In honor of the World Cup, I had to post this photo of my favorite female soccer player, Molly. I met her last fall and I'm pleased to report that she is still sitting on her red soccer ball.

Hee hee! We loved this sign we found in a little gallery in Bluffton, SC so much it is now hanging on our porch (along with a sign that says "If you're not barefoot, you're overdressed." Strong words from a shoe-fanatic like Mom!)

In New York, I've shown you plenty of photos of the Hudson River. Well, down here, we're looking over the docks at Hudson's Seafood Restaurant - parallel universes!

Mom and I biked down to Harbourtown the other day. This is the iconic lighthouse (not a real working lighthouse, but a navigation view point nonetheless.) After our three-mile bike ride, we decided to skip climbing the lighthouse...

...but I did give these sea kayaks a good sniff. Mom wants to try paddleboarding while she's here. I told her that I find dog-paddling boring, but she said this was something all together different.

So we decided to get some ice cream and discuss this further. Can't tell you how many little two-leggeds came over to pat me while I was eating my ice cream. I kept wagging my tail but I didn't want to stop eating!

Dogs can only go to the beach now before 10:00 am and after 5:00 pm. Which is fine with me because it's too hot the rest of the day. I prefer to hang out on my porch. But after 5:00, it's the best time to go to the beach. The sky is gorgeous, the crowds have thinned and there are always some people to throw the ball for me!
Don't I make a handsome lifeguard? I'll rescue you as long as my feet can touch the ground.

This is so cool! These guys are kite-surfers. They stand on boards that look like snowboards, wear harnesses that are attached to these big parachute-like kites that pull them through the water. Sometimes they do enormous jumps and spins over the waves. It's quite beautiful to watch.

I spotted a bunch of kids and took off to introduce myself. This is my new pal William.
He's from Tennessee. I asked if he knew Gussie.

He introduced me to his brother and sisters and cousins. Are they the cutest bunch of kids ever? The littlest girl in the pink tee-shirt was named Maggie and she played with me the longest. When we had to leave, she ran after me shouting "Bye Petey! Bye Petey!"

Mom said it made her Grinchy heart grow three times as big.
Glad you are back we missed you. Boy the beach looks like FUN!!!! We haven't been to the beach this year because of the OIL!
Hmm...that is one adorable bunch of kiddies...
I er um don't LIKE children, but I know some are fond of the little dears...
I find them to imitate large rodents quite succesfully...
Example...Mommy...see the cute litte dog...(that'd be me...) Pat the doggie...reach, jerk hand back....reach, jerk hand back...well by the 50th jerk, well, we best not go there...
Scruffman had his paw incised and drained yesterday...he's a cone head now...and he um peed all over the vettie when she was holdin' him on her's been sorta a scene around here.
By the way, when you saw that chunky dunk sign, you knew that didn't refer to me, right? I am so the skinniest well, doggie...
Just sayin'...
Beast word verrie...a new university? heck if I know.
Welcome back! We missed you! You sure know how to have fun!
Hi Petey,
It looks like you had a great time at the beach. How does you ride a bike down to the beach - do you run beside your mom, or is there a special seat for you?
Hi Petey
Molly looks cool - we love how she can hold onto the ball!
You looked like a real lifeguard there Petey and we could see you were a babe magnet.
Goodness what a fan club you have.
Bailey adores children but I am really not so keen on them!
You are such an outgoing sociable dog.
We like that you cycled the three miles to the lighthouse but couldn't understand why you didn't have a climb inside.
We are loving that beach - must go soon.
Martha and Bailey xxx
Yup, we grow them cute in Tennessee..but I don't recognize them. Maybe they are from Nashville or someplace cool.
They were from Nashville! Mom asked their Mom about the floods and their house was spared but their neighbor's house was washed out.
Your fan khlub is pawesome!
I'm not like The Beast - I would love the attention!
BTW, I KNEW the sign was fur her pool!
Thanks fur sharing your great pikhs and times!
I'm sowwy I haven't witten fow so long..I'm so happy to see you'we having such a gweat time and making fwiends as oosual whewevew you go and twaining the next genewation of ball thwowews .
That hudson place shoowe looks moufwtewing..have some yummies fow me.
AS you know, I go bawefoot evewywhewe, heheh
smoochie kisses
Hi, Petey!
Sure all those kids were very nice, right?
All the pictures are pawesome!
Kisses and hugs
Today we celebrate UNITY in DIVERSITY with Maxmom and with all of the wonderful dog-blogs that have taken the spirit of the World Cup and made it MORE - made it an exercise in understanding, tolerance and community.
Today we cheer for the United States of America on our bloggy and welcome you with open paws to celebrate with us☺
That's a great bunch of friends you made, Petey!
And that ice cream looks DELISH!
Ha! Glad your Mom's "Grinchy" heart has grown! :-)
Yep, those kids are adorable!
Those pictures are beautiful-both Parental Unit and I felt like we were there! And now we both have a hankering for ice cream!
Your buddy,
Your beach looks so beautiful, Petey and Maggie is such a sweetie! Of course with a name like Maggie, we wouldn't expect any less!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Look at that pawesome group of ball throwers. You are living the good life my friend.
What fun you were having on the beach with your friends! You've certainly got plenty of fans!
Hope you're having a great time!
take care
Clive and the NSLM
Hi Petey
What a lovely bunch of friends you have down on the beach. Lucky lucky you. And I SO like the idea of discussing things over a nice ice-cream! I am going to suggest to Gail that we resolve our disputes here that way too. (At the moment I just get chucked out into the garden in the rain....)
Toodle pip!
Petey I'll be wagging right over if you show more fab photo's like those. Looked all pucker to me and then ice cream to top it off Think you can spare a few of your fan club for a mate? Or we could do a double cat to get some more if Mom's heart could stand it.
Wiry love Eric xxx
We're thinking we need to at least PRETEND we can be off-leash at the beach. It looks like you're having a GREAT time and, honestly, we're a bit in awe.
We're in Florida now ... near the beach. We could go there during the day ... but it's way too HOT ... so we've been going at sunset (or after) and sitting on a blanket and watching the surf (and the moon and Venus and the very few passers-by that we see.)
Now ... about that ice cream. Thanks for the reminder. Seems last year we got a fair amount of the frozen stuff at the beach. And this year? Nill. None. Nada. So far.
Enjoy your stay! We'll be reading more and more about it now that we're in an environment a bit more conducive for reading. (Inside. Under the ceiling fan.)
Love and hugs
Jake and Fergi xxoo
Happy Father's Day to y'all!
You sure are the most handsome lifeguard especially when you're all wetty and muddy!
Here another white fluffy Mango pup ran after you shouting Bye Petey! Bye Petey!
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