Man oh man, am I ever in the naughty corner!
Mom and I went to Terrier Time the other afternoon. It was great - I got to see my island pals, like Honey and Cleo and Savannah and Muffy. The golf course is closed for the afternoon so we get to run around and have a ball.

Speaking of which, I'm the only fella who brings along a ball. The 2-leggeds throw it and lots of the other dogs chase me around. Especially Muffy - the black dog in the bottom of this photo. She looks alot like my pal Bear in New York!

Well, we were chasing the ball on the 9th tee box and ran off the back of the tee box out of sight. When we didn't immediately come back, Mom and Muffy's Dad went looking for us. My favorite orange ball was floating in the lagoon...Muffy was on the bank watching it...and I'd ventured in! My front legs and belly were covered in mud.
It's a good thing I don't like to swim when my feet can't touch the bottom, because just look who sometimes lives in the lagoon!!!!

Mom kept calling me over and over and I wouldn't budge from the edge of the lagoon. It was my favorite ball after all. She tried to lure me with biscuits. Not budging. Finally, Muffy's Dad offered some REALLY good cookies and it seemed clear that Mom wasn't going to wade into the lagoon and get my ball, so I gave up and went for the cookies.
But for the rest of Terrier Time, I didn't have a ball to play with, so I just rolled around in the grass, making all the 2-leggeds shriek at my dirty belly and paws. Muffy and I kept trying to sneak back to the lagoon, but Mom and Muffy's Dad weren't letting us out of their sight.
Needless to say, I got hosed down but good when we got home. And Mom kept petting me all night long, saying "Petey! You would have been a little snack for an alligator!" So I'm in BIG trouble. Bet I'll have to wear my lifejacket to Terrier Time next week, if I'm even allowed off leash.
Maybe I'd better stick to the beach.
This is for NSLM and Clive! Five weeks to go!!!
Petey you must be careful. I know that if you and Mommy go to Petsmart you can find a ball just like your old favorite ball that is now gator food. It is so much easier to replace a ball rather than you, so please be careful. What would Rosie do if you something happen to you?
Sally Ann
We think we heard your mom khalling woo HERE in Pawsylvania!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
Oh Uncle Petey
America sounds like a very scary place.I mean, even I would hesitate to go into water where an alligator might be swimming, and I have what I heard Gail calling 'a reckless trait'! Here in Scotland of course, some people say we have the Loch Ness Monster, but Gail says it doesn't exist.
One question though, Uncle Petey, I wonder if there was anything really that special about that particular tennis ball. Are they not all sort of alike? (I know I'm young and don't always understand these things.....)
Toodle pip!
PS Great that you get to play on the golf course with all your friends. Do you have a handicap?
You were furry brave to think about getting your ball back but we are so furry happy that you listened to your momma and left it alone. That mean lizard would have gulped you down for a snack!
Oh Petey, we have come over all faint!
What a fright!
As your aunties we absolutely forbid you to go anywhere near that lagoon ever again!
Goodness it is not good for our health to get such a fright reading your blog.
Now we would be happy to search for an exact replica of that ball for you if that would help.
You are certainly very brave but we fear you are far too reckless.
It must be your scottish heritage - most males are the same!
Now Petey you must promise.......
Your Aunties xxx
Petey, you scared us so bad!! We don't want you to change your name to Amos Moses.
The first time Dad took Mom to Moss Creek, she saw the "don't feed the alligator" signs and said "oh, how cute!" and then she saw why they were there - not too cute.
So please stay away from the alligators - we want to keep you around - after all you have 9 puppies who are looking up to Uncle Petey for guidance.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
Petey! NO! Tennis ball. Not worth it! Your mom must have aged about 5000 years seeing you wanting to swim with the gator.
Oh..we think muzzer would have had fifty kinds of fits and then hugged us.
gussie n teka
happy you are safe, we miss you when you don't post.
Noooooooooooo! we said when we read the title of your blog. We have rules here: NO ONE GOES INTO INLAND WATERS -- LAKES, CANALS, PONDS -- BECAUSE AN ALLEY GAITER MIGHT BE LURKING!!!
We're glad for those enticing biscuits/cookies.
Behave, lad. We know all about terrier toughness, but those gators don;t give a darn!! We hate to say it this way, but YOU ARE BITE SIZE!!! Your Mom is right.
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
Ummm...your peeps never hear of a ball retriever, being that's a golf course and all? Maybe they best get one and bring it along next time in case they need to scoop up a tennis ball or bang a stubborn Cairn on the butt? They could put a terrier retriver loop on it and drop it over yer noggin to get you outta the way of gators and other nasties, like snakes. Water is dangerous. Think on it...other than the occasional drink, do you really like things associated with water? Baths, rain in the ears, face washies, hose downs, butt washes, gators, water snakes, waves in the face, sharks, jelly fishes, salt water sickies, mud loving bacteria...we could go on all day and have a hard time finding more than a couple of nice things about water. Maybe a drop in my wee dram of single malt. A flop in the kiddie pool to cool down...but keep that hose away from me. A good slurp out of a water bottle. Never ever get in water willingly. Thats for labs that don't know better.
Bonnie, the very DRY Scottie
Oh Petey, I'm so glad you were able to be lured back with those cookies! But you sure looked like you had a ton of fun-getting hosed off is part of the fun!
Be careful...
Your buddy,
woah petey you so dont want to become gator bait we are sure you'll soon claim another ball as a fav loves and licks xxx
OMG, Petey - no ball is worth your life! Listen to your mom when she calls you from now on, okay?
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
You MUST no become the snack treat for the gator.....We're sure Mum will get you a whole new batch of tennis balls....just let gator have it -
My condolences on the loss of your favourite ball, Petey. That's a tough one!
Petey, No! That lazy lizzard will make mince-meat of you! We want our Petey! No dangerous tricks for you!
Oh, and by the are VERY lucky! Here in South Africa we would be incinerated if found on the golf course...a worse fate than alligator bait! :)
Sending lotsaluv to you and your sweet mum.
I'm so glad that you didn't end up as gator bait - no ball is worth that much risk. your mum must have been so scared when she saw you near the water and that log like thing!
Great excitment here tonight looking at you on the golf course - and the alligator in the lagoon! Murray is beyond excited at prospect of alligators!
We loved reading your Mom's comment about the farmers market the other day ... that pasta sounds delicious and the NSLM's sister eats an incredible amount of pasta!
I'm been to the groomers today - got my holiday haircut so it's all systems go ...
take care on that golf course!
Clive and the NSLM
Hi, Petey!
OMD! That is a big gator!
Glad you did not want to go get your ball into the water!
I hope you find another ball to make it your favorite!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
I admire you telling Lorenza that you're always startled to see her undressed! I think you get her full attention!
Tsk! Tsk!
Oh my God, Petey - my heart was in my mouth reading your scary! I'm always hearing about the crocodiles here in Australia but didn't reealise you have them where you are too!! I think you'd better listen to your humans and keep out of that lagoon!
Honey the Great Dane
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