So Mom's been making some side trips without me lately - she went over to Bluffton, SC, a cool, kinda funky artsy village and over to Savannah with Nutty Buddy's Mom to see "Avatar 3-D" (
note from Mom: worth seeing in 3-D, fantastic technology, not so much on the storyline. Think "Dances with Wolves" in space.) Ahem...anyhow, as I was saying...I got to go on a roadtrip to Beaufort, SC. Now here's something interesting - there's a "Beaufort" in both North and South Carolina. In NC, it's pronounced like it's French - "Bow-fert" and in SC it's pronounced "Bue-fert."
Mom's good friend that she's known for a million years lives in Beaufort (SC). I've met Nannette when she's come to New York to buy things for her store and when she's come to visit us on the Island. But this was the first time I got to go visit her at her marvelous store - Lulu Burgess!
What a welcome I got!!!

I immediately set off exploring the store, in case there were any errant tennis balls lying around.
If my tail looks blurry in a lot of shots, it was because I was wagging it non-stop the whole time I was in Beaufort.

There are all sorts of wonderful things to buy at Lulu Burgess (—clothes and shoes and jewelry and funny books and candles and handbags and fun things for your house and great gifts. I could go on and on!
Here's Nannette giving me the grand tour. She knows I'm a fashion hound!

Then - OH BOY!!! - she brought out the bestest treats called Bit o' Luv! Well, I bit 'em and I loved'em!

So much so, that I did a bit of shoplifting...and got caught in the act! When no one was looking, I snuck behind the counter and found a whole box of dog cookies. And just as I started to help myself, I was apprehended.

I was afraid I might be sent up to the Big House, since Nannette's husband, Mister Lulu, is a town councilman and he used to be a Deputy! Yikes!!!

But instead, I got some more cookies! Talk about Southern Hospitality!!!
Nannette put me to work, testing some of her dog items in the store. Check out this neat little hatbox. It's really a set of travel bowls. How chic!

I gave it a big "AAAROOOOOHHH!" of approval!

Oh yeah, there's some great stuff for people and dogs at Lulu Burgess!

All those (24) cookies made me thirsty, so I rattled the bowl like I do at home when Mom's not fast enough to refill it.

And sure enough, Nannette took me back to the secret storage room filled with delicious paper that would be soooo much fun to shred and got me a nice cool drink of water.

Now back to my shopping do you like this cute nightshirt? It comes in pink and blue.

Hmmm, all that water made me hungry. Pssst! Hey Lady! When you're through with those pesky customers, how about tossing me a cookie or twelve?

In the meantime, I'm going to get my hair "photo-ready" in front of this fan, like I see the big time fashion models do...

Okay - Lulu Burgess just in an amazing array of fabulous sun hats! I know some of you are up to your bellys in snowdrifts, but it's practically Springtime down here.

She also had lots of funny (and some naughty!) Valentines gifts. Including a frog that turns into a prince! Reminded me of my Halloween costume.

Mom liked these sparkly earrings - even more when she found out they were only $38! (There's still a pair there in black for your Moms!)

This dishtowel made us laugh - ain't it the truth?

For some reason, we couldn't get these next two photos to rotate! This first one sure is true for me...

And I know Mica believes this one!

Here's a huge blown-up old-fashioned photo of Nannette's Mom and Dad, Ned and Trannie, when they were newlyweds. Isn't it a wonderful photograph? Mom knew them both and they were wonderful, lovely people.

I didn't think this tote bag was particularly religious but when Mom saw it she said "Amen to that!"

Ah rats! They've moved the cookies out of reach. Better refluff my hair before lunch.

Hmmm, I love a sale! Ummm - time for lunch!

Since it was so nice and sunny outside, we decided to eat at a casual restaurant named Nippy's so I could join the ladies. There was a nice little Pomeranian named Bear dining there as well. He recommended the fries.
YUMMY! On the left is a Shrimp Dog! No, that's not just a teensy tiny doggie - it's a sausage made of seasoned shrimp, served on a hot dog bun with tartare sauce. It's the house specialty!
Mom had a shrimp roll with delicious fresh-caught local shrimp. Delicious! And lots of crispy cole slaw - a feast! I stayed under the picnic table because Nannette was sneaking me french fries the whole time. Best of all, for a long time, Mom didn't know so she dropped a few fries for me as well.

Ahhh, I've got these two wrapped around my little paw! Doesn't Nippy's look like a swell place to have lunch on a sunny afternoon?

Nannette lives nearby so we walked over so her dog LuluBelle and I could finally meet, nose-to-tail! Mister Lulu found LuluBelle when she was just the fuzziest puppy, abandoned on a construction site. He brought her home, nobody claimed her and she's been defending the Love Compound ever since. She's very protective of her estate, so we met at the end of the driveway.
For awhile all was well, then I asked about her hoopskirt and she called me a Yankee peeing-on-the-carpet bagger and we grrrrrrr'd at each other and snapped our teeth.

So our Moms' put us in time out and we got to sniff each other again. Then things were fine.

Look at the funny face LuluBelle makes when you say "Kitty!" I don't think Mica will be accepting her invitation to come visit anytime soon.

I liked this very official sign posted on the walls of the Love Compound.

Look at LuluBelle's marvelous estate! It used to be just the little house on the right side of the photo, but then Mister Lulu built this huge addition all by himself! It's just beautiful, with antique windows and a tin roof and a fireplace and french doors and dark hardwood floors and a bathtub with feet! It was on the Candlelit Tour of Homes this fall! At least, that's what Mom told me. I was a bit nervous to go inside and see for myself.

LuluBelle sure is a lucky gal, don't you think?

We walked Nannette back to the store, then wandered down Bay Street, the main drag. If you saw "The Big Chill," it was filmed here and this is the street that William Hurt and Kevin Kline walked down early in the morning.

It's very beautiful and historic and peaceful here in Beaufort, overlooking the water.

Nannette and Mister Lulu and LuluBelle live in the historic Old Point area of downtown. It's filled with antebellum homes, some dating back to before the Revolutionary War.

Does this house look familiar? It's Tidalholm, where they filmed "The Big Chill" and "The Great Santini." "Prince of Tides" and "Forrest Gump" were also filmed here. And the author Pat Conroy has written lots of his books about his hometown.

If you ever visit Charleston, Savannah or Hilton Head, you have to drive over to Beaufort and go on a carriage ride through the Old Point and learn all the history that's occurred in this town.

Including "the day Petey came to town!"
Mom couldn't help sharing the temperature --
actually, it had just changed from 70 degrees! In January!

Thanks Nannette and LuluBelle for a swell day!!!
Harooo down there. You may just be in the only place in the US that has decent weather! It is raining and foggy in St. Loulis, where muzzer is, and Foggy and Raining here. California has rain, Azrizona has dunderstorms and lizzards, wooo
Keep Warm
fab trip account and what a treasure trove you found my momma wishes she could go visit that store she would be in there for hours!
What a fantabulific day you had, Petey!!! Mom loves Lulu's place. So many neat things to see and buy. Looks like you got some really good Southern hospitality treatment. And those lunch sandwiches - shrimp - yummers!!! That's from both of us AND Mom.
Tail wags, Phantom and Thunder
What a great shop and so exiting, you had such a great time.
For a minute we thought the temperature there was "0". Our Mom's a little slow.
Sure made our Mom want to go to Beaufort. When our Dad was a young Marine they were stationed there for four years and our sissy was born there. She has a soft spot in her heart for Beaufort and the surrounding areas. Where are you staying?
Have fun.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
You make such a good tour guide! That was a brillant report! We want to go! We love Lulu's shop - so many things we could buy there!
Anywhere that is connected with Forrest Gump also hits a cord with us. After two summers in Boston and New Hampshire - maybe we could persuade the NLSM's dad to go somewhere different! Are there any good golf courses around there?
The NSLM and me are all set to visit anyway!
take care
- best of luck to your Mom on Saturday - we think that's a really fantastic thing to get involved in!
What a GRRRRREAT post!
Woo did such a pawesome job sharing your visit!
That LuluBelle is a furry beaWOOOtiful khanine!
I would have lots of fun with her!
I hope woo and your mom khontinue to have fun!
PeeEssWoo: Of khourse, the khat sign is SOOOOOO TRUE!
You lucky dog!!! Mommi says she wemembews Lulu and you awe soo wight..what a tewwific place and we think youw aunt nanette is swell.
I can't believe that pwetty Lulu Belle sayd those wude things about you..a yankee....well I nevew..not vewy ladylike..she could leawn fwom hew mom's southewn hospitality..
smoochie kissesASTA
PETEY!!!!! I'm going to talk mom into starting up some really cool store with some really groovy name and then maybe you will come and visit and look for tennis balls and fashionable clothes and fans and stuff. It looks like you are having a fabulously fabulous time down south. Miss you loads.
Now THAT'S Southern Hospitality! It sounds like you had a nearly perfect day and we're glad you got to go along.
Did you ever find a tennis ball, or did you quit lookin' when you saw all the other cool stuff (including cookies ... lots of them) to check out? We loved the hats!
Keep havin' fun,
Jake and Fergi
What a wonderful road trip, Petey, and even more wonderful sunshine and dining, and friends. Just perfect!
Hey Petey and Jane
Wow, what a wonderful post! It must have taken you absolutely ages to put it all together!. I just loved reading it! What an interesting trip too!
I just love that T-shirt - I am sure that mom would have gone mad in that little shop!! She loves those sorts of things too!
That house looks like the house from the old TV series- North & South.
Anyway mom sends her love to you and wonders if you are still "Clowning around"?
Take care and lotsalicks
Hi Petey
What a great holiday - or as you say - vacation - you are having!
We just love seeing the sunshine!
We thought at first mom's friend was going to be a dinasaur cos we think they live 'a million years'.
We thought Nannette looked wonderful for being such a grand age.
Her store was filled with all the kind of things our mum loves - it is the kinda shop that our dad says mum gets lost in!
It was lovely to see you enjoying the store - even without tennis balls.
We are so relieved that you didn't get arrested for stealing the dog cookies!
They looked delicious but you must remember to look after your figure Petey.
Too many cookies can affect the waistline - just look at your Aunt Martha!
We will have a look at the online shop - mum has currently hid her credit card but she knows where she hid it!
How nice to read LuluBelle's story - we are so happy she has a good home. We are glad you two managed to sort things out!
Thanks for showing us Tidalholm. We actually thought it looked familiar - we loved Prince of Tides and Forest Gump!
Can you please send us some of that sunshine!
love and kisses
Aunties Martha & Bailey xxxx
ps sadly falling behind in the world of dog bloggers ........
Oh no! We cannot be the thirteen comment!!!!!
wow, what a pawesome little store. Mom could spend some serious dough in there. I sure would love to visit it sometime. Mom wishes she had one of those shrimp rolls right about now.
Petey pal. Beaufort. Beautiful. And whata wagging time you had being spoilt by Nan and all. Mom remembers it well. The historic B& B where they stayed, stunning, where the bed was soooo high there was steps to climb into it!!!. Then the shoppping, yep, she's pretty sure it's the same store where she shopped till she dropped!Lulus looks lovely. Mom's earings divine. Lulubelle. Gulp. Needs a whole box of those treats before you meet her next time Petey. I can see she already had the blow dry.Wagging you all had a lovely time.
Wiry loves Eric xxxx
Wiry lov
Oh Petey - what a wonderful, wonderful day - and what a wonderful, wonderful post!! We just loved every minute of it, Hsin-Yi and me, as we were reading it...Hsin-Yi says that now if she were ever to visit the American South, she will definitely include Beaufort on her list and DEFINITELy visit your Miss Lulu's wonderful shop! and shrimps are her absolutel favourite food so I think she'd eat very well there too!! :-)
Honey the Great Dane
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