Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Stuff Dreams are Made Of....

This Hugh Hayden Dog Bed is made of recycled tennis balls from the New York Metropolitan area. It is 26" wide and made for small breed dogs up to 25 lbs. (I weigh 21! And I'll cut out the Frosty Paws if I must!). $285.00

Ahhh, sweet dreams!!!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Maybe woo need to ask Sandy Paws fur it!


Gus said...

Ahhh, but is there room in there for Rosie Posie?


Posy Linda said...

"Yeah, that's it Petey, we'll never ask for anything else ever again" said Posy to Petey. That is one pupplicious place to sleep!

Bocci said...

Wow, Petey! what a cool bed!
Don't think you'll need to cut out those "Frosty Paws", though:-). You look fit and trim from playing on the beach!

Your buddy,

Lorenza said...

That sure is the bed of your dreams, Petey!
I hope you get it!
Kisses and hugs

WFT Nobby said...

Uncle Petey
Maybe we should start a collection? If all your blogging friends just sent one new tennis ball then I'm sure your very creative Mom could invest in some suitable adhesive and, hey presto! a dog bed (suitably sized).
Just a thought.
Toodle pip!

How Sam Sees It said...

Could that possibly be comfortable? I imagine Sam and Monty trying to tear it apart to get the tennis balls out!


Anonymous said...

Petey, that bed is so you! We love it!

take care
Clive and Murray

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

We think this looks perfect for you!!

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi

sprinkles said...

My bigger chi would absolutely LOVE that bed but I'm afraid he'd tear it up. He adores his tennis balls! He currently has 10 and plays with them constantly. It's probably his favorite toy.

Duke said...

How awesome, Petey! Do you have the exact spot in your house picked out for it yet?

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Eric said...

Perfect for you Petey.It'll match my wedding present tennis ball chair..or did Rosie get half of the chair in the split settlement?

Watch out for Mr Amazon, he should be delivering something for you but it's not the ball bed. Aghhh if only I'd know before.

Wiry love Eric xx

Asta said...

Suwely youw clevew Mom can get you one of those faboolous beds cleawly designed wif you in mind
smoochie kisses

doyle and mollie said...

that just has to be the bestest bed we've ever seen
great find petey

Martha said...

Petey, you have just got to have that bed!
It was made for you!
We can see you now, snuggled up dreaming sweet dreams of tennis balls.
Tell your mom to get out the plastic!!!!
Alternatively maybe all we dogs can start collecting all the tennis balls we find and make you one!
Martha and Bailey xxx

Angus said...

And just exactly how long would this bed last before a playful pup decided to dismantle it - ball by ball ?