Thursday, September 2, 2010

The last summer weekend...kinda.

We'll be headed back to the beach in a few weeks, where summer will linger long into October (and where I can be on the beach all day long without a leash!). And we realize that summer doesn't officially end for another three weeks.

But for those of you who are already thinking of fall leaves, shorter days and sweaters, here are a few more moments of summer sunshine...

Ice cream - all for me!

Running flat out....

Hanging out with "flat Petey."

Happy Labo(u)r Day Weekend!


Posy Linda said...

Hiya Petey! You've been out having fun. I've been having a haircut...yucks. Oh well, at least I'm very pretty today (until I can go out and roll around in something). That SpongeBob card is pretty cool. A word though...sponges do not taste good (ha).

Maxmom said...

Hi Petey...(and Mom!0

Just stopping by and catching up on your news...haven't been around for a while...sorry!
I loved your card to Murray (and I know he loved the post too! :)
The dog bed is quite amazing, although I think the new pup will need something bigger.
...and then there's the issue of summer: Well - summer!s here to stay by our place - you can always follow it to our neck of the world! :)
Sending lotsaluv and hope you are doing well.


WFT Nobby said...

Hi Uncle Petey
Oh what lovely beach pictures. I'm still waiting for my first ice-cream (hint hint Gail).
Why does everyone except the Scots have a holiday weekend round about now? I mean they have August Bank Holiday in England, Labor Day in the US, and Tough Luck You've Gotta Work Day here in Aberdeen!
Toodle pip!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh Petey what is better than running around on the biggest sand box ever? You sure look like you are having fun. We are going to make mom take us there tomorrow
Benny & Lily

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Pawesome pikhs Petey pal!


sprinkles said...

It's already cooling off here. I'm sad because I'm soooooo not ready for summer to end.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh...Lacie is outta breath exhausted from swimming in the kiddie pool...actually, I'm exhausted from chasin' Scruffy around the yard...snappin' at him...and Mumsie chased me with the was the best game ever...

We're all drippin' wet too...ah...the doggie days of summer.

Yes, Petey, I am quite amazed about the lack of butt comments...I have firmed up a bit by increasin' my jogging...(yes, Stan, it's your turn to get chased by the snappin' toofers...)

I do have a lovely derriere if I say so myself....



Gus said...


Enjoy the beach. Maybe next year we can see the ocean from this side of the country. Muzzer says..


Duke said...

Enjoy your beach, Petey, and enjoy your ice cream!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

Hi, Petey!
I love summer but right now I really want some cool weather!
Have fun!
Kisses and hugs

Noah the Airedale said...

Hey there Petey
You love that beach dont ya matie. Have fun when you head back down there.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Martha said...

Hi Petey, we are having some late sunshine at the moment which is lovely.
You have so put us in the mood to go to the beach.
You know how to have fun....did that flat dog ever catch you?
love and kisses
Martha and Bailey xxx

Eric said...

Hey dude you have the perfcet summer. And the bestest rectangle shadow !

Wiry love Eric xx

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Hey Petey...

Lacie whispers in Petey's ear...




And then giggles wildly.....


Lacie Girl

Angus said...

That looks like great fun.