Now I'd like to dedicate this song to my Rosie-Posie and my Aunties Bailey and Martha....
"In your Easter Bonnet,
with tennis balls upon it,
You'll be the finest hound dogs
in the Easter Parade!"
Good luck at the big tennis ball hunt!
Where big fun comes in a small scruffy package.
Oh no are you two breeding like bunnies? he he. Happy Easter Petey.
A very Happy Easter to you Petey
from Clive and all the gang in Dublin!
- do you think they'll remember its my birthday amid all the Easter egg hunting on Sunday! Little man's mum seems to be focusing on Easter lunch for all the in-laws etc etc!
Maybe your sweetie will be hiding in the box with Rambo!
Hoppy Weekend Petey!
Thank you for the song Petey!
Oh and Khyra....I did try and sneak myself into the box with Rambo (I am SO jealous of that bunny) but then Mum snapped my lead back on....she knows about my wanderlust, i'll keep trying to get to my Petey though :D
Petey. What big ears you've got. Me too. Even posted at the same time too harhar!! Think them ears it will add to our dog magnet appeal? Get Toffee attracted over the big pee to me and Rosie attracted over to you?
Hoppy Easter Petey. Mica too.
Wiry wags, ERic xx
Hi, Petey...
Happy Easter to you, too...
Abby xxxooo
Hoppy Easter to you and Rosie Posie too
gussie n teka
Hoppy Easter, Petey!
Your pals,
Joey and Zeke
Based on what we're seeing...we've been missing out on some really great Easter FUN these past few years! We'll be letting Mom and sister know our expectations are growing with each post we read! Thank you.... thank you... we're sending the people to come read!
Happy and hopeful,
Jake and Fergi
Petey Happy Easter You make a great bunny..Archie is still laughing at your last post ( the Chick magnet....) and PL2 says that she was sobbing at the video...Love and a million kisses A+A
Bunnies are brown
Bunnies are white
Bunnies are always
An Easter delight!
You look so cuuuute! Great picture! Happy easter you romantic gentleman!
xo Sammie
Happy Easter Petey!
Kisses and hugs
Happy Easter Petey CottonTail
Petey bun
You look adowable disguised aas the Eastew Bunny1
I think youw Eastew song fow youw Wosie Posie, and aunties is lovely..Awe you going to the pawade on Fifth avenoo?
smoochie kisses
Hey Petey! What a lovely basket full of Easter Eggs - I like your disguise - dress up like a bunny - lull them into a sense of calm and then chase them!!!! I like your tactic! I embarrassed my humans at the pet store - I tried to get into the bunny pen - I was just trying to share some Easter cheer - honest...
Big licks
Hi Petey
Thanks for the song, it was lovely!
You look just super sweet in that picture!
Have a lovely Easter.
Basset kisses and cuddles
Aunties Martha & Bailey xxx
Happy Easter little Petey.
Happy Easter to you my dear friend,Petey!,All the way from Ireland. Hope you have a lovely Eater and dont eat too many easter eggs you know what us dogs are like with chocolate......................=] And what a lovely song there!,Did you compose it yourself???Love the picture you look soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo CUTE!!!
Ah Petey! So much to catch up on!
Firstly of all, Glad you had such a pawsome trip. OMD! It looked like such a cool place, i wish I coulda been there to see it and snoof it too.
Happy Easter to you! I like your Easter pic and your ears and all your new bunny friends. BOL!
~lickies, Ludo
Happy, hoppy Easter, Petey!
Tennis ball hunt?!!!!! Hoppy Easter to you too Petey bunny boy.
Ciao, Petey!
Ahemmm -- la-la-LA-la-LAAAA!!! (scusi ... solo un momento ... Lucia Pawvarotti is just warming up a bit ... ah, va bene):
Rosie'll be all in clover
And when they look you over
You'll be the proudest couple
In the Easter parade ....!!!
Tanti baci!
awww-nice additions in the pic Petey! ears look good too, if you ever want to go for a new look!
Hello Petey! Two Paws UP for your outstanding pikture and also for your recommendashon on the 4 Paws we have posted a note about it on the Dog Blog which we think you will enjoy and we hope it helps! we are truly admirers of your talentz and hope we can become good friendz! Love, your PaLs, LuLu and LoLLy! Come see your 4 paws post at: http://www.luluandlolly.com "Dog Blog!" :)
Happy Easter, Petey!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hoppy Easter to you dear friend!
I hope that you get all the tennies that your heart desires from the E bunny!
looking forward to seeing you....
You make the best easter bunny... I'll be over for the tennis ball hunt.
Happy Easter!
Don't furget to stop by my blog and check out my 100th post and enter the contest fur your chance to win some really cool prizes!
Big licks to you
Hoppy Easter Petey!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Happy Easter Petey!
Whoa, you make all the bunnies proud!
Happy Easter to you too.
Copy and paste into your browser to see my easter card for u
Happy Easter Petey. Hope you and your mum had a great weekend.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy x
Oh Petey...you look pawsitively dashin' in your Easter finery!!! We just caught up on ur bloggie...oh my...those flowers you showed us were soooooo bootiful!!!!!
We hope you had a fabbers Easter and got a yummy basket to chomp out of!!! We've had a few jelly beans ourselves!!!
Love ya lots!
Pee ess...Klacie has arrived...she's pretty entertainin'.....
Wow that's a lot of bunnies very clever:P
Love Travis
Hope you had a super duper treat filled Easter too!
When my mom had her Aussie Shepherd, she stole the Easter song from The Outback:
"In your Easter bonnet with Eucalyptus on it"
Mom is such a nerd
Hi Petey!!
My name is Tank and I want to be yur frend. You have a fun playhouse blog.
We are back from our boat trip and dropping by to say hello and catch up with all the news.
Simba and Jazzi xx
Aw, Petey - you look SOOOO cute!!
Honey the Great Dane
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