Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Murray's turning 12 tomorrow!

I just couldn't wait! I wanted to post this Birthday Card for him so he'll see it first thing tomorrow morning when he wakes up. Please go over to Clive's blog and leave some birthday greetings for Murray — just remember, he hates the Happy Birthday song, so come up with something more imaginative...

Who lives in Ireland close to the sea?
Sponge Murray Square Pants!
Has a global collection of bright yellow tees?
Sponge Murray Square Pants!
If you'd like to send him a 12th birthday wish
Sponge Murray Square Pants!
Then drop by for ice cream and cake that's delish!
Sponge Murray Square Pants!
Arrr, arrr, arrooooooooooooo!!!!

op like a fish.
Sponge Bob Square Pants!


Two French Bulldogs said...

whoo hoooo birthday time
Benny & Lily

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

How khool!

I'm going to snag this fur my post!

What a pawesome idea to make his day!


Martha said...

What a great card - don't you worry we will be over. We already promised not to sing Happy Birthday.
Anywhere there is cake we will sniff it out.
love and kisses
Martha and Bailey xxx

sprinkles said...

This was very sweet of you, I'm sure Murray will love it.

But who doesn't love the birthday song?

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

What an excellent card!

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Mutant Puppy

Clive said...


We love your Card and song! As Murray said first thing this morning "wicked awesome"!

He was really thrilled with it - thank you so much!

It's only 8.43am here but busy morning - Sorcha starts in her new school this morning so we're all running out the door now to have coffee and cakes in her new school!

Murray is sitting here holding a print out of your card - he's shouting out "thank you - Jane and Petey" - hope you can hear him!

lots of love
Clive and Murray

Duke said...

What a sweet song for Murray's birthday! He's going to love it, Petey!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Asta said...

Sweet Petey!
I know that the NSLM loved his cawd and wishes fwom you!!! You awe such a wondewful fwiend.
Thank you fow offewing to help wif me tomowwow. Daddi says he thinks he'll be back in time to take me to the wun..Mommi's suwgewy is sposed to be at 4:30(pwobably they won't stawt till 5 ow so, but it should still be OK

I hope I see you and can thank you in pawson
smoochie kisses to you and youw Mom

Eric said...

Petey pal. That really was the the besest square song I've ever heard. Well wicked.

Wiry ones! Eric x

Pee s. Are you feline ok Petey??? You almost prefer Petey Penguin HardBolied Egg dude to tennis balls????? Crickey. Almost did an Archie when I read that.