scheme. The NSLM has horse-riding this evening and its one of our favourite days of the week. We love the atmosphere at the stables and the sheer joy the kids get from the lessons and interaction with the horses. I don't annoy the horses at all - infact I think they actually like to say hello to me.
We think your Mom is great to be volunteering and we're sure she'll really enjoy the experience.
take care
We've been smiling all through your post, Petey, thinking about the wide-glide Lacie horsie! We wish the two Lacies could meet!
Your foggy beach photos are just gorgeous!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Sorry Petey just this once to be a tad critical, but, all those GREY photos....Let me tell you that if I want to see grey, we have quite enough of that here in Aberdeen in w inter (streets, houses, cars, faces, shy, sea etc.) thankyou very much.
More colour next time please, sir!
Cheers, H.
PS But it was quite funny about Lacie
PS I meant sky, not shy, obviously..
Petey! those lab pups are awesome. I know, because i used to be one. But that beach looks awesome too and my mom still gets all melty when she sees pictures of you because she thinks you are so adorably cute. I do too, but I am much more composed than than she is.
She also smiled at the horsey stuff, because she just got home from one of her horsey friend's houses who just put some super duper horse stuff on an injury she has. Those horse folks know all sort of secret stuff.
Sending kisses and snuggles to you and your mom!
Hey Petey
lacie is disguised as a horse now? huh.. after dennis finally got her away from Khyra. Well besides having all that beach fun... I'm on my way for a little "pre-judging" picnic "winky winky" I heard you have cooked way too many hot dogs.
Sure you are having a great time, Petey!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Petey
We do not think Lacie will thank you for being compared to a horse with a big butt!
Sounds like your mom will enjoy getting involved with that club - we hope she gets to sit on the horses too and not just walk alongside.
That doesn't sound as much fun to us although we know she will be helping.
Tell her she needs to canter along that huge stretch of beach - you can run along side!
We are loving the fun pics of your holiday and meeting your friends.
Wish we were there xxxxx
Great post Petey! I had a good laugh at the Lacey/ Lacie parts and ummm the hourly productions of Mango! LOL.. you are a humourous guy, my friend..
Can't wait to read your next post!
Hey Petey! Sorry to be late in commenting. I just LOVE the beach photos. And I was admiring your ball, which looks exactly like my ball of the moment!
Your Mom's upcoming volunteer work looks great. Horses are real miracle workers.
Hey there, Petey
I've not been around for a while - big sorries!!!, but have tried to catch up a bit. Hope your mom is well and happy too.
Your beach photos are awesome. we love what you did for the NSLM...he was so happy about it! Also...that Sanddollar is fascinating - hope you don't mind - I copied it to show to my daughter (the prospective Vet)...the story too is wonderful.
Take care now...will keep in touch.
ps Oh yes...Good luck to mom in her new volunteer venture. Has she given up the clowning?
We don't need to go on walks anymore becauase we get exhausted just reading your posts...Love A+A
Woof! Woof! Hi There ... just saying hello n checking your blog from Mango's contest. Good Luck! Looking forward to your visit to my blog n be blog friends. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
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