Friday, July 16, 2010

Dogs (With Blogs!) at Sea!

"New York, New York—it's a hell of a town!
We've got one day here, and not another minute,
To see the famous sights,
We'll find the romance and danger waiting in it,
Beneath the Broadway lights.
But we've got hair on our chests (yes, Asta, too!)
So what we like best are the nights.
Sights, lights, nights.
New York, New York—a hell of a town!"

This is the song that me and Duffy and Asta sang to welcome our DWB visitors from all over the globe to our town, New York, New York! The city so nice, they named it twice!

While the big party was at Asta's on Thursday, we kicked it off with a little get-together at my place so everyone could say hello to Mica. Then the DWBers headed off to dinner and then on to Chelsea Piers for a wonderful moonlit cruise on an 80' schooner!

Monty, Molly and Taffy's Mum came all the way across the big pee from England for the party! And yes, that's Mumsie peeking between Asta's Daddi and Mommi. Next is Stella and Stanley's servant.

It had rained off and on most of the day, but by the time the evening rolled around, it was dry and cloudy. Just beautiful!

It was still a bit misty so the lights of the Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building were soft and romantic.

Here's Duffy's pretty Mom!

We had a keg of Coke Zero stowed below decks for Mumsie. After all, it was a 2 1/2 hour cruise!

More members of the British Royal Family - King Simba and Princess Jazzi's NSFFM (and their brother came too, but he's not in the photo!)

The DWB Founders, Brooke and Greg were the reason for the celebration! Their first ever trip to New York! (We're certain it won't be their last!) Plus Lola, Sherman and Penny's—The Dogs of Jackman Avenue—two-legged!

Hey! It's AireRuby's CEO! With the leader of the Brat Pack!

We were really sailing - just wind power - on the Hudson, down by Battery Park, past Ellis Island, all the way to the Statue of Liberty!

We got really close to her! Even closer than this blurry photo would have you believe!

Three lovely ladies - Sophie Brador's roommate, Duffy's Mom and Lady Liberty!

(Fortunately, I checked the bow before we left the docks and Lacie was NOT along to wreck havoc! No doubt she was on a conference call with Stella and Asta, preparing for the party the next day!
Hope all of our Dogs With Blogs are either enjoying their extended time in our wonderful hometown or safely on their way home with suitcases filled with fun memories of our time together!


Agatha and Archie said...

HOLY COW! WE ARE FIRST!! This really never happens to us as we are ALWAYS so behind! Man we wished we could have come on this trip!!! You guys looked like you had a blast!! We were so happy to see you Petey at the pahhhtyy( Archie has been trying ALL day to change his hair style like yours) and to have had PL2 meet your Mum( although she told us it really was way too short of a time....)You guys are quite the hosts!!!! Love and kisses A+A

Jake of Florida said...

A hell of a town, all right!! And a swell of a crowd!!!

Thanks for sharing the photos -- we've been waiting impatiently!!!

Wirey love,

Jake and Just Harry

Deborah said...

That looks like so much fun, it's no wonder they call New York, New York, twice!

Noah the Airedale said...

Oh wow more great pics of the big get together. D is mighty jealous she didnt go.
Thanks for sharing the great photos. We've really been looking forward to seeing them.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Gus said...

It's a wonderful town! You and Asta and Duffy are great Host(ess)'s and we are enjoying the happy faces.


Bocci said...

What fun you all had! A beautiful time in a beautiful city!

Your buddy,
Bocci...who wishes he could join you-next year?

Southbaygirl said...

It looks like it was a wonderful evening! I'm so sorry I couldn't come to NYC to meet you all!!!

Velcro and mom Penny

Two French Bulldogs said...

What a great time... We love that NY. And teh DWB owners...very cool. Watch out for those 3 sailors...BOL
Benny & Lily

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What great pikhs!

Thanks fur sharing all those wild and khrazy blog humans!


Lorenza said...

Thanks, Petey!
I loved to see all of them together having a pawesome time!
Maybe next time my mom can join them!
Kisses and hugs

TwoSpecialWires said...

More pictures! We've been digging around for these! Thanks for sharing them. It's clear you all had a really good time! And it's really getting us in the mood ... we're close to counting the days!!!

Great hosts and hostesses you are ... all around!
J and F

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What a fun get-together for friends from around the world. You can always find fun and exciting entertainment in NYC.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Eric said...

You 3 are the perfect hosts with the mosts. Wicked photo's Petey! I've been waiting impatiently to get my pies on what you DWB's got up to. Now I know I've even more green jelly.But I'm wagging everyone and their leggeds had a super happy time.

Wiry love Eric xx

Thanks for the sniffs on my flat self Petey. Eek hope i was polite amd didn't do any flat one upmanship peemails....

Simba and Jazzi said...

We wondered where Mummy had gone. She really needs to get her own friends and stop stealing ours!!!!

Simba and Jazzi xx

Duke said...

What an awesome cruise with so many DWB friends! We love all of the pictures! Thank you, Petey!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lacy said...

w00fs,loved those pix petey...Glad u posted them...Mama saided she didnt go on the cruise and it was nice to c all of the other DWBers enjoying theirselves..

b safe,

pps mama says it was sooo much fun meeting u and Mica...

Martha said...

What a fantastic time you all had - even the humans seemed to be having fun!
Our mum is just so jealous! Thanks for all the great pics Petey but the best pic was the first.....that made us laugh out loud!
Our mum is now singing New York, New York.......such a pity she can't hold a note.
Just dropping in - we are supposed to be on holiday........but we don't like the thunder....!
Martha and Bailey xxx

WFT Nobby said...

Oh Uncle Petey
What a glamorous time you all are having in New York. I am so jealous and wish I could be there too. Gail is saying, no Bertie, you don't know where you're well off, you wouldn't like New York at all, remember how frightened you were of the traffic on the main road near the grandparents' house last week?
Well, between you and me, I think that Gail too would love to come to New York, but is trying, not altogether successfully, to conceal the fact.....
Toddle pip!

Asta said...

Thank dog you wewe hewe to help welcome all ouw fwiends..I know thay all had a swell time! How could they not in such a specktacoolaw town wif so many deew fwiends
and no I was not on a confewence call wif Lacie(we wew at a club in the meetmawket dancing, hehehe)
smoochie kisses